Английский язык
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22.06.2020 20:44 •  Английский язык

1. I brought … newspaper and … magazines. *

D. an, an

A. a, some

C. a, an

B. some,a


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

2. I (not go) out yesterday evening. *

D. wasn’t go

C. didn’t go

B. doesn’t go

A. don’t go

3. Are there ... German students in your class? *

A. some

B. any

C. the

D. a

4.Our group .. .(not have) an English lesson last week. *

A. doesn't have

B. haven't had

C. don't have

D. didn't have

5. Max and I usually go camping in August, but last summer we (stay) in a hotel. *

A. have stayed

B. stayed

C. stay

D. were stayed

6. Everybody in our family (help) Mummy about the house.; Dad (walk) the dog, I (water) the flowers, and my brother (clean) the rooms. *

A. helps, walks, water, cleans

B. help, walks, water, clean

C. help, walks, water, cleans

D. helps, walks, waters, clean

7. ..Dad... any brothers or sisters? *

A. Have Dad got

B. Does Dad has

C. Does Dad have

D. Did Dad have

8. Ann knew it, ... ? *

A. did she

B. didn’t she

C. doesn’t she

D. is she

9. We … tennis on Monday evenings, but my little sister … on Sundays. *

A. play / plays

B. play / play

C. plays / play

D. plays / plays

10. Your friend looked upset yesterday. I’m glad he looks … today. *

A) more happy;

B) more happier;

C) happy;

D) happier;

11. He said that money was …thing to him. *

A) most important;

B) the more important;

C) more important;

D) the most important.

12. The students … in the Russian museum last night. Last month they … in the Hermitage. *

A) are, was;

B) were, will be;

C) will be are;

D) were, were;

13. Translate: Сізге енді демалуға болады.. *

A) You must give a rest;

B) You should make a rest;

C) You can’t have a rest;

В) You may have a rest.

14. My friend asked me who ... the piano at that moment in the sitting room. *

A) plays;

B) played;

C) was playing;

D) had played;

15. I think the weather ... fine next week. *

A) will be;

B) would be;

C) was;

D) is;

16. I asked my sister to tell me what she ... at the museum. *

A) saw;

B) has seen;

C) had seen;

D) was seeing;

17. I’ll give you the book on condition you … it next week. *

A) return;

B) will return;

C) shall return;

D) returned;

18. There are a lot of … in this place. *

A) mice;

B) mouse;

C) mices;

D) mouses;

19. She usually ... her glasses, but now she is not wearing… *

A) wear/ them;

B) wears/ them;

C) wore/ them;

D) wore/ it;

20. Put a question to the subject in the following sentence. Jane told them about the space rock. *

A) What did Jane told them?;

B) Who told them about the space rock?;

C) Who tell them about the space rock?;

D) What Jane told them about space rock?;

21. How ... new grammar rules do you know? *

A) many;

B) much;

C) little;

D) few;

22. Choose the English equivalent Оқушыларға ереже түсіндірілді. *

A) The pupils were explained the rule;

B) The rule was explained to pupils;

C) The rules was explained to pupils;

D) The teacher explained the rule to the pupils;

23. Choose the correct variant *

A) It doesn’t not raining now;

B) It isn’t rain now;

C) It’s not raining now;

D) It doesn’t raining now;

24. Choose the correct variant *

A) Where he put them?

B) Where was he put them?

C) Where he was put them?

D) Where did he put them?

25. Choose the correct variant *

A) When you are going to have a meal?

B) When do you going to have a meal?

C) When are you going to have a meal?

D) When going you to have a meal?

26. Yesterday he (not to eat) breakfast because he (to get) up late. *

A) didn’t ate, get;

B) didn’t ate, got;

C) didn’t eat, get;

D) didn’t eat, got;

27. Choose correct variant *

A) Will you promise to step on your toes if I not dance with me?

B) Will you promise not dance with me if I step on to your toes?

C) If I promise not to step on your toes you will dance with me?

D) Will you dance with me if I promise not to step on your toes?

28. Sarah looks upset. Her husband wishes she … about their son s troubles. *

A) Did not worry;

B) Does not worry;

C) Do not worry;

D) Be not worry;

29. Sue is taking her English test tomorrow, but she does not know grammar well enough. She wishes she … it better. *

A) Learns;

B) Learnt;

C) Had learnt;

D) Have learnt;

30. Look! What a fashionable jeans I (to buy). *

A) are bought;

B) bought;

C) buys;

D) have bought;

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27.08.2020 08:01
Внелёгкие дни - в руки взяв казахстан, корпел над работой – вождь стран, нурсултан. пыл в трудоднях 20-ть упорных годов республику вывел – с последних рядов. он, божий посланец – для нашей земли, его, президентом – признать все смогли. таких ведь, великих – на мир единицы, и он, тот луч света – светящий в темницу.                                                 during the difficult days in the hands of taking kazakhstan,pored over the work - the leader of the country, nursultan. dust in workdays 20-th years of hard republic withdrew from the last series. he, a messenger from god for our land, its president is to recognize all could. such as, the great - world units,
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10.05.2022 17:32
Города новоалтайск начинается в  18 веке. именно в  это  время население устремилось в  золотой край сибири. первые поселения, возникшие в  18 веке на  месте, где  сегодня раскинулся город новоалтайск, были выстроены для  обороны от  степняков-кочевников. в  те  времена для  защиты от  нападений была построена легендарная белоярская крепость. удивительно, но  точного места ее  нахождения до  сей  поры, ни  , ни  археологам отыскать не  удалось. загадка? исследователи желают прояснить этот вопрос, поиски крепости продолжаются и  сейчас. остается отметить, что, как  поселение, современный новоалтайск возник в  1717. в  те  годы это  было небольшое селение с  укреплением, защищавших его  жителей от  набегов кочевых племен алтая. в  1942 это  поселение было преобразовано в  городок чесноковка, а  с  1962 чесноковке дано новое наименование  – новоалтайск.history  of  city  новоалтайск  begins  in   18  century .  exactly  atthis  time  the  russian  population  was  directed  in  the  goldedge  of  siberia .  the  first  settlements  arising  up  in   18  centuryin  place ,  where  a  city  новоалтайск  was  today  stretched,were  lined  up  for  a  defensive  from  степняков-кочевников .  inthose  times  for  protecting  from  attacks  the  legendaryбелоярская  fortress  was  built .  surprisingly ,  but  exact  placeof  her  being  to  this  pore ,  finding  neither  historians  norarchaeologists  was  not  succeeded .  riddle ?   researcherswish  to  make  clear  this  question ,  the  searches  of  fortressproceed  and  now .  remains  to  mark  that ,  as  a  settlement,modern  новоалтайск  arose  up  in   1717.  in  those  years  it  wassmall  settlement  with  strengthening ,  protecting  him  habitantsfrom  the  raids  of  nomadic  tribes  of  altai .  in   1942  thissettlement  was  regenerate  in  a  small  town  чесноковка ,  andfrom   1962  чесноковке  is  given  the  new  name  -
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