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Русский язык

1 I remember to play/playing with a tablet when I was young. 2 The teacher's angry because I forgot to do/doing my
3 I like to go/going to the dentist twice a year.
4 We stopped to eat/eating because we were hungry.
5 Did you forget to bring/bringing a pen? Don't worry. I've got
a spare one.
6 Can you remember to give/giving this to Dan when you see
him tomorrow?
7 You look really healthy now that you've stopped to eat/eating
junk food.
8 My dad likes to get/getting up early because that means he
can finish work early, too.

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04.01.2022 09:31
Следует разместить в отдельных секторах отели, документы, дома и деньги. Это позволит значительно упростить игровой процесс, когда нужные карточки будут в специально отведенном для них месте. «Монополия», правила размещения карточек в которой представлены в виде определенной диаграммы, имеет несколько их типов: некоторые должны быть в перевернутом состоянии. Карточки «Шанс» должны быть перед началом игры перетасованы и перевернуты так, чтобы игроки не видели их значения. Так же следует сделать с карточками Общественной казны. Далее каждый игрок выбирает себе фишку и устанавливает ее на начальную клетку. Каждая мировая «Монополия», правила игры которой классические, предусматривает наличие Банкира. Если в игре участвует большое количество игроков, тогда Банкир, по его желанию, может не принимать участия в качестве претендента на победу. В начале игры он выдает каждому игроку по 1 500 000 рублей различными купюрами. Банкир также в начале игры имеет все карточки документов на право собственности, отели и дома. Также в обязанности Банкира входит выплата заработной платы, премий, выдача ссуды и взимание штрафов, налогов, процентов по ссуде и основного долга перед банком. В некоторых случаях у банка может не быть денег, но правила игры «Монополия» позволяют Банкиру выдавать долговые расписки, которые пишутся на обычной бумаге. Банк не может стать банкротом. Для определения очередности хода все игроки бросают кубики: начинает тот, у кого выпало большее число. - Читайте подробнее на SYL.ru: https://www.syl.ru/article/189305/new_monopoliya-pravila-igryi
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09.09.2022 11:45
The memory... It has a beginning but has no end. Day 22 of June forever will cast our memory to 1941. Consequently, to may 9, 1945. Between two dates – strong thread. Without one there would be another. More precisely – the other just couldn't be, because there is no "force that would overpower the Russian force."
The whole history of the war from June 1941 until the last blows of the red Army in may 1945 – is an epic of unprecedented heroism and heroism...
"Today, at four o'clock in the morning, without a Declaration of war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed from their airplanes our cities...". This news broke into the life of the Soviet people unexpectedly. But everyone realized that his native land had trouble. Began the most violent and bloodiest war in human history.

War... I, fortunately, she knows only from books, movies, stories of participants in this great battle. But I sometimes think about those and how they lived, dreamed about then people? Many were school, the Palace of pioneers, football, loving hands of his mother... But all of that is gone along with a sheet tear-off calendar on June 22, 1941. Over all, with such love and inspiration were built by the Soviet people, under the threat of destruction by the Nazi invaders.

Fascism... When I say that word, blows me rotten prison camps, from which we can hear the cries and groans of the tortured and tormented, I hear the cry of the mothers, whose eyes are taken away and kill children, you see our land, trampled and paganino wrought iron boot of Nazi villains.

To stop these atrocities, millions of Soviet people in the name of saving humanity gave the most precious – life. My great-grandfather Polyakov Nikolay Mikhailovich volunteered for the front. He did not live to see Victory just a little bit: died near Berlin in April 1945. In our family kept the letter sent to them from the front, and funerals, avaricious lines which said: "went Missing". How many of these funerals were received during the war! How many wives widowed! How many children have been orphaned!

But think...the gift of that memory
Does not value itself
What duckweed time delay
Any true story,
Any kind of pain.

This "true story" and that "pain" has now become the heritage of today's youth. Low bow to those who in spite of all tests survived and those who died defending their Homeland. The enemy was strong and frightening, but he didn't know what the Russian character and what is Russian soldier. Such people cannot be defeated. To kill you, and you can't win. The trampling down death by death, the soldiers left in the immortality of the... Liberation war for four years, led the Soviet people, showed the world the rise of the human spirit and the power of the Russian character.

Patriotism and friendship of the peoples of the multinational Soviet Union did not allow the enemy to make a "blitzkrieg" – lightning war. Then, in "harsh forties", the Soviet people defended their independence and made a decisive contribution to the liberation of the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke. The enemy was defeated where he began his brutal enslavement, in Berlin, in his own lair.

And stood up to the Soviet Soldier-Winner on a huge pedestal in Berlin's Treptow Park, clutching his rescued German girl, stood as a symbol of triumph over a defeated fascism.

Great... How far it is from us, today's students! We don't remember the wounded land shells, the smell of burning and the near death around. We can't remember because it wasn't with us, because twenty-seven million gave their lives that we never knew.

But the world today is troubled. Attempts to rewrite the history of world war II, distorted the facts, demolished monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators, desecrated the graves of the fallen – is to forget about the heroism of the Soviet people. History knows such a situation the most favourable to the coming to power of the nationalists. To avoid this, it is necessary once and for all to hate fascism, to remember how he is terrible and inhuman as he is bloodthirsty, hypocritical and often disguises itself in Narodowa and care about the future generations...

Protect our history and our Victory! Will always remember what the price it won.
Soldiers Of The Great Patriotic! Kneel before your courage and revere your feat!

To all of you who made that war –
In the rear or on the battlefields,
Brought a victorious spring
The bow and the memory of generations.
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