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1 Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы: Ruth and Eileen Miller grew up in a family where making clothes was common. Their mother regularly made clothes for herself and her two daughters. The two girls were able to design and make their own outfits by the time they were teenagers. Now they run ‘Waratah’, a clothing company based in Sydney.
The Waratah label started to establish itself in the mid-1990s. At first, the Miller sisters used a number of outside manufacturers to produce their clothes. In 1995, however, they decided to bring the production in-house. ‘We found the outside suppliers very difficult to manage,’ says Eileen. ‘They were often unreliable and we always had problems with getting clothes to our customers on time. We needed more control so we decided to do the manufacturing ourselves.’
In fact, the switch to in-house production led to its own set of problems. It was hard to find new staff, and labour costs were rising. Because of this the Miller sisters found it impossible to raise productivity beyond a certain level.
In 2003, the sisters decided to adopt a different system and closed down the manufacturing section of the business. Now, designing and making up samples takes place in Sydney, but the company outsources its production to other countries. At first, they used manufacturers in India, but now they also outsource to China where they are developing new production methods. ‘We still do all the main work in Sydney,’ says Eileen, ‘but offshoring has brought down our staff costs. Having the production labour abroad can be complicated, but the quality is excellent.’
The company already exports some of its clothing to the Middle East and now they're looking to promote the brand in new markets. The Waratah garment sizing especially suits Indonesian markets, so that will be their next target. They are also considering going into partnership with another established manufacturer.
1) How did the Miller sisters come to an idea to make clothes?
2) What are the disadvantages of outsourcing to other companies in Sydney?
3) What are the disadvantages of in-house production?
4) What are the advantages of offshoring?
5) Where are the Waratah clothes made now? Why?
2 Найдите в тексте слово, соответствующее определению (в скобках указано, какой частью речи является данное слово):
1) The making or growing of something especially in large quantities (n)
2) A person who buys goods or services (n)
3) To have a price of something (v)
4) To arrange for somebody outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company (v)
5) To organize or to be in charge of something; to provide a service (v)
6) To send goods to another country usually for sale (v)
7) The group of people who work for a particular organization (n)
8) A business owned by two or more people (n)
9) To advertise something in order to increase its sales and make it popular (v)
10) The name of a product that is made by a particular company (n)
3 Раскройте скобки в условных предложениях, используя глагол в нужной форме:
1) Unless you leave now, you (be) late.
2) We must do something soon before it (be) too late.
3) If I (have) enough money, I would have taken a taxi.
4) If you don’t try harder, you (fail).
5) If I drink too much wine, I (feel) sleepy.
4 Закончите условные предложения собственными идеями:
1) I would have come earlier…
2) She will pass all her exams provided …
3) If I had more time …
4) If the job had been offered to me…
5) He would drive straight home…
6) You’ll miss the train if …
7) If I were you…
8) If I had told them what happened…
9) If you work hard …
10) I’d buy a new suit …
5 Заполните модальными глаголами (или их эквивалентами) пропуски в следующих предложениях:
1) The plane ... take off after the fog had lifted.
2) Finally we ... stop: we were tired and it was dark.
3) He was happy. He ... pass his driving test at the first attempt.
4) At present I ... afford to go to the cinema twice a week.
5) ... they leave before supper or have they time to stay until my friends come?
6) We ... come to your party, but it depends on our finding a babysitter.
7) Our teacher is a reliable person, we ... trust everything to her.
8) I think you ... practise driving every day to become a safe driver.
9) You ... have my car if you like. I shan't be using it tomorrow.
10) ... you remember what you were doing at this time yesterday?

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16.11.2020 12:50
Будущий солист группы "может подать", кумир всех девушек 80-х годов он был рожден 6 Septem Бер 1973 года в Кумертау Башкирской АССР. Детство будущей звезды было не легко. Его отец, Василий Клименко, ушел из семьи, cogdem было три года. Сейчас он до сих пор живет в Кумертау, поднимая ее двух дочерей и сына со звездой чате не хотят. Его мать, Вера Гавриловна, умерла в возрасте 29 лет, когда ему было восемь лет. После смерти матери он был в селе Тюльган, его тетя. Но долго он не остался там. Тетя было трудно справиться с шустрым подростком, и она получила его в Abakumovskaya детском доме, куда он был переведен в Оренбургский интернат № 2. Там он встретился с руководителем музыкального кружка Сергей Кузнецов, с которым они записали свои первые песни , Так началась легендарная группа "Ласковый май". Он обосновал свое имя и, как только весна придет, регулярно убегал из приюта. И кто знает, как это было бы его судьба, если в 1988 году Андрей Разин не слышал его исполнение песни "Белые розы". Он сразу заметил талантливого мальчика и переехал его в Москву. Таким образом, в Всесоюзной ассоциации СПМ "Рекорд" начал свое существование, новый "Ласкового мая". Разин "Ласкового мая" с ним продолжалось с 1988 по 1992 год, и после выхода на пенсию Шатунова почти сразу рухнул. С уходом "Ласкового мая", он начал сольную карьеру, а его продюсером был г-н Кудряшов. Первый сольный концерт состоялся в 1993 году Затем было выступление на нем "Рождественские встречи" Аллы Пугачевой песню "Звёздный ночь." В середине 1996 года он пытается изменить свой имидж и в 1997 году выпустила альбом ремиксов "искусственное дыхание". Это было «второе дыхание» к своему творчеству В конце 90-х годов он переехал в Германию и посвятил себя своей личной жизни. Сейчас он известный певец, любящий муж, заботливый отец и успешный бизнесмен. Но его музыкальная карьера, что он не сделал: до сих пор турне, выпуская альбомы и радует поклонников старые и новые песни.
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18.06.2022 20:01
Вот о каждом времени года:
1) Spring
Many people think that the most pleasant season is spring. In spring nature awakens from her long winter sleep. The days get longer and the nights shorter. It grows warmer. The trees open their buds and shoot out new leaves. The meadows grow green again, flowers begin to bloom. Farmers till the soil and sow the seeds. Nightingales, swallows and other migrant birds come back from the south. The corn fields are bright with blue cornflowers and red poppies.
2) Summer
Summer is the warmest season. The sun rises earlier and earlier and sets later and later. In June we have the longest days and the shortest nights. The weather is usually fine, the sky is blue and cloudless, the sun shines brightly in the sky. It is warm and even hot. The hot sun ripens the corn, vegetables and fruit, and the farmers get ready for the harvest.
3) Autumn
Autumn sets in September abd brings shorter days, longer nights and colder weather. Autumn is a rainy season, but there may be a spell of fine sunny weather in late September which is called Indian summer, when the sky is clear and the nature is full of bright colours. The ground is coveres with fllen leaves, and the trees are red, brown and golden. The farmers are busy harvesting.
4) Winter
Winter is the coldest season, with short days and long nights, with frosts and snow. But it is also a beautiful season when nature is sleeping under a clean soft blanket of while snow. Lovers of winter sport go skiing and skating and hockey playing. Winter is a wonderful season for children, too, who, enjoy tobogganing, playing snowballs and making snowmen.
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