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06.02.2021 11:10 •  Английский язык

1. Read the story.
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)
Nobody has ever paint cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight. Today his painting are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one.
Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. He did not start painting until he was twenty-seven, ten years before he died. Before becoming a painter, he was a teacher, an art dealer and a church preacher.
In 1886 he left Holland and joined his younger brother, Theo, who was working in Paris at the time. After living there for two years, he moved to the warmer climate of Arles in the south of France. Here he painted some of his most famous pictures.
However, Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gaugyin. In another fit of madness, Van Gogh cut off part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital but he did not get any better.
Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village of Auvers, north of Paris, Vincent Van Gogh took a gun, went into a cornfield and shoot himself. When his brother Theo arrived, he said: “I hope I did it property.” Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brother’s arms. His last words were ‘La tristesse durera’. (The sadness will continue.)
2. Read the statements below the story. Write “T” after each true statement and “F” after each false statement.
1. Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853.
2. He was eighteen when he started painting.
3. He was a doctor before becoming a painter.
4. He painted his most famous pictures in the south of France.
5. Nobody has ever paint cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh.
6. Van Gogh was mentally ill.
7. He get rather better after the hospital
8. He died in 1890.
3. Answer the questions
1. How many paintings did Van Gogh sell in his lifetime?
2. How old was he when he started painting?
3. What jobs did he have before becoming a painter?
4. Where did he paint his most famous pictures?
5. What was wrong with him?
6. How did he die?
4. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks. Find the correct answer among the four answers given below.
1. Yesterday was day this year.
a) the most hot b) hottest c) hotter d) the hottest
2. The Moskva river is not so long the Volga.
a) than b) as c) so d) that
3. Ted is than Steve.
a) tallest b) taller c) the tallest d) tall
4. This is story I ever heard.
a) funny b) the funniest c) funnier d) more funny
5. Pavel knows Literature than Biology.
a) good b) the best c) better d) best
6. This lecture is than the previous one.
a) the most boring b) boring c) most boring d) more boring
7. Room 23 is .
a) smaller b) the smallest c) smallest d) more small
5. Choose the right answer.
1. The room was full smoke.
a) with b) of c) off d) for
2. I can never see the blackboard because the tall boy always sits me.
a) behind b) in front of c) near d) next to
3. I’m interested studying economics.
a) of b) at c) in d) for
4. They tried to make agreeable.
a) itself b) oneself c) ourselves d) themselves
5. The reporter for a long time but he didn’t say anything.
a) speak b) told c) spoke d) said
6. She failed the exam. What a .
a) shame b) joy c) pleasure d) happiness
7. The boy works the computer so .
a) good b) bad c) better d) well
8. What’s that music you are .
a) hearing b) listening c) listening to d) listen
9. John missed his class as he didn’t want to the test.
a) take b) pass c) examine d) check
10. I can give you this book. You ___ go to the library.
a) wouldn’t b) needn’t c) may not d) can’t
6. Complete the sentences by supplying the correct forms of the verbs.
1. Yesterday I (go) shopping.
2. In England they (play) cricket in the summer.
3. Sh! I (listen) to the radio.
4. When I (enter) the hall, everybody (dance).
5. Lucy (finish) her report by now.
6. After we (finish) our dinner my sister washed the dishes.
7. We (move) to the new flat tomorrow.
8. My grandmother (watch) the same TV programmes for over five years.
9. While mother was cooking I (clean) the room.
10. She (play) tennis at the moment.
7. Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Her baby always ( to sleep) after lunch.
2. I am sorry, but my friend (to wait) for you.
3. She (to read) at the moment.
4. He (to drink) in the morning.
5. Look! She (to dance).
6. They (to go) to the cinema very often.
7. Wait a minute! I (to put) on my coat.
8. They (to watch) TV every night.
9. Mary (to drive) to her office every day?
10. She (to cook) dinner now?
11. We (not eat) now.
12. They always (to have) dinner at 2 o’clock?
13. What she (to white) at the moment?
14. Nick (not skate) once a week.
15. Listen to Helen! She (to sing) a new song

Показать ответ
04.01.2022 19:47

Hello, (friend's name)! In my last letter, I wrote to you about how I spent my summer. Summer is over, school days have begun. My first day at school was spent at home, since no one goes to school now, everyone studies remotely. All lessons were held in the app for learning. We were given tasks and we did them. There weren't many lessons, because we were just starting to learn. In all the lessons, we repeated the topics from last year. That's how my first day of school went. I'm sorry, but I have to stop writing because school has started and I have to get ready for class. It was your pen friend. Bye!

(your name)

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08.01.2021 07:59
А. Распредели слова по столбикам в зависимости от правила чтения буквы y.
[ai]                       [i]
dry                    Вetsy
my                    jelly
eye                  History
bue                 Geography

Б. Напиши,какие глаза,уши,нос,голова,ноги,хвост и тело у этих животных.
1. An elephant has got a  FAT body. 2. A frog has got BIG eyes. 3. A mouse has got a LONG tail. 4. A sheep has got THIN legs. 5. A dog has got BIG ears. 6. An elephant has got a LONG nose. 7. A dog has got a BIG head.
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