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10.11.2020 13:39 •  Английский язык

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Most of the time of a modern man is spent within the walls of some buildings. Houses are built for dwelling. Large buildings are constructed for industrial purposes. Theatres, museums, public and scientific institutions are built for cultural activities of the people. The purpose of modern buildings differs widely but all of them originate from the efforts of primitive men to protect themselves from stormy weather, wild animals and human enemies. Protection was looked for everywhere. In prehistoric times men looked for protection under the branches of trees. Some covered themselves with skins of animals to protect themselves from cold and rain but others settled in caves. When the Ice Age had passed, Europe remained very cold, at least in winter, and so the people of the Old Stone Age had to find some warm and dry place to shelter from bad weather. They chose caves, dwelling places that storm and cold could not destroy. On the walls of their caves ancient people painted pictures. Such decorated caves are found in Europe, Asia and Africa. When man began to build a home for himself, caves were imitated in stone structures. Trees were taken as a model for huts built of branches. Skins were raised on poles and formed tents. Primitive stone structures, huts and tents are the earliest types of human dwellings. They were lost in the prehistoric past but serve as prototypes for structures of later historic times. In the country ordinary people lived in simple one-storey cottages which did not differ much from the mud and stone huts of an earlier age. The rich people in the country, on the other hand, built huge castles with thick walls and narrow windows. These castles were built not only as dwellings, but also to stand up to enemy attack and to be strong bases in time of war. In the days of early civilization, when men had learnt how to build simple houses for their families, they began to feel a need to have a number of different kinds of houses in one place. At first, the difference was mainly in size: the chief or leader had a larger hut or tent than the rest of the people. Much later, when men began to build towns, there grew up a difference between town houses and country houses. The streets in towns were very narrow and there was not much place for building within the town walls, and therefore houses had to be built 20 higher than they were in the country. A typical town house consisted of a shop opening on the street where the man did his work or sold his goods, with a kitchen behind and a bedroom above. The earliest houses of which something is known are those of ancient Egypt. They were built of bricks dried in the sun. Some of them were built around a courtyard or garden with rooms opening into it. Greek houses, too, had a courtyard in the middle and round their courtyard ran a covered walk, its ceiling supported by pillars. There were special women’s quarters, usually upstairs on the second storey. In Rome bricks were used for building and houses were often finished with plaster over bricks on both inside and outside walls. The centre of family life was a garden-courtyard, surrounded by columns and with rooms opening out into it. The earliest houses in Britain were round, built of wood or wicker basket work plastered over with clay. In the centre of the house there was the hearth and light came in through the hole in the roof above it and through the door because there were no windows.
2. ответьте на во по тексту:
1. Where does a man spend most of the time? 2. What is the aim of building houses? 3. What buildings are built for cultural activities of the people? 4. Why did primitive men build their houses? 5. Where did primitive men look for protection? 6. What was the weather like after the Ice Age? 7. Why were caves chosen? 8. Where did the ancient people paint their pictures? 9. Where can you find such decorated caves? 10. Where were caves imitated? 11. What was taken as a model for huts built of branches? 12. Where were skins raised? 13. What is the earliest type of human dwellings? 14. What was lost in the prehistoric past? 15. Where did people live in the country? 16. What did rich people build in the country? 17. What did these castles serve? 18. When did a man feel a need to have a number of different kinds of houses in one place? 19. What was a dwelling of the chief like? 20. Why was it necessary to build higher houses in towns than in countries? 21. What was a typical town house like? 22. What material did ancient people use in Egypt for building? 23. What were the houses like in Greece? 24. What materials were used in Rome? 25. Where was the centre of family life concentrated? 26. Were the earliest houses in Britain small? 27. What was in the centre of their houses? 28. How did the light come into early English houses?

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04.12.2022 11:44
того времени, как начали изучать в школе биологию, увлекся ею.

Все в ней интересовало меня: и то, что учеными давно открыто и исследовано, и то, над чем ломают головы до сих пор. В старших классах я стал посещать воскресную биологическую школу при ХГУ имени Каразина. Сколько нового и интересного ожидало меня здесь! Мы глубже, чем в школе, занимались биологическими проблемами, учились решать сложные задачи по биологии, разыгрывали целые пьесы на биологические темы.

Я понял, что биология — наука XXI века, узнал, что она уже давно сомкнулась с химией и физикой, породив новые отрасли науки: биохимию и биофизику. Сейчас во всем мире идет процесс объединения биологии с различными технологическими процессами, в результате чего создана биотехнология. Пока я еще не решил, какую отрасль биологии выберу в качестве будущей специальности, поэтому буду пытаться поступить на отделение общей биологии. Если поступлю, начну присматриваться. Хочу, чтобы будущая работа продвигала вперед науку, приносила людям пользу, а мне удовлетворение. Это так важно в жизни, когда нравится работать, когда любишь свою профессию, когда знаешь, что сделал правильный выбор. Единственно правильный на всю жизнь. 
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13.10.2021 00:25
1.Britain and the northern part of Ireland to form the United Kingdom.2.Angliya, Wales and Scotland were once separate kingdoms.3.Soedinennoe kingdom appeared only in the XVII century.4.Bolee 80% of the population lives in cities.5.Pogoda England is very similar to the weather of the Baltic states.6.Pogoda changes very often.7.Klimat soft, moist thanks to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf Stream.8.Puteshestvuya of Wales, you will see a Welsh name.9.Angliysky language, which is spoken by the majority of educated people, called royal or standard language.10.Takoy English is taught in schools and universities.11. In England, one can see the four seasons in one day.12. In the United Kingdom there are places where people do not speak in English.13.Proliv English Channel separates the United Kingdom from the continent.14. Pas-de-Calais - the narrowest part of the Channel.15.Hotya Britain is small, there are differences in climate.16.Angliya France and connected by an underground tunnel.
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