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29.12.2020 22:04 •  Английский язык

1.he wanted to know if i him a present.
a. will give
b. would give
c. give
d. gave

вопрос 2 nina's waist thinner and thinner.
a. were getting
b. have got
c. got
d. is getting

вопрос 3
the train at 2 p.m.
a. is leaving
b. will leave
c. leaves
d. leave

вопрос 4
good news fast.
a. travel
b. will be travelled
c. are travelling
d. travels

вопрос 5
when i e-mail to peter this morning, the computer suddenly turned off.
a. has written
b. was writing
c. write
d. wrote
6. i saw you yesterday from the bus. where you at that time?
a. was hurrying
b. had hurried
c. did hurry
d. were hurrying

вопрос 7
this time last week i to london.
a. drove
b. have driven
c. have been driving
d. was driving

вопрос 8
the water in this lake rarely in winter.
a. froze
b. is freezing
c. has frozen
d. freezes

вопрос 9
i can't come tonight. i my granny.
a. visited
b. am visiting
c. visit
d. shall visit

вопрос 10
after he i rushed to the telephone.
a. goes away
b. has gone away
c. go away
d. had gone away11.we haven't decided yet, but we of moving.
a. are thinking
b. think
c. had been thinking
d. have thought

вопрос 12
we've bought a new house and we in next week.
a. will be moved
b. are moved
c. have moved
d. are moving

вопрос 13
i wonder when he .
a. has come
b. is coming
c. comes
d. will come

вопрос 14
put your raincoat on before you .
a. left
b. has left
c. leave
d. will leave

вопрос 15
you this problem for half an hour by the time i get there.
выберите один ответ:
a. will have discussed
b. will have been discussing
c. will be discussing
d. will discuss
16.it started raining last week and it ever since.

a. hadn't stopped
b. hasn't stopped
c. hasn't been stopping
d. wasn't stopped

вопрос 17
i at the university for over eight years now.
a. has worked
b. work
c. have been working
d. am working

вопрос 18
why are you hot? - i .
a. was running
b. have run
c. have been running
d. ran

вопрос 19
i a shower when the phone rang.
a. have had
b. had
c. was having
d. have been having
вопрос 20
i don't think i the test by the end of the lesson.
a. have finished
b. will have finished
c. am finishing
d. will be finished
21.by the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students .
выберите один ответ:
a. have left
b. were leaving
c. left
d. had left

вопрос 22
a. constantly increases
b. is being constantly increasing
c. is constantly increasing
d. has been constantly increasing
вопрос 23
the world greatly since i left the white house.
выберите один ответ:
a. was changing
b. changed
c. has changed
d. has been changing
вопрос 24
if we late for the class, our teacher will be angry with us.
выберите один ответ:
a. is
b. will be
c. were
d. are
вопрос 25
i always play roulette but i never anything.
выберите один ответ:
a. has wined
b. win
c. wins
d. is winning
26.the vikings to north america a thousand years ago.
выберите один ответ:
a. had sailed
b. sail
c. have sailed
d. sailed
вопрос 27
it was the first time he football.:
a. was playing
b. played
c. had played
d. have played
вопрос 28
i for ages when he finally turned up.
выберите один ответ:
a. was waiting
b. wait
c. had been waiting
d. waited
вопрос 29
since the 1960s most of the african colonies independent.
выберите один ответ:
a. were becoming
b. have become
c. became
d. become
вопрос 30
by next august i my exams and i'll be ready for a holiday.
выберите один ответ:
a. will be finishing
b. will have been finishing
c. am finishing
d. will have finished
31. she off her coat, entered the house and went to the kitchen.
выберите один ответ:
a. had taken
b. has taken
c. was taking
d. took
вопрос 32
why the monitor yet?
выберите один ответ:
a. hasn't he been repaired
b. isn't he repaired
c. hasn't he repaired
d. aren't he repaired
вопрос 33
by the year 2100 the european population dramatically.
a. will have reduced
b. would reduce
c. has reduced
d. reduce
вопрос 34
they last week.
выберите один ответ:
a. get married
b. got married
c. got to marry
d. had married
вопрос 35
i every evening for the last few weeks.
выберите один ответ:
a. jogged
b. has been jogging
c. have been jogging
d. has jogged
i her the other day.
выберите один ответ:
a. meet
b. met
c. have met
d. had met
вопрос 37
we for an hour when we arrived at a picturesque field covered with fresh grass.
выберите один ответ:
a. had been walking
b. have been walking
c. were walking
d. had walked
вопрос 38
we tv white she was cleaning the carpet.
выберите один ответ:
a. had watched
b. had been watching
c. were watching
d. watched
вопрос 39
who will run mr. brent's business when he
выберите один ответ:
a. retires
b. will have retired
c. retired
d. will retire
вопрос 40
they to the golf club since they moved to glasgow.
выберите один ответ:
a. has been belonged
b. have been belonged
c. have belonged
d. have been belonging

Показать ответ
26.05.2020 11:59
Тони: Привет, Адам! Я нашел отличный фильм для нас.
Адам: О, как раз вовремя!  Мы здесь уже несколько часов. Какой?
Тони: Миссис Даутфайр с Робином Уильямсом.
Адам: Это самый смешной фильм на свете, но я видел его в выходные. Жаль!
Тони: О, нет! Тогда какие-нибудь другие предложения?
Адам: Хм, посмотрим. Что насчет "Шестого чувства"? Это самый жуткий триллер всех времен по мнению критиков.
Тони: Я не люблю триллеры. Я бы предпочел что-то более действенное.
Адам: Ну, что ты думаешь о таком фантастическом фильме, как "Властелин Колец"? Говорят, что это самая потрясающая картина.
Тони: Что ж, звучит хорошо!
0,0(0 оценок)
17.07.2020 05:19
Once, in school, all classes decided to make a costume party. Pupils talked and planed all day, and finally they decided to choose Venedig costumes.
One girl wasn't at school that day, and she arrived to party in clown costume.
She was embarrassed, but other understood, and they weren't laughing. Один раз в школе, все ученики захотели устроить костюмированную вечеринку, они обсуждали это весь день, и решили выбрать венецианские костюмы, одна девочка не была в тот день, и она пришла на вечеринку в костюме клоуна, к Ее счастью другие поняли Ее и не смеялись
0,0(0 оценок)
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