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09.10.2021 16:25 •  Английский язык

1. My brother is still in … hospital now?

e) An

f) The

g) A

h) –

2. Please seat … you like.

e) What

f) Whatever

g) Anywhere

h) Somewhere

3. My brother … speak four foreign languages.

e) May

f) Can

g) Must

h) Shouldn’t

4. What … they doing?

e) Is

f) Am

g) Do

h) Are

5. It … yesterday

E) Had rain

F) Is raining

G) Rained

H) Rains

6. Choose the correct form of the verb. The Declaration of Independence ... on the 4th of July in 1776 by the American colonists.

a) was written

b) is written

c) have been written

d) had been written

7. Guess the most picturesque and most moving ceremony in Wales. This holiday calls upon the people of Wales each year to send forth its singers and poets to take part in this colourful tournament.

a) Easter

b) New Year

c) Eisteddfod

d) Naadam

8. Choose the correct form of the verb. I ... lunch at last. Now we can go to the cinema.

a) Had

b) Have

c) have head

d) have been having

9. Choose the correct variant. "Why didn't you go to the museum with us, Dick?" the teacher asked.

a) The teacher asked why Dick didn't go to the museum with them.

b) The teacher asked why Dick hadn't gone to the museum with them.

c) The teacher asked why didn't Dick go to the museum with them.

d) The teacher asked why hadn't Dick gone to the museum with them.

10. Choose the correct form of the verb. If I ... early tomorrow morning, I ... jogging.

a) will get up, go

b) got up, am going

c) get up, will go

d) am getting up, will go

11. Choose the correct form of the verb.

The wind ... so much that they couldn't put up their tent.

a) is blowing

b) blew

c) has been blowing

d) has blowing

12. Choose the correct form of the verb. By the time he got to the coach station the express bus to Liverpool ... .

a) Left

b) had left

c) has left

d) would leave

13. Find an exstra adjective. Articles can be ... .

a) Exciting

b) Fascinating

c) Thick

d) Witty

14. Choose the appropriate words. Television ... us informed about the ... events at home and abroad.

a) keeping, recent

b) keeps, recent

c) keeps, recently

d) keeping, recently

15. Choose the correct variant.

"Why didn't you go to the museum with us, Dick?" the teacher asked.

a) The teacher asked why Dick didn't go to the museum with them.

b) The teacher asked why Dick hadn't gone to the museum with them.

c) The teacher asked why didn't Dick go to the museum with them.

d) The teacher asked why hadn't Dick gone to the museum with them.


My parents … to Astana many times.

e) Were

f) Was

g) Been

h) have been

17. You … this text now.

e) Are reading

f) Has read

g) Is reading

h) Was reading

18. They … with us last Christmas.

e) To stay

f) Stays

g) Stayed

h) Was staying

19. There … a lot of work to do tomorrow.

e) Are going to

f) Will be

g) Was

h) Shall

20. The weather is (good) … it was last month.

e) The better than

f) The best than

g) As better as

h) Better than

21) Do you want to come to the playground us?

a) Noun

b) Verb

c) Adjective


22) Mam baked cookies for us.

a) Noun

b) Verb

c) Adverb

d) Adjective

23) Suzie and John are planning to get married and ……… a lot of children.

a) have

b) make

c) bring

d) get

24) Choose the correct answer. I …. A new bike yesterday.

a) bought

b) Have bought

c) buy

d) have

25) Choose the correct answer. Can you tell me… the station is?

a) Where

b) wear

c) were

d) What

Показать ответ
11.06.2021 09:46

. My brother is still in the hospital now?

e) An

f) The

g) A

h) –

2. Please seat … you like.

e) What

f) Whatever

g) Anywhere

h) Somewhere

3. My brother can… speak four foreign languages.

e) May

f) Can

g) Must

h) Shouldn’t

4. What are… they doing?

e) Is

f) Am

g) Do

h) Are

5. It rained yesterday

E) Had rain

F) Is raining

G) Rained

H) Rains

6. Choose the correct form of the verb. The Declaration of Independence was written on the 4th of July in 1776 by the American colonists.

a) was written

b) is written

c) have been written

d) had been written

7. Guess the most picturesque and most moving ceremony in Wales. This holiday calls upon the people of Wales each year to send forth its singers and poets to take part in this colourful tournament. answer c)

a) Easter

b) New Year

c) Eisteddfod

d) Naadam

8. Choose the correct form of the verb. I had lunch at last. Now we can go to the cinema.

a) Had

b) Have

c) have head

d) have been having

9. Choose the correct variant. "Why didn't you go to the museum with us, Dick?" the teacher asked. Answer b)

b) The teacher asked why Dick hadn't gone to the museum with them.

10. Choose the correct form of the verb. If I get up early tomorrow morning, I will go jogging.

a) will get up, go

b) got up, am going

c) get up, will go

d) am getting up, will go

11. Choose the correct form of the verb.

The wind ..has blowing. so much that they couldn't put up their tent.

a) is blowing

b) blew

c) has been blowing

d) has blowing

12. Choose the correct form of the verb. By the time he got to the coach station the express bus to Liverpool ... had left.

a) Left

b) had left

c) has left

d) would leave

13. Find an exstra adjective. Articles can be Fascinating... .

a) Exciting

b) Fascinating

c) Thick

d) Witty

14. Choose the appropriate words. Television keeps,... us informed about the ...recent events at home and abroad.

a) keeping, recent

b) keeps, recent

c) keeps, recently

d) keeping, recently

15. Choose the correct variant.

"Why didn't you go to the museum with us, Dick?" the teacher asked. Answer B

a) The teacher asked why Dick didn't go to the museum with them.

b) The teacher asked why Dick hadn't gone to the museum with them.CORRECT

c) The teacher asked why didn't Dick go to the museum with them.

d) The teacher asked why hadn't Dick gone to the museum with them.


My parents have been to Astana many times.

e) Were

f) Was

g) Been

h) have been

17. You are reading this text now.

e) Are reading

f) Has read

g) Is reading

h) Was reading

18. They stayed with us last Christmas.

e) To stay

f) Stays

g) Stayed

h) Was staying

19. There Will be … a lot of work to do tomorrow.

e) Are going to

f) Will be

g) Was

h) Shall

20. The weather is Better than it was last month.

e) The better than

f) The best than

g) As better as

h) Better than

21) Do you want to come to the playground us?

a) Noun


c) Adjective


22) Mam baked cookies for us.


b) Verb

c) Adverb

d) Adjective

23) Suzie and John are planning to get married and …have…… a lot of children.

a) have CORRECT

b) make

c) bring

d) get

24) Choose the correct answer. I bought…. A new bike yesterday.

a) bought CORRECT

b) Have bought

c) buy

d) have

25) Choose the correct answer. Can you tell me…Where the station is?

a) Where CORRECT

b) wear

c) were

d) What

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