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01.02.2021 00:13 •  Английский язык

1. найдите следующие слова в тексте, подчеркните, определите часть речи по словарю, переведите, выучите. south of, jewel, ancient temples, holiday destination, delicate features, well-known for, strong wills, generous, proud of, consist of, plant the crops, include, free-time activity, celebrate, festival, throughout, fascinating, sight, warm-hearted, people(2) 2. переведите текст. thailand thailand is a beautiful country with a rich culture, just south of china. people call it "the jewel of south-east asia" for a good reason. its tropical climate, white sandy beaches and ancient temples make it a perfect holiday destination. what makes it really special, though, is its people. thai people are good-looking. they are short with delicate features. they have got black hair, dark eyes and light brown skin. the thais are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind. "we are a happy people who have strong wills and are especially proud of our history," says kasem from bangkok. most people in thailand live in villages. a typical thai village consists of wooden houses, a school and a buddhist temple. most of the people in the villages are farmers and fishermen. the men usually work in the fields or catch fish in the rivers, and the women plant the crops. family life is very important in thailand, and families often eat together. thai food is very spicy and includes curries, fish, seafood, soups and noodles. "we eat rice with our meals and use a lot of strong spices in our cooking," explains kasem. thai people love to enjoy themselves. popular free-time activities include thai boxing and watching traditional dance shows. thais also celebrate many festivals throughout the year. "my favourite holiday is surin, in november, when we always have elephant football matches," says kasem. thailand is a wonderful country. its fascinating sights, rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique. 3.верны ли следующие высказывания? переведите, отметьте «+», «-«. 1. thailand is located in asia/america. 2. people in thailand are usually short/very tall. 3. thais like eating seafood and rice/spaghetti. 4. thais enjoy going to traditional dance shows/the opera. 4. письменно ответьте на вопросы: 1. where is thailand? 2. what do thais look like? 3. what are they like? 4. where do they live? 5. what do their villages consist of? 6. what do the people do? 7. what do they love eating? 8. what do they do in their free-time? 5. определите часть речи, выделите словообразовательные элементы: beautiful, tropical, sandy, destination, friendly, generous, especially, typical, farmer, fishermen, activity, wonderful, traditional. 6.образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных. переведите на язык. 1) small, big, large, warm, happy, cold, deep, clean, bad. 3) beautiful, interesting, attentive, careful, flexible. 7.переведите на язык. умнее, чище, зеленее, проще, больше, высочайший, самый чистый, наихудший, слабейший, интереснее, дешевле, самый известный, самый гибкий. 8.раскройте скобки, употребляя необходимую форму прилагательного. предложения переведите. образец: this is the (small) room in our flat. this is the smallest room in our flat. 1) the rivers in america are (long) than in europe. 2) which is (large): the united states or canada? 3) the island of great britain is (small) than greenland. 4) the london underground is the (old) in the world? 5) is this the (cold) room in the house? 6) this is his (favourite) film. 7) tom is (clever) than his brother. 8) my sister is six years (old) than i. 9) summer is the (hot) season. 9. вставьте глагол to be в present simple. 1. i a pupil. 2. my father not a teacher, he a scientist. 3. your aunt a doctor? - yes,she . 4. they at home? - - no, they not at borne, they at work. 5. my brother a worker. he at work. 6. you an engineer? - - yes, 7. your sister a typist? no, she not a typist, she a student. 8. your brother at school? - - yes, he . 9. your sister at school? - no, she not at school. 10. my sister at home. 10. предложение the thais are especially proud of their history поставьте в отрицательную форму, составьте общий, альтернативный, разделительный вопрос и 2 спец.вопроса (who? what… for? )

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27.01.2020 18:58

As we know Employee Manual is a document that tells staff what to expect from working with you.Methods of personnel management are ways of influencing the staff, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. There are three methods of personnel management:

The administrative method of personnel management is based on labor discipline, power, a sense of duty, and the desire to participate in the corporate culture. For this purpose, regulatory documents are used: the charter, regulations on divisions, staffing table.

The economic method of personnel management is the creation of economic conditions that motivate employees to achieve their goals and objectives.

The socio-psychological method of personnel management is a method of socio-psychological influence on the staff. This method includes: analysis of the team and internal labor relations.

The opportunities for a manager to improve their skills in personnel management are diverse: Of course, if you have time for complete knowledge, you can go to universities. Within the framework of higher education or MBA programs, you can master the basic theories of leadership, study many psychological aspects of personnel management, and get acquainted with the main practices in the field of personnel management. However, in such a situation, it is not always possible to get practical skills in personnel management, and not every university highlights new trends and trends in the field of personnel management. Another possibility is a variety of courses, trainings, seminars that cover various aspects of personnel management, and so on.

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07.06.2023 09:11
1. Эти ботинки слишком велики; покажи мне поменьше
2. Нужно быть очень внимательным при пересечении улицы.
3. Никто никогда не знает результат эксперимента.
4. Этот компьютер является более мощным, чем тот, который нам нужен.
5. Эта антенна позволяет получить очень слабые сигналы.
6. Можно ожидать улучшения погоды в течение двух дней.
7. Мы хотим,  купить большой телевизор для гостиной и поменьше для кухни.
8. Надо учиться, чтобы сдать экзамены.
9. Это ясно без объяснения причин.
10. Методы, которые они используют не те, которые приводят к успеху.
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