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15.07.2020 05:51 •  Английский язык

1. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated on two main islands – the North Island and the South Island – and several dozens of smaller islands. Most of the smaller islands are hundreds of kilometers from the main ones. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and Auckland is the largest city. English is the official language and is spoken throughout the country. Many native people speak their own language, Maori, in addition to English. 2. The country once belonged to the British empire. Today it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations, an association of Britain and a member of its former colonies. The British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is the monarch of New Zealand. She appoints a governor general to represent her, but he has little power. Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in 1852, when it was a British colony but through the years the New Zealand legislature has changed almost all its provisions. Today the nation has no written constitution.
3. For many years, the economy of the country depended largely on agriculture. Today agriculture, manufacturing and service industries are all important to the economy. New Zealand’s economy depends on trade with many countries – Australia, Britain, Japan and United States.
4. New Zealand has a high standard of living. The government’s medical program provides excellent health care. Almost in every New Zealand home there are refrigerators, washing machines, and other modern electrical appliances. But air conditioning and central heating are rare because the weather rarely becomes extremely hot or extremely cold. In summer people prefer to keep windows open. In winter, fireplaces or electric heaters keep the homes warm.
5. About four fifths of New Zealand’s population live in urban areas but cities are uncrowded. Large cities have excellent restaurants, theatres, concert halls and other places of entertainment. City life tends to be rather quiet. However it is changing in larger cities where international tourism is developing rapidly. Nearly a fifth of people live in rural areas. Many farm families run their farms with little or no hired help.

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18.05.2021 03:30

1. Please don't call me this afternoon. I ... some important work.

Выберите один ответ:

c.will be doing

2. He will come round tomorrow if he ... time.


3. By the time we get to London we ... over two hundred miles.

c.will have driven

4. In spring he ... for this company for 5 years.

a.will have been working

5. This time tomorrow they ... a film.

b.will be watching

6. We're late. The film ... by the time we get to the cinema.

c.will have already started

7. By 2021 he ... here for twenty years.

Выберите один ответ:

a.will have been working

8. I think I'll stay here until it ... raining.


9. When you arrive at their place they won't be ready.They ... the meal.

Выберите один ответ:

b.will still be cooking

10. I think I ... my essay by the time you ... .

c.will have written, come

11. My brother ... for this team for ten years this March.

Выберите один ответ:

a.will have been playing

12. Let's wait for Jane to come back and then we ... dinner.

Выберите один ответ:

a.will have

13. We won't start until everyone ... .

Выберите один ответ:


14. By the end of the year he ... for thirty years.

Выберите один ответ:

a.will have been acting

15. He ... his homework by six o'clock tomorrow.

Выберите один ответ:

a.will have done

16. I am expecting a very important letter and I think it ... by Thursday.

Выберите один ответ:

c.will have arrived

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09.06.2020 00:21
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A Smolensk icon of the Mother of God with the wonder-working icon of of the same name. "If we didn't know something, from us just took the promise not... * 28 Apr, 2011... A subject of bribes at us very easy, actually has begun: it became clear,
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