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1 Fill in the gaps with apart, behind or out.

1. Tim has fallen with Sam because he broke his MP3 player.

2. She fell with her schoolwork when she was ill.

3. The bookcase fell as soon as we placed some books on it.

2 Write the correct reflexive pronoun in the gap.

1. Did you hurt badly in the accident?

2. I made the meal .

3. We don’t need any help. We are going to do it .

4. He usually goes to the gym by .

5. The computer switched off by .

6. The new teacher introduced to the class.

3 Fill in the correct word.

sore ache miserable chip flu sprain hurt appointment

1. Can I have some honey, please? My throat is .

2. I have a(n) to see the doctor this afternoon.

3. Polly didn’t go to school today as she had a stomach .

4. John has his back and has to rest.

5. When you a tooth you have to go to the dentist.

6. What happened? Did you your wrist?

4 Read the text below and choose A, B or C to complete the sentences.

Oxfarm is a UK charity that helps people who are in need of food and water and whose lives are 1) danger when natural disasters hit the 2) thy live in. Members 3) Oxfarm are spread out around the world. Spain, Germany, the United States and Canada are only 4) of the countries that are part of the Oxfarm family. Volunteers from all over the world offer their help to improve the quality of life of 5) people.

A) in B) out C) on

A) world B) area C) house

A) to B) under C) of

A) some B) many C) any

A) unable B) unlucky C) unusual

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06.06.2020 11:52

My BiographyМоя биографияLet me introduce myself. My full name is *своё имя на англ*. I’m *свой возраст* years old. It is a large city in southern Russia. I grew up and studied in this city. Many young people would want to be on my place as Rostov opens up numerous career opportunities.Разрешите мне представить себя. Мое полное имя . Мне лет. Это большой город на юге России. Я выросла и училась в этом городе. Многие молодые люди хотели бы быть на моем месте, так как Ростов открывает многочисленные возможности для карьерного роста.My parents are both doctors. My mum’s name is Elena and she is a dentist. My dad’s name is Kirill and he is a cardiologist. They both have noble jobs as they help other people from day to day.Мои родители оба являются врачами. Мою маму зовут Елена, и она стоматолог. Моего отца зовут Кирилл и он кардиолог. У них обоих благородная работа, поскольку они другим людям изо дня в день.When I was little we often visited my grandparents who live in a small village in Rostov region. They have a large country house with a garden behind it. My grandmother liked working in her own garden. Every year she has a rich harvest of fruit and vegetables. My grandfather is a mechanic and he likes fixing things. I have positive memories of the village they lived in because each time I came to visit I went for a walk with local kids. I’ve had many good friends there. Sometimes when my granddad went fishing he took me with him. I could never catch a fish but I liked watching him. My grandmother also spent lots of time with me. She often told me interesting stories and she taught me how to cook an apple-pie.Когда я была маленькой, мы часто посещали бабушку и дедушку, которые живут в небольшой деревне в Ростовской области. У них большой загородный дом, за которым есть сад. Моя бабушка любит работать в своем саду. Каждый год у нее богатый урожай фруктов и овощей. Мой дедушка механик и ему нравится все чинить. У меня положительные воспоминания о деревне, в которой они жили, потому что каждый раз, когда я навещала их, я ходила гулять с местными детьми. У меня там было много хороших друзей. Иногда, когда мой дедушка ходил на рыбалку, он брал меня с собой. У меня никогда не получалось поймать рыбу, но мне нравилось наблюдать за ним. Моя бабушка также проводила много времени со мной. Она часто рассказывала мне интересные истории, и научила меня готовить яблочный пирог.The school where I studied was right behind our block of flats. My favourite subjects included History, Geography and Foreign languages.Школа, в которой я училась, находилась прямо позади нашего многоквартирного дома. Моими любимыми предметами были история, география и иностранные языки.This year I’ve graduated from high school and now I’m going to enter a local Law school. My parents were a bit disappointed because they’ve always wanted me to get medical education. However, I’ve made up my mind to become a lawyer. I think it’s a popular and demanded profession nowadays. My dream is to succeed in my profession and to study further at the university. After graduation I want to travel a bit around Europe.В этом году я окончила старшие классы, и теперь собираюсь поступать в местный юридический техникум. Мои родители были немного разочарованы, потому что они всегда хотели, чтобы я получила медицинское образование. Тем не менее, я решила, что буду юристом. Я думаю, что это популярная и востребованная профессия в настоящее время. Я мечтаю добиться успеха в своей профессии и учиться дальше в университете. После окончания университета я хочу немного попутешествовать по Европе.

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25.12.2021 22:08
Упражнение 103
Вставьте some, any или no.
1. We haven't got any milk. We can't make an omelette. 2. Bob always likes some sugar in his coffee. 3. Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted some bread.
They haven't got any stamps. I can't post my letter.
He has got no money. He can't spend his holidays in Switzerland any more and stay at luxury hotels.
There are no schools in this street. 7. Are there any pictures in your book? 8. There are no flowers here in winter. 9. I can see some children in the yard. They are playing. 10. Are there any new buildings in your street? 11. There are no people in the park because it is cold. 12. I saw some boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them. 13. They borrowed some good books from the library. 14. Give me some tea, please,
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