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1. nothing funny in this film.
выберите один ответ. it is ,that is, there is ,this is
2. jane is as as her elder sister.
выберите один ответ. taller ,the tallest ,much taller, tall
still dark even if we switch on the lamp.
выберите один ответ. there will be; there is; this is; it will be.
4. i couldn’t type any letters, as i never how to use a computer.
выберите один ответ. taught, has been taught, had been taught, was taught
5 .the grass is always on the other side.
выберите один ответ. greener; far green, green;
a shame that those trees had to be cut down.
выберите один ответ. it is; there is; there was., it will be;
7. you enough time to prepare your answer.
выберите один ответ. will have been given, will be given; will given;
8. the room is organized.
выберите один ответ. more clever, cleverly, clever, the cleverest
9 a lot of work to do this week?
выберите один ответ. there was. it is; is there; are there;
10. the chair
выберите один ответ. has been moved; have moved; was being moved.
11- it isn’t very warm today, is it? - no, it was yesterday.
выберите один ответ. more warm; warmer; the warmest.
12 .a roman pavement just under oxford street.
выберите один ответ. has been finding, was found, finds, has been found
13 .oh, look! something under the table!
выберите один ответ. there is; it is; there was. it was;
14 .it was to find the way than before.
выберите один ответ. the most difficult, more difficultly, more difficult, as difficult
15 .could you tell me how much
выберите один ответ. there is; is there; is it; it is.
16 .the bread automatically.
выберите один ответ. is wrapped; wrapped. has been wrapped;
17 only an aunt and her children at my birthday party last year.
выберите один ответ. there was; it was; these were. there were;
18.she is girl i've ever known.
выберите один ответ. much more pretty ,the least pretty, the most prettiest ,most pretty
19.that’s film i’ve ever seen
выберите один ответ. the goodest; a good; the best.
20.the new leisure centre by next month.
выберите один ответ. completes, will have been completed ,is completed, will have completed
21.his new play in the other room.
выберите один ответ. has been read. is being read; was read;
22.women still the right to vote in some countries.
выберите один ответ. are denied, deny, were being denied, have denied
something strange in her appearance.
выберите один ответ. there is ,this is ,it is ,that is
raining when you went out of the theatre?
выберите один ответ. is it, was there ,was it ,is there
a lot of jobs to be done that morning.
выберите один ответ. there is; there are; there were. there was;
26."how's your new house? " - "it yet."
выберите один ответ. isn't being built; isn't been built; hasn't been built.
27.you shouldn’t be so
выберите один ответ. lazy, more lazy, most lazy, lazily
not the season for bananas.
выберите один ответ. there was. it is; there is; it will be;
29.the papers yet by all the members of the commission.
выберите один ответ. hasn't been signed; aren't signed; haven't been signed.
30.this is very cooked.
выберите один ответ.bad, badly, worse,worst
31.the party since the new year.
выберите один ответ. has been planned, is planned; was planned;
no fruit on this tree for many years.
выберите один ответ. it was; there will; there has been. it is;
33.this film is the one we saw last week
выберите один ответ. more better than ,much better than ,any better as, some better than
there any news in the e-mail you got yesterday?
выберите один ответ. are ,was ,is, were
35.the children some food.
выберите один ответ. were gave; were given. will give;
36.this winter there are accidents on the roads in comparison with the last winter.
выберите один ответ. much fewer ,a lot fewer ,much less, a little more
37.the one who works has little fear of failing an exam.
выберите один ответ. hard, much hardly, hardly, most hard
a great day when you pass your examination!
выберите один ответ. it will be. it was; there was; there is;
39.tell me all
выберите один ответ. honest, honesty, honestly, honester
40.last month a plan forward to make the seafront traffic free.
выберите один ответ. was putted; has been put; was put.

Показать ответ
10.04.2021 20:55


1. What are the names of the islands situated to the west of the continent of Europe?

- Great Britain, Ireland

"The larger of them is called Great Britain, and the smaller, Ireland."

2. What parts does the island of Great Britain consist of?

- consists of England, Scotland and Wales

"The island of Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales."

3. What is the official name of Great Britain?

- United Kingdom

"UK (the United Kingdom) is the official name of the country, occasionally referred to as Great Britain"

4. How are the people living in the UK called?

- People of Wales are named Welsh. People of Scotland are called Scottish. People who live in Northern Ireland are called Irish.

"The residents of Wales are named Welsh, while the people of Scotland are called Scottish. The correct common name for English, Scottish and Welsh is British. Those who live in Northern Ireland are called Irish"

5. Why is the climate of the British Isles moderate?

- This is due to the warm current of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Stream.

"This is due to the warm current of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Stream."

6. What is the highest mountain in the UK?

- The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in the Highlands of Scotland

"The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in the Highlands of Scotland"

7. What are the longest and most important rivers in the UK?

-  the longest rivers are the Severn and the Thames

"the longest rivers are the Severn and the Thames."

8. What is the capital of the country?

- London.

"The capital of the country is London."

9. What type of state is the UK?



10. Who rules the country?

- Monarchs

"For centuries monarchs ruled Britain. "

0,0(0 оценок)
13.02.2023 02:01

1. No, I don't. I haven't built it yet.

2. No, he doesn't. He hasn't learnt it yet.

3. No, she doesn't. She hasn't bought it yet.

4. No, I don't. I haven't mastered English yet.

5. No, they don't. They haven't grown rich yet.

6. No, she doesn't. She hasn't entered here yet.

7. No, they don't. They haven't moved yet.

8. No, I don't. I haven't passed last exam yet.

9. No, he doesn't. He hasn't applied for it yet.

10. No, I don't. I haven't seen her yet.

11. No, they don't. They haven't ridden yet.

12. No, they don't. They haven't discussed it yet.

13. No, I don't. I haven't joined a party yet.

14. No, she don't. I haven't told her yet.

15. No, I don't. I haven't tasted it yet.

0,0(0 оценок)
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