1)Чем отличается сцены дуэли в "Евгений Онегине" И "Герои нашего времени"
2)Почему Пушкин винит своего героя в убийстве,
а Лермонтов прощает Печорина?
Можно вашими словами
Учитель не должен найти мои ответы такие же как и в инете)))
the evenings. 3. They are so happy! 4. When are they at home? — They are at
home in the morning. 5. Who is ill? —
Our mothers are. 6. Are you hungry? — No, we aren't. 7. Are your sisters at school? — No, they aren’t.
They aren’t at school. 8. Who is away? — The Petrovs are away. 9. Are we right? —Yes, you are. 10. How are you? — We are quite well, thank you. 11. Are
you tired? — Yes, we are. 12. There are women in the room. 13. Who is
absent? — Ivanov and Petrov are. 14.We are thirsty. 15. They are wrong.