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1. Choose the appropriate answer. They ... her to the party, so she ... there. A) didn’t invite / went B) invited / didn’t go C) don’t invite / went D) didn’t invite / didn’t go E) invited / don’t go 2. Choose the appropriate answer. What ... you ... at the weekend? A) did ... did B) did ... do C) do ... did D) did ... does E) did ... to do 3. Choose the appropriate answer. I ... in a travel agency now. Before that I ... in a shop. A) work / worked B) worked / work C) work / work D) worked / worked E) works / worked 4. Choose the appropriate answer. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ... very well. A) didn’t slept B) slept C) didn’t sleep D) sleep E) don’t sleep 5. Choose the appropriate answer. It was a funny situation but nobody ... . A) didn’t laugh B) laugh C) don’t laugh D) didn’t laughed E) laughed 6. Choose the appropriate answer. Susan ... a lot of money yesterday. She ... a dress which ... $100. A) spent / bought / costed C) spent / bought / cost B) cost / spent / bought D) bought / spent / cost E) spend / bought / cost 7. Choose the appropriate answer. Ted ... the ball to Ann, who ... it. A) throw / caught B) threw / caught C) caught / threw D) thrown / caught E) catch / throw 8. Choose the appropriate answer. Bob ... down the stairs yesterday and ... his leg. A) fell / hurted B) fall / hurt C) fell / hurts D) fallen / hurted E) fell / hurt 14 9. Choose the appropriate answer. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ... it. A) didn’t sell C) solded B) don’t sell D) sold E) didn’t sold 10. Choose the appropriate answer. - How ... you ... to drive? - My uncle ... me. A) do ... learn / teach C) did ... learn / taught B) did ... learn / teached D) do ... learn / teached E) did ... learnt / taught 21. Choose the appropriate answer. A: … your friends … yesterday? B: No, they … the day before yesterday. A) Did … leave / leaved C) Did … leave / leave B) Did … left / left D) Do … leave / left E) Did … leave / left 22. Choose the appropriate answer. A: What time … you … this morning? B: I … at seven o’clock. A) did … got up / got up C) did … get up / got up B) do … get up / get up D) did … get up / get up E) do … get up / got up 23. Choose the appropriate answer. A: When … in Khiva last time? B: I … there 2 years ago. A) did you be / was B) were you / was E) did you be / went C) were you / were D) was you / was 24. Choose the appropriate answer. A: How … to the University when you … there? B: I … there by metro. It … me twenty minutes. A) did you get / studied / went / takes C) did you get / study / go / took B) did you get / studied / went / took D) did your get / studied / went / took E) did you get / studied / went / take 25. Choose the appropriate answer. A: … to the exhibition yesterday? B: No, I couldn’t. I … busy. A) Did you go / was C) Did you go / am B) Did you went / was D) Did you go / wasn’t E) Do you go / am 26. Choose the appropriate answer. A: It … very dark in the room when I … in. B: … on the light? A: Yes, I did. B: Was there anybody there? A) was / come / Did you turn C) was / came / Did you turn 15 B) were / came / Did you turn D) was / came / Do you turn E) wasn’t / came / Did you turn 27. Choose the appropriate answer. A: Did you know them then? B: I … them, but they … me. A) knew / didn’t know B) knew / knew C) knew / didn’t knew D) didn’t know / didn’t know E) know / didn’t know 28. Choose the appropriate answer. The restaurant … very expensive. It … very much. A) was / didn’t cost C) wasn’t / cost B) wasn’t / didn’t cost D) was / costed E) wasn’t / doesn’t cost 29. Choose the appropriate answer. - How … to speak English? - My aunt, an English teacher … me. A) did you learnt / taught C) did your learn / teached B) did you learn / teaches D) did you learn / taught E) did you learn / teached 30. Choose the appropriate answer. I … in a hurry, so I … time to call on you. Sorry. A) was / didn’t had C) was / had B) wasn’t / didn’t have D) wasn’t / have E) was / didn’t have 21. Choose the appropriate answer. They ... her to the party, that’s why she ... there. A) didn’t invite / went C) don’t invite / went B) invited / went D) did invite / didn’t go E) invited / didn’t go 22. Choose the appropriate answer. They ... her to the party, but she ... there. A) didn’t invite / goes C) invited / didn’t go B) didn’t invited / went D) didn’t invite / didn’t go E) invited / don’t go 23. Choose the appropriate answer. The restaurant … very expensive. It … very much. A) was / didn’t cost C) wasn’t / cost B) wasn’t / didn’t costed D) was / cost E) wasn’t / doesn’t cost

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03.07.2022 14:22

  My favourite musical instrument

There are a lot of musical instruments in the world. Some of them are very old, some only appeared not long ago. My favourite musical instrument is the guitar, which is actually one of the most popular and widely used instruments.

I play the acoustic guitar, but I would like to play the electric guitar too. I like playing this great instrument for a few reasons. Firstly, it is not very difficult to learn to play it (although I know it takes years to become a really good guitarist). Moreover, they say when you learn to play the guitar it helps to improve your coordination. Secondly, the guitar sounds equally well when there is just one person playing it and when there is a band. Thirdly, I love my guitar because I can take it with me anywhere. Fourthly, we can play so many different genres of music —  blues, country, flamenco, folk, jazz, metal, punk, reggae, rock, soul, and pop!

So to me the guitar is the best instrument.


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17.07.2022 10:11

I've never seen Star Wars.

 1. He left quite early but he hasn't arrived yet

2. We haven't seen each other since we left school.

3. Have you ever written a poem?

4. She has never been to Istanbul.

5. I lent him 50 euro last week, but he hasn't paid me back yet.

6. I don't see them often but  I've known them for ten years  .

7. What year did you leave school?

8. We're lost. We have already been down this road twice.

9. I sent her an email last week, but she hasn't replied yet .

10. They have lived in that house since 1980.

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