1. I went sailing around Lake Geneva. 2. Danube runs through many European cities.
3. Wild horses live in Gobi Desert.
4. Pacific Ocean has many different types of fish.
5. I love swimming in Mediterranean.
6. We spent our holiday on the shore of Lake Windermere.
7. Nile is a very beautiful river.
8. She stayed in Belgrade for several weeks.
9. Her husband comes from California.
10. They studied geology of Sahara Desert.
11. They crossed Black Sea by boat.
12. He has always wanted to visit Rome.
13. She lived in Asia for several years
14. My friend lives in New York City.
15. Tuscany has many beautiful cities
16. I spent a year travelling around Europe.
17. Her village is near Lake Titicaca.
18. Would you like to visit South America?
19. They live near Thames.
20. Hawaii is in Atlantic Ocean, not far from USA.
21. Budapest is on River Danube, which flows through a lot of Eastern Europe.
22. Mount Fuji is the most famous mountain in Japan.
23. Jersey is the biggest of Channel Islands.
24. Lake Balaton is in the west of Hungary.
25. Argentina is one of the biggest countries in South America.
26. Alaska borders on Canada in the east and has a naval frontier with Russian Federation in
the west.
27. New Zealand consists of two big islands: Northern and Southern.
28. They speak Spanish in Argentina and Portuguese in Brazil.
29. Hague is located on the seashore of Netherlands.
30. Crimea is the biggest peninsula in Black Sea.
31. Yenisei is the longest river in Siberia.
32. Caucasus is the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.
33. Sahara Desert lies in the northern central part of Africa.
34. Nile Valley refers to the large region of land surrounding Africa's Nile River, including its
watershed and adjacent regions.
развивающаяся на лишенных жизни территориях — скалах, обрывах, наносах рек, сыпучих песках, застывшей лаве и др. При заселении таких участков живые организмы за счет своего метаболизма изменяют условия проживания и сменяют друг друга. Основная роль принадлежит накоплению отмерших остатков растений и продуктов разложения. Это зависит от характера растительности и от комплекса разрушающих её микроорганизмов, грибов и животных. Постепенно формируется почвенный профиль, изменяется гидрологический режим участка, микроклимат. Такие сукцессии называются в геоботанике — экогенетическими, так как ведут к преобразованию самого местообитания. Процесс первоначального формирования растительного покрова называется также сингенетической сукцессией[1].