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Русский язык

1. He ….. too long and got a headache. a) studied; b) was studying; c) had been studying
2. you the concert on the radio at 5?
a) have heard; b) were hearing; c) did hear
3. I wonder if they in time.
a) come; b) will come; c) are coming
4. He married three times when he young.
a) has got; was; b) had got; was; c) got; was
5. By that time she any more explanation, she everything.
a) didnۥt need; had understood; b) hadnۥt needed; had understood;
c) didnۥt need; understood
6. How long you this information?
a) havehad; b) dohave; c) have been having
7. He a word yet since he .
a) hasnۥt said; has come; b) hasnۥt said; came; c) hasnۥt been saying; came
8. My friends and I to the cinema this Saturday.
a) go; b) will go; c) are going
9. Iۥll tell him the truth as he me.
a) will ask; b) ask; c) asks
10. We ... the book during several lessons and a composition.
a) discussed; wrote; b) had been discussing; wrote; c) were discussing; wrote
11. Who after your garden lately?
a) has looked; b) has been looking; c) looked
12. I was late. My friends for me.
a) were already waiting; b) had already been waiting; c) already waited
13. What to him in the last few days?
a) happened; b) has happened; c) is happening
14. What time ... your classes ...?
a) are...starting; b) do ... start; c) will ... start
15. He ...his grammar for two hours yesterday.
a) has been practising; b) was practising; c) practised
16. He his passport and couldnۥt go away.
a) had lost; b) has lost; c) lost
17. He ... a word. The man ... a foreign language.
a) didnۥt understand; was speaking; b) didnۥt understand; spoke;
c) wasnۥt understanding; was speaking
18. He was amazed when he ... the church.
a) had seen; b) saw; c) was seeing
19. The woman was in despair. Her child .
a) had disappeared; b) disappeared; c) has disappeared
20. I think that if Pete the secret nobody will find out anything.
a) keeps; b) will keep; c) is keeping
21. she her mind?
a) did change; b) has been changing; c) has changed
22. I hope that the situation .
a) soon clears up; b) will soon clear up; c) is soon going to clear up
23. Itۥs the first time I abroad.
a) am; b) have been; c) was
24. I could see Mrs. Bell through the window. She the curtains and them.
a) washed; hung; b) was washing; was hanging; c) had washed; was hanging
25. She on the phone! No wonder you canۥt get through.
a) is always talking; b) has always been talking; c) always talks
26. What he ... you?
a) didtell; b) hastold; c) hasbeen telling
27. It late when he came and she asleep.
a) had already been; had already been; b) was; was; c) had already been; was
28. I you a present the other day.
a) bought; b) have bought; c) had bought
29. They each other for many years thatۥs why she canۥt believe it.
a) know; b) knew; c) have known
30. They a house of their own for about a year when they decided to move to another city.
a) had; b) have had; c) had had
31. John said, “ Iۥm sorry to disturb you, Eliza”.
a) John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza
b) John told Eliza he was sorry to disturb her
c) John said to Eliza he had been sorry to disturb her
32. He said, “Where is Jill going?”
a) He asked where was Jill going
b) He asked where Jill is going
c) He asked where Jill was going

33. Sally said, “I would like to buy it”
a) Sally said that she would like to buy it
b) Sally said she would have liked to buy it
c) Sally said that she liked to buy it
34. “If I had any instructions, I would know what to do”, said Mag.
a) Mag said that if she had had any instructions she would have known what to do
b) Mag said if she had any instructions she knew what to do
c) Mag said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do
35. Robby asked, “Bobby, do you know the Old Barn Hotel? Itۥs on the Carl Road”.
a) Robby asked Bobby if he knew the Old Barn Hotel that was on the Carl Road
b) Robby asked Bobby did he know the Old Barn Hotel; it was on Carl Road
c) Robby asked Bobby where the Old Barn Hotel was
36. The doctor asked, “How do you feel?”
a) The doctor asked how did I feel b) The doctor asked how I felt
c) The doctor asked how I had felt
37. “Will you be free tomorrow?” Colin asked Richard.
a) Richard asked would Colin be free the next day
b) Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day

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28.06.2021 09:08

5 Диалогты қораптағы фразалық етістіктердің дұрыс формасымен толықтырыңыз. қысқарту жұмыс жоқ көтеру жоқ өшіру бас тарту 2 Том сен неге сымбаттысың? Сара 1_ зиянды тамақ. Мен екі айдан бері ешқандай шоколад жеген жоқпын! Том Мен бұны байқап көрер едім, бірақ гамбургерлерді жасай алмадым! Сара Сіз қантқа 3 бола аласыз. Сіз гамбургермен бірге чиптің орнына салат аласыз. Том менің ойымша. Сара Сізге спорт керек. Том Бірақ мен істей алмаймын ... Сара Тек жаса! компьютер ойынын ойна және менімен бірге жүгіруге кел! Том Бұл байсалды естіледі. Сара Біз бір шақырымнан бастай аламыз және әр уақытта одан әрі қарай жүгіре аламыз. Том Бірақ мен жүгіруді жек көремін - Сара Спортзал туралы не деуге болады? Ертең сабақтан кейін неге менімен бірге келмейсің?



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28.06.2021 09:08

1. Yes, I am. In my opinion art is one of the best ways of self-expression.

2. Of course, yes. People can show personal opinions and judgments through art.

3. I thimk anyone can be an artist, because I believe there is no talentless people. If you can draw, you can be an artist. It does not depend on your skill.

4. Now digital art is getting more and more popular, so we can also see paintings on the Internet.

5. I think yes, but every message is different. Some people just want to draw something beautiful and show their skills, some people want to show issues that otherwise would go unnoticed


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