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№1 (25 points)
You will hear Christina Bunt, a human resources manager for Tesco, Britain’s largest chain
of supermarkets and the biggest food retailer in the UK.
Listen to the recording twice and for each question (1-5) mark one letter (A, B or C) for the
correct answer.
1. What part of her job does Christina enjoy most?
A. Teaching job skills
B. Challenging tasks
C. Maintaining discipline in the workplace
2. What, according to Christina, makes managing people easy?
A. Strong discipline
B. Recruiting the right staff
C. Training staff to be friendly and polite
3. How did Christina become a personnel manager?
A. Tesco recruited her as a personnel manager.
B. She trained in another company as a personnel manager.
C. She started at the bottom and came up through the ranks.
4. What would she like to be doing in ten years’ time?
A. Opening new stores
B. Working as a store manager
C. Working in human resources
5. Which of these things does Christina recommend candidates should do when they go for
a job interview at Tesco?
A. Dress very smartly
B. Behave in a friendly, casual way
C. Try to look relaxed
Task №2 (15 points)
Read the article and answer the questions below. For each question 6-10, mark one letter (A,
B, C or D) for the answer you choose.
From Satisfaction to Loyalty
Just how do you take your customers from satisfaction to loyalty? Those were the
questions Dr Jodi Simco and Dr Mark Royal of Hay Group, a human resources consulting firm,
answered at LOMA's recent Customer Service Conference. Simco and Royal talked about the
link they've found between business culture, employee loyalty, customer loyalty and revenue
'First, it's important to ask ourselves just what our definition of customer loyalty is,'
Simco said. 'And based on our research, we've found that it's when your customers have a strong
bond to you and come back to you time and time again. They view you as the provider of choice.
So they're not just looking for the lowest-cost vendor. They're going to come back to your
company and not only use your current products and services, but maybe start using some new
ones and recommending them to others.'
Simco identified two factors that decide whether satisfied customers will become loyal
ones: the outcome that customers experience and the process by which they receive it. 'We've all
bought cars, and the car might be the most wonderful car, so the outcome was positive,' Simco
said. 'But we might decide not to go back to the car dealership because they were annoying to
work with. In this case, the process was negative.' People, in the form of employees, are part of
that process, she explained, and 'people are your key competitive advantage. It's your people who
developed those relationships with your customers, and you really need to focus on them.'
Furthermore, when it comes to convincing people in your organisation of the impact that
customer loyalty can have on your bottom line, the business case for building loyalty is quite
simple. 'None of us is surprised that loyal customers are going to repurchase at two to four times
the rate of just purely satisfied customers,' she said. 'And they're going to enthusiastically
recommend your company to others. So they can serve as your best marketer. Loyal customers
are also willing to pay more for your services.'
Hay Group has identified a few primary factors about a company that can make the
difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 'The top factor is value: "Is this
company's product or service having a positive impact on my business? Do I have a strong return
on investment?" Ease of doing business is a big thing, too,' Simco continued. 'Are you easy to do
business with, or are you problematic? Finally, your people are important, in terms of whether
they show responsiveness, integrity, trust and professionalism.'
'In today's marketplace, where most organisations are facing global competitors and a
rapid flow of information, it's hard to be different from your rivals because best practices spread
across an industry very rapidly,' Royal said. 'But it's much harder for your competitors to
duplicate a successful organisation that consists of a lot of highly motivated, highly engaged
people who are focused on the customer, and this provides real opportunities for competitive
6. What produces customer loyalty, according to Simco in paragraph 2?
A The price of the product
B The quality of the product
C The relationship with the supplier
D The recommendation of friends
7. What, according to Simco in paragraph 3, is the key factor in making a company better
than its rivals?
A A superior product
B Good quality staff
C Good value for money
D Good procedures for dealing with customers
8. In paragraph 4, what is given as the main benefit of having loyal customers?
A It improves the company's image.
B It increases profits.
C It is easi

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25.04.2023 01:51
To stay healthy, a person must not only exercise and give up bad habits, but also to carefully watch what he eats.

Nutritionists around the world continue to stubbornly argue about what kind of foods are the most useful to man.

According to scientists, the first title of the "most useful products," earned berries. Especially emphasize the researchers properties of blueberries.

The list of the most useful food came and nuts, and a separate view of scientists do not emit - useful for everything. Nuts are a source of many vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats.

Onions and garlic - certainly healthy food, and scientists confirm this. As a treasure-trove of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, mineral oils, these foods have a positive effect on the entire human body.

Harmful food - how much do we eat it for his life? Much. How much it affects our beauty and health? Very much.

Most harmful food is sweet carbonated drinks, potato chips, chocolate bars, fast food, candy, hot dogs, sausages, sausages, alcohol, salt, etc.

Any, even the most healthy meal can be harmful if not comply with the measure. Follow this - and your health, and your beauty will tell you very much, thanks!

Чтобы оставаться здоровым, человек должен не только следить и отказаться от вредных привычек, но и тщательно следить за тем, что он ест.
Диетологи всего мира продолжают упорно спорить о том, какие продукты являются наиболее полезными для человека.
По мнению ученых, первый титул "самых полезных продуктов," заработали ягоды. Особо подчеркивают исследователи свойства черники.

В списокЕ наиболее полезной еды ЕСТЬ и орехи, отдельный вид ученые не выделяют - полезны все. Орехи являются источником многих витаминов, минералов, белков, полезных жиров.
Лук и чеснок - конечно, здоровая пища, и ученые это подтверждают. Как сокровищница витаминов, минералов, микроэлементов, минеральных масел, эти продукты оказывают положительное влияние на весь организм человека.

Вредная пища - сколько мы съедаем ее за свою жизнь? Много. Насколько это влияет на нашу красоту и здоровье? Очень сильно.

Самая вредная еда это сладкие газированые напитки, картофельные чипсы, шоколадные батончики, продукты быстрого приготовления, леденцы, сосиски, сардельки, колбаса, алкоголь, соль и так далее
Любая, даже самая полезная еда может нанести вред, если не соблюдать меру. Соблюдайте это – и ваше здоровье, и ваша красота скажут вам большое, человеческое
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14.02.2020 19:20
Lake Urgun is the most/a beautiful place for the camping.тут либо превосходная степень, либо артикль а - и так и так правильно
The Kalkan is as beautiful as the Urgun.
The Red sea is really red because of corals. The Agidel is (the most/a) - тут либо превосходная степень, либо артикль а - и так и так правильно, в зависимомти от того, что требуется в упражнении favoutite river of the most tourists.
Thr Urals are old (the oldest) mountains. Урал - старые горы, либо старейшие - оба варианта верны, смотрите там, что вам нужно
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