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1.1had no idea what (happen) the next day.

2. He was lucky to tell us that he (recover) then.

3. In a week's time I (relax) somewhere far from here.

4. The salary (rise, raise) the previous week. We (wait) for it since Christmas.

5. Van Houten, (which, who, that) was Dutch, was the first person to extract (a, the, -) chocolate from (a, the, —)


6. ... most people think Christian is ... best racing driver in ... world, (a/an, the, -)

7. He left without saying ... to ... . (something, anything, somebody, anybody)

8. You look upset. Are you ... some sort ... trouble? - Yes, ... a way, I am ... dept. (of, in, at, on)

9. Has ... postman come yet? I am expecting ... letter from my father, (a, an, the, -)

10. Who is responsible in your company (for, at, on) taking the most serious decisions (during, in, on) the talks?

11. Since I (decide) to get a new job I (worry) whether the decision I (take) was the right one.

12. My neighbours (make) so (much, many, a lot) noise at late hours!

13. ... was heard of the book but only ... could read it. (little, much, a few, a lot of)

14. Nothing (hear) from Pauline since her car (steal).

15. (Can, should, may) you be quiet? Some of us (try) to work (on, for, in) the report.

16. She was ... first woman to be elected to ... Parliament, (a, an, the, -)

17. If ... delays you, please, let me know, (anything, something, anywhere)

18. If (some, any, no) questions are asked, it means that (all, every, nobody) of you have understood the topic.

19. Who is ... man in ... black suit, sitting at... head of ... table? (a, an, the, -)

20. They arrived (at, to, in) London (for, on, while) business.

21. ... (not, tell) her about it until she (ask) you.

22. No wonder, you (not, become) slimmer yet. You (eat) sweets all days long.

23. We (not, know) what (happen) to the ship they (sail). Now we (know) the truth.

24. I remember the days when no decision (make) until all the employees (interview).

25. The weather here (is, can, ought to) be awful at this time of the year.

26. I didn't like ... person sitting ... next to me in ... class, (a, an, the, -)

27. There isn't (many, much, few) space in the room. It's stuffed with furniture.

28. If you go to ... end of ... street and turn left, you'll see one of ... architectural masterpieces - ... St. Paul's Cathedral, (a, an, the, -)

29. Actions speak (loud) than words.

30. We are angry (with, for, on) our neighbours (at, for, with) their making so much noise every evening.

31. He is 17 and (leave) school soon. He (be) here for 11 years.

32. The director (tell) me that they (have) a vacancy for a secretary now.

33. I (think) about you all the time since we (part).

34. When I came, the boxes (not, pack) yet. I made everyone (to hurry, hurry) up.

35. He couldn't tell (nobody, anybody, somebody) since when he (know) Jack.

36. There was ... ancient building at ... end of ... street, (a, an, the, -)

37. I am afraid I have not ... news to convey but there are ... things I'd like to add. (much, a little, a few)

38. We arrived ... London ... a bright summer morning, (at, on, in, for)

39. Never speak ill of (a, an, the, -) dead.

40. What were Mike's reasons (in, for, of) giving (out, from, up) his job?

41. Read the text and do the exercises given below.

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13.09.2022 14:35

The Gitt ot $ torgteling Історія повинна розповідати собі, що треба, розум до розуму, серце до серця. Стенлі Робертсон (казкар), можливо, найкращий б провести холодну зимову ніч в Ірландії - це сісти перед вогнем і насолодитися компанією Сіначае, казкаря. Ірландії можна розповісти багато історій, і вони належать до двох груп: міфів та легенд та народних казок. Протягом багатьох років люди передавали історії, складаючи велику традицію. йти та легенди - це історії про велетнів, святих. воїни і королі. Це казки про героїв, які долають великі перешкоди, борються з чарівними звірами і мають неймовірних? пригоди. Однією з таких легенд є історія про благородного чемпіона Фіна Мака Кумхала та його групу воїнів Фіанну, які захищали Високих королів Ірландії. олк-казки розважають людей, навчаючи їх моральним цінностям С. Ці сторики мають найнезвичайніших персонажів: фей, ельфів, лепреконів та багатьох інших. Лепрекон - один з найпопулярніших персонажів ірландського фольклору. Його назва означає «маленьке тіло». Це тип феї, яка виготовляє взуття і має прихований скарб: горщик3, наповнений золотом. Якщо ви зловите його, він повинен негайно повідомити вам таємне місце знаходження свого скарбу. Але будьте обережні! Він спробує обманути вас на секунду відвести погляд, а потім зникне! об'єкт / річ, від якої важко йти туди, куди хочеш чогось такого незвичайного чи дивного, хоча ти не можеш повірити, що це правда 3а великий старий горщик або банка


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15.05.2022 23:17

Actually, I’m not fond of sport, but sometimes I watch hockey games with my parents. My favorite team is SKA from Saint-Petersburg, Russia and in my opinion, the best player of the team is Iliya Kovalchuk.

Ilya started his hockey career when he was 16 years old in Tver. At first time he was a player of the famous Moscow team ‘Spartak’. He is a fantastic hockeyist and the player is loved by Russians so much. Probably, it is because he is the first Russian player invited in NHL in 2001. Ilya played in such Russian hockey teams as “Spartak”, “Ak bars” and “SKA”, but he also signed some contracts with teams of USA and played in “Atlanta” and “New Jersey”. Ilya is also known as a finalist of the Stanley Cup.

Besides, his team won a bronze medal at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games and Ilya has been a member of Russian Olympic team three times at least. Ilya has been honored with the Master of Sports title. In 2015 he gained silver medals of the World Championship.

Indeed, a lot of women like this guy because he is a very handsome and charismatic man. He is really tall (191 cm) and big (100 kg) like a savage Russian bear. His position in the team is forward. Competitors are afraid of him, but he is so respected by his partners and hockey fans.

By the way, Ilya Kovalchuk participates in different charity events and social occasions with other celebrities. He is favorable guest on every party. Ilya is known as a very good-natured and sociable sportsman. That’s why SKA twitter gets more than 100 000 followers.

As for me, I guess, that such people as mr. Kovalchuk can make every game more spectacular and interesting. I like him for his outstanding performance and achievements. He is not only a clever, nice and charming man but a great professional in the hockey sphere, that’s why he is my favorite sportsman.

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