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16.08.2020 21:35 •  Английский язык

1) Откройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужной форме. 1. I knew they (to wait) for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry.
2. I didn’t know that you already (to wind) up the clock.
3. I was afraid that the little girl (not to be) able to unlock the front door and (to go) upstairs to help her.
4. He says that he (to know) the laws of the country.

2) Вставьте say or tell в нужной форме.

1. Can you tell me what time the film starts?
2. What did she … you?
3. Ann … she didn’t like Peter.
4. She always … “good morning” to her neighbours.
5. Please don’t … Jim what happened.

3) Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.
1. The teacher said to me “Hand this note to your parents, please”.
2. Oleg said to his sister: “Put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate”.
3. “Please, bring me some fish soup,” he said to the waitress.
4. “Don’t worry over such a small thing,” she said to me.
5. “Please, don’t mention it to anybody,” Mary said to her friend.
6. “Promise to come and see me,” said Jane to Alice.
7. Kate said: “Mike, do you like my dress?”
8. Grandfather said to Mary: “What mark did you get at school?”
9. My sister told me: “Will you take me to the theatre with you tomorrow?”

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18.08.2021 02:17
Некоторые люди мечтают о осмотра достопримечательностей в Италии. Другие фантазируют о круизе или лежа на тихом пляже на горячем солнце, но не я.Нет; когда я взять отпуск, я хочу, чтобы было что вспомнить. Вот почему я решил пойти на экстремальный шторм

Когда я прибыл на место встречи для моей шторма чеканка приключений, я был, как собака с моими хвостами. Я просто не мог дождаться, чтобы лично и близко с моим первым штормом! Мой экскурсовод, Роджер Хилл мне руку решительно войдя в комнату. Среднего возраста, одетый в рабочую из-мельница одежды, Роджер не соответствовать имиджу смельчак, что я вообразил. Тем не менее, его обычная манера поведения скрывала тот факт, что он встречается более 400 торнадо и жил, чтобы рассказать!

После краткого ориентации, в течение которого Роджер объяснил, что мы будем делать на протяжении всей нашей недельной тура, мы прыгнули в погони фургона и снял на нашем первом приключении. Вместе с тремя другими «туристов», мы направились через Великие равнины к Канзасе. Я надеялся увидеть некоторый захватывающий пейзаж в пути, но был разочарован плоским, пустым пейзажем, который, казалось, тянется бесконечно. Снова и снова мы бы пройти несколько пасущихся животных , но в целом это было совершенно опустошено.

После шести часов, мы наконц-то прибыли к месту назначения. Мы были как раз вовремя. Облака начали скручиваться в темных, зловещих столбцов, возвышались над головой. На расстоянии мы могли видеть тяжелый приближающийся туман
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21.06.2021 02:23
The giant Panda is one of the most famous and rarest animals in the world. Now on the outside there are very few pandas, but in recent years, applied a lot of effort to ensure their survival.

"Black glasses" and good looks have earned the Panda is not only widely known, but universal love.

Fame and love won Pande her charismatic and recognizable appearance. This chunky goof physique and appearance similar to a bear. The main colour of his shaggy white coats, but the legs, chest, shoulders and ears are black. The same black spots hide small, almost cat-like eyes with vertical slit pupils.

Very useful distinguishing feature of Panda is the likeness of the big toe on each front paw. This is actually covered fleshy pads of the fingers .carpal bones, which Panda cleverly enough food.

The basis of the diet of the giant Panda are the leaves, stems and young shoots of bamboo. Adult Panda eats 10-20 kg of bamboo a day, but maybe more. Do not disdain pandas and other plant food.

Being able to squat stand on its hind legs, pandas, however, always travel on all four razvalistoj, clumsy gait. In the case of chase, they go to a clumsy trot, but quickly get tired and don't stand taken pace. Great treetop, they often climb on the lower branches of trees and foraging, to relax or to escape from danger.

Where pandas live

In the wild, the giant Panda is found only in a few overgrown cold, moist forests of the mountainous regions of Central and southern China, at altitudes from 1200 to 4000 m

There is growing their favorite delicacy - bamboo. The total area of the range of their habitat is about 30,000 km square , but it is believed that pandas live on site no more than 6000 km square . In native forests each Panda gets its own territory, which marks the border trees odorous secretions jelly) . Sometimes these areas may overlap, but animals usually avoid each other, leading a secluded life.

Pandas can squat stand on its hind legs, but tired quickly and at every opportunity would not mind to rest.

Pandas are nocturnal, waking from dusk till dawn. During the day they sleep and rest, but not in a permanent lair, and in a secluded place somewhere among the rocks or even in the hollow of a tree.

What pandas eat

Although a large Panda belongs to the carnivorous animal, its diet is poor plant, especially the leaves, shoots and stems of bamboo. Sitting somewhere and bamboo thickets, the beast broke off the front legs young plants and methodically eats all the delicacy of the leaves, shoots and stems.

In waking hours, i.e. about 16 hours a day, Panda almost always occupied by food. To save weight, it takes an enormous amount of bamboo - partly because vegetarian food is not very nutritious, and partly because the digestive system of the Panda is not as effective as other herbivores. If the majority of herbivores absorbs about 80 % of the food, that Panda is just 17 %.

In addition to bamboo, the giant Panda willingly eats and other plant food - grass, flowers, mushrooms, tubers, roots and bark, as well as small mammals and fish, which are able to catch. Don't hesitate to take it and carrion. On the bearish manners Panda suit raids and bee nests.

The Panda cubs are born blind and so tiny that the first few weeks, the female almost never lets him out of the clutches. A month later on his coat appear black stain
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