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1 If I won the lottery, I …… on an exotic holiday. A will go B would go C went

2 ….. we reached the station, the train had left.

A As soon as B Until C By the time

3 Jason …... TV at the moment.

A watches B is watching C was watching

4 It was kind of him …… me repair the car.

A help B helping C to help

5 My sister’s hair …… very long.

A are B is C were

6 Claire …… dinner when the telephone rang.

A was eating B ate C has eaten

7 He …… be tired. He has been working all day.

A must B mustn’t C can’t

8 She enjoys going to …… cinema.

A a B - C the

9 …… I borrow your pen, please?

A Will B Shall C Can

10 Tom spent the afternoon …… on his computer.

A play B playing C to play

11 James’s car …… last night.

A is stolen B will be stolen C was stolen

12 …… did you wake up this morning?

A What time B How long C How much

13 Sarah hurt …… when she fell down the stairs.

A yourself B himself C herself

14 The longer he waited, the ..…. he felt.

A nervous B more nervous C most nervous

15 He hasn’t finished cleaning the house ….. .

A already B still C yet

16 She prefers buying clothes … ironing them.

A to B rather C from

17 … tasteful furniture you have bought!

A What a B What C How

18 Sandra works … a computer programmer.

A for B as C like

19 We ….. be going to France this summer, but we are not sure yet.

A can B must C might

20 By the end of the month the estate agent …. twenty houses

A will sell B will be selling C will have sold

21 You mustn’t leave the office … the manager returns.

A by the time B until C while

22 This car … to use less petrol than any others.

A was designed B has designed C was designing

23 I wish I …… the answer.

A knew B would know C had known

24 She was … tired that she fell asleep

A enough B too C so

25 …. he is nearly eighty, he is still very active.

A Despite B Although C Even

Vocabulary tests. Choose the correct item.

26 This was one of the few crimes he did not .

a) achieve b) commit c) make d) perform

27 The are still holding twelve people hostage on the plane.

a) bandits b) guerrillas c) hijackers d) kidnappers

28 He was charged with a(n) of currency regulations.

a) break b) breach c) disrespect d) observance

29 Insurance policy offers immediate __ against the risk of burglary, accident or damage by fire.

a) care b) cover c) relief d) security

30 The man jumped out of the window and committed.

a) death b) homicide c) murder d) suicide

31 "Thieves will be ."

