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1.Fill in the blanks. A. Geography Britain lies off the north-west coast of Europe. It consists of two large islands - (1) and (2) and about (3) smaller ones. The neighbours are (4) to west and (5) to south-east. The area of GB is about ... (6) thousand sq km. The main mountain regions here are the Mountains (7) in Wales, the Cumbrian Mountains in the (8), the (9) (the Backbone of England). The Cheviot Hills are on the border between (10) and (11). The highest mountains of GB are the of Scotland (12). The highest mountain is ... (13) - 1342 m. The longest rivers are the (14) and the (15). B. People Population of the UK is about .. (1) million people. The density is one of the (2) in the world. We can find the following ethnic groups here: (81.5%) (3), (9.6%) (4), (2.4%) (5), Welsh, Ulster, Pakistani and others. There live also many people from India. They are called (6) . The majority of people speak (7). There are also minority languages which are of (8) origin - Welsh, Scottish and Irish Gaelic. Welsh is spoken in Western (9) and Irish Gaelic is still spoken in the Republic (10). C. Administration Great Briatin is a (1) with the Queen as the (2) of state. Britain is divided into (3) parts : (4) (London capital), (5) (Cardiff capital), Scotland ( capital) (6) and Nothern Ireland ( capital) (7). Wales was politically linked in (8). The English an Scottish (9) were united in 1603 and their (10) in 1707. (11) became the part of this union in 1801 but in (12) the most of Ireland became a separate state - the Irish Republic. Locally is Britain divided into (13). The (14) of whole Britain is London. The second largest city here is (15). British national flag is sometimes called the (16). The flag of England is St. ‘s cross (17) (white and red), Scotland has St. Andrew’s cross (blue and white) and Ireland has St. ‘s cross (18) (white and red diagonals). The red rose is the national symbol of (19), Wales has the leek and the (20), Scotland has the thistle and Ireland the shamrock. D. Interesting places Oxford and (1) are the oldest university towns. (2) is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. B (3), Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Blackpool, Sunderland and Scarborough are the most famous s r (4). They have fine sandy beaches. C (5) is an old town with a majestic cathedral. It is a seat of the archbishop. In the south of England there is also W (6), once it was the capital of England. Near Salisbury we can see the beautiful historical monument of S (7), which is more than (8) years old. The west country has nearly no (9). The most interesting places here are Bristol, E (10), Plymouth and B... (11). This is a spa town and was built by the R (12) 2000 years ago. There are also many n p (13) there, e.g. Dartmoor and Exmoor national parks. B (14) is the geographical heart of England and the second largest city in Britain. Other important cities are M (15), L (16), L (17), Y (18) and S (19). Northern England is the country of beautiful nature. The most famous lake in the Lake District is W L... (20). E.Wales and Scotland – Interesting Places Wales is sometimes called the land of c (1). The land is full of beauty and mystery. The biggest cities here are C (2), S (3) and N (4). There is also a beautiful national park of S (5). Scotland is a historically and culturally separate country from England. It has its own legal and e (6) and c (7). It is the land of many special traditions - playing the (8), quality (9), wearing (10) made of (11) and so on. The biggest city here is G (12) and Edinburgh is the (13) of Scotland. The North of the country is a large mountain and lake area. The largest lake is Loch (14) and the most famous lake is Loch (15) with its monster. ​

Показать ответ
26.12.2020 02:56
be fond of- I'm fond of reading booksSometimes I get bored with doing my homeworkI'm good at solving different problemsI don't mind meeting new peopleBruno Mars is famous for his romantic songsI look forward to going to the mountainsI'm interested in studying EnglishI've always dreamt of winning in a lotteryI can't stand people who always complain about something


Мне нравится чтение книгИногда мне становится скучно от выполнения дом.заданийМне хорошо удается решать разные проблемыЯ не против встреч с новыми людьмиБруно Марс знаменит своими романтическими песнямиЯ с нетерпением жду поездки в горыМне интересно изучать англ.язЯ всегда мечтал выиграть в лотереюТерпеть не могу вечно жалующихся на что то людей
0,0(0 оценок)
12.06.2021 14:42

ответ:Bella is 30 years old and pregnant. She

a successful and happy woman, but it wasn't like that.

it's always been that way. Ten years ago, she graduated from University.

University with a teaching degree and a large number of

hopes and dreams. By the time she graduated from high school,

she to go and study

Japanese and

I've been saying this in English for years

they are free. She decided to move to Japan

and try your luck there. Bella found it

good work immediately upon arrival. That one

the company was small, and Bella was the only one.

a foreigner among the staff.

good work immediately upon arrival.

the company was small, and Bella was the only one.

a foreigner among the staff. She found out later

that her nationality was the only reason she .worked Bella felt that she suitable

Q. her colleagues  hinted all the time that she

a stranger was there, and no one cared.

her opinion. Despite her habit of looking at

the bright side of it all, Bella soon got

he was depressed and ready to give up.

To top it all off, she felt very lonely. She left

I found a job for myself

a place in a large international company. Soon

after that, she met her future husband. Step by step

step by step, she moved to new career levels

and get one promotion after another. What bothered

her personal life, herself ...

their relationship was going well. Bella and her

the husbands are both foreigners in Japan, and they

had to do everything possible to earn enough to buy

the apartment is located there. At this point, they completed

reconstruction of the building

a room for their unborn child. They hope

everything becomes even better. This time next year, the three of them are enjoying their summer vacation by the sea in Okinawa.


0,0(0 оценок)
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