a) liable b) lifted c) persecuted d) prosecuted

32 Police blamed a small hooligan in the crowd for the violence which occurred.

a) constituent b) division c) element d) portion

33 The police said there was no sign of a entry even though the house had been burgled.

a) broken b) burst c) forced d) smashed

34 The police car raced down the street with the blaring.

a) alarm b) bell c) gong d) siren

35 The tourist's camera was because he had brought it into the country illegally.

a) bereaved b) confiscated c) deprived d) extorted

36 Look, Officer. I'm not drunk. I'm as as a judge.

a) calm b) clear c) sober d) steady

37 He said he would sue us, but I don't think he'll his threat.

a) achieve b) bring about c) carry out d) perform

38 The conspirators were plotting the of the government.

a) overthrow b)disaster c) demolition d) catastrophe

39 The thieves the papers all over the room while they were searching for the money.

a) broadcast b) scattered c) sowed d) strayed

40 Ms. Goodheart was completely … by the thief’s disguise.

a) taken away b) taken down c) taken in d) taken up

41 The police caught the thief .

a) red-handed b) in the red c) in black and white d) true blue

42 He was arrested for trying to pass notes at the bank.

a) camouflaged b) counterfeit c) fake d) fraudulent

43 He offered me $500 to break my contract. That's .

a) blackmail b) bribery c) compensation d) reward

44 The child was kidnapped by a notorious of robbers.

a) crew b) stood c) staff d) gang

45 The burglar silently into the room.

a) crept b) stood c) strode d) wandered

46 The spy the desk in an attempt to find the secret documents.

a) invaded b) kidnapped c) looted d) ransacked

47 The safe deposit box a high-pitched sound when it was moved.

a) rejected b) expelled c) emitted d) excluded

48 He his fist and threatened to hit me.

a) clenched b) clutched c) grabbed d) gripped

49 Thieves got away with a of jewellery worth thousands of pounds.

a) catch b) haul c) loot d) snatch

50 Smugglers consistently import regulations.

a) break b) flaunt с) float d) flout

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19.05.2022 16:43
Already in ancient times people loved delight your hearing musical sounds. Enchanting sounds of gold cittern heralded the emergence of the golden-haired Apollo. No one could compete with him in the game at this marvelous musical instrument, and when the Phrygian satyr Mars dare to compete with him in the music and came to this contest with a musical instrument - a reed flute in hand, he paid dearly for his insolence.
The oldest musical instruments and horns tweeters that date back to the Upper Paleolithic (which is 2,522,000 BC!) Found in Hungary and Moldova.
In ancient times, people not only knew how to make musical instruments and compose music, but even recorded her musical signs on clay tablets. The most ancient musical notation, extant refers to the XVIII century BC. Clay tablet with Musicrecords found during excavations of the Sumerian city of Nippur (in present-day Iraq).
Stone Age people made their musical instruments from a variety of things. One of the oldest "musical instrument" is itself a human body. The first sound is due to a knock or blow to the various parts of the body (such as the breast or thigh). Gradually arise more and more tools that are used for Stone Age people. They used them, such as hunting, to warn yourself from danger. Thus, these instruments were used as objects for mutual communication.
 With what started musical instruments?
String - from hunting bow, wind - from the shell, horn, reed. But the venerable age belongs, of course, percussion instruments: they have arisen among primitive people who have been to accompany their dances rhythmic beats one stone on another. The most famous musical instruments of primitive man:     - Dudka bone.     - Flute bone.     - Animal horns.     - Pipe made of shells.     - The drum is made of animal hide.     - Rattles made of stone, wood.     - Musical bows (bows hunters)
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25.09.2020 08:16
Turtle - one of the oldest animals. Ancestors of the current turtle long lived in the Triassic period (200 million years ago), grew to epic proportions in the 1st and were very much alike on the present species of turtles.
The whole history of the conquest of the American continent, the first Europeans intertwined with the sea turtles. The very first ship of Columbus in the literal sense of the word "punch" their way in the Caribbean, because sea water just yet raged from armored bodies of reptiles.
The most favorite food of immigrants from the Old World to the new wild continent was fresh meat turtles. Subsequently, the turtles began actively used as "living canned". During the long sea voyages to Europe and uninhabited shores of the newly discovered American continent in the holds of ships loaded turtles, whose meat saves lives during the famine and scurvy.
Now there are four main types of sea turtles: green turtle; Hawksbill Turtle, who looked like green, but slightly smaller dimensions (70-90 cm) with a heart-shaped shell; turtle Caretta; Oil turtle - the least numerous group among the four species and are under constant threat of extinction.
Used in food and huge ground Galápagos tortoise, what are now only occasionally come across the Indian Ocean on the Mascarene Islands and the Galapagos Islands in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Because of thoughtless human activities now these reptiles are threatened with extinction.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Черепахи - одни из древнейших животных. Пращуры нынешней черепахи долго обитали в триасовом периоде (более 200 миллионов лет назад), вырастали до невероятных размеров в 1м и были чрезвычайно сильно похожи на теперешние виды черепах.
Вся история покорения американского материка первыми европейцами переплетена с морскими черепахами. Самые первые судна Колумба в буквальном смысле слова «пробивали» себе путь в Карибском море, потому что морская вода просто таки бурлила от бронированных тел рептилий.
Самой излюбленной пищей переселенцев из Старого Света на новом диком материке было свежее мясо черепах. Впоследствии черепах начали активнее применять как «живые консервы». Во время проведения продолжительных морских походов в Европу и по необжитым берегам новооткрытого американского материка в трюмы кораблей загружали черепах, чьё мясо жизни людей во время голода и цинги.
Сейчас насчитывают четыре основных вида морских черепах: зелёная черепаха; черепаха-бисса, на вид как зелёная, но немного меньших габаритных размеров (70-90 см) с панцирем сердцевидной формы; черепаха-каретта; масляная черепаха - наименее многочисленная группа среди всех четырёх видов и пребывающая под постоянной угрозой полного исчезновения.
Использовались в пищу и громадные наземные слоновые черепахи, каковые сейчас изредка попадаются только лишь в Индийском океане на Маскаренских островах и на Галапагосских островах в экваториальной части акватории Тихого океана. Из-за бездумной хозяйственной деятельности человека в настоящее время эти рептилии находятся под угрозой полного исчезновения.
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