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26.09.2022 10:16 •  Английский язык

1. сложное слово со словами “friend” a) ground b) card c) bag d) pen e) table 2. синоним слову “outdoors” a) outside b) in the building c) inside d) behind e) inside 3. в слове «recepti…nist» пропущена буква a) a b) n c) u d) o e) e 4. форма participle i от глагола “go” a) to have gone b) gone c) go d) going e) to go 5. правильный вариант ответа what time is it? it is a quarter to six. a) 5.15. b) 5.30. c) 5.45. d) 6.15. e) 6.45. 6. верное местоимение my father plays tennis but … favourite sport is soccer . a) theirs b) his c) its d) she e) her 7. закончите предложение … a lot of sugar in this cup. a) there be b) there were c) there aren’t d) there is e) there won’t 8. правильное отрицание he german. a) does not learn b) does not to learn c) did not to learn d) do not learn e) not to learn 9. правильный ответ she said she didn’t know where her friend … . a) was b) will be c) is d) has been e) were 10. правильная форма глагола “be” there … three parks in our town. a) is having b) has c) was d) have e) were 11. oбщим для данной группы слов является a) foot b) body c) hand d) neck e) head 12. правильно написано слово a) patiocucon b) tiocpanuco c) cucotipaon d) ocpaticuon e) occupation 13. эквивалент для следующего предложения минутная стрелка сломалась. a) the minute hand isn't enough. b) my watch is a bit slow. c) both hands were broken. d) the minute hand was broken. e) the minute hand is much longer. 14. предложение с герундием a) i’m reading a book. b) don’t stop. go on reading. c) i’m going to do my homework. d) he was writing a letter. e) he is going to watch tv. 15. правильный вариант сказуемого i … in the same class as kate last year. a) was b) be c) are d) were e) is 16. правильное местоимение my parents were very glad to meet … . a) they b) he c) i d) she e) him 17. правильный вариант в феврале 29 дней. a) february has twenty of nine day. b) february has the twentieth nine days. c) february has the twenty nine days. d) february has twenty nine day. e) february has twenty-nine days. 18. дополните предложение is there in the room? a) anybody b) no c) anywhere d) nothing's e) nobody's 19. эквивалент для слова, стоящего в скобках that is the woman (чей) son works as a researcher at the institute. a) which b) whose c) who d) that e) whom 20. прилагательное a) sedentary b) pleasantly c) actually d) wind e) constantly 21. закончите предложение i’ll meet you … the ticket office. a) to b) at c) for d) in e) on 22. правильный вариант перевода, обращая внимание на суффикс “движение” a) moveness b) movement c) removed d) unmoved e) movable 23. выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: money spent on the brain … never spent in vain. a) are b) be c) am d) were e) is 24. начало вопросительного предложения …..should i address my letter of complaint to? a) whom b) to who c) whose d) to whom e) to that 25. правильный вариант вопроса the woman i saw was wearing a red sweater and black jeans. a) what she wore? b) what has she wearing? c) what is she wear? d) what is she wearing? e) what was she wearing? инструкция: «вам предлагаются , в которых могут быть один или несколько правильных ответов. выбранный ответ необходимо отметить на листе ответов путем полного закрашивания соответствующего кружка». 26. верные предложения с оборотом “to be going to” a) my mother was going to school at 3o’clock. b) my aunt was going to the swimming pool at 3o’clock. c) we are going west. d) she is going to visit granny. e) my aunt was going to swim. f) he is going to play chess. g) he is going to my house. h) jill is going home. 27. верный перевод повелительного предложения в косвенную речь a) he asked her don’t help him. b) ann told nick not to be late. c) she asks if they have got computer rooms. d) i said jim not to shout. e) we said that they wanted to buy a car. f) john asked to try to do it better g) he told me go away. h) the doctor says to stay in bed. 28. верные высказывания a) the kasteev’s museum of art was founded in 1820. b) the state book museum is situated in almaty. c) the state museum of popular musical instruments is famous for photos. d) the kasteev’s museum of art is famous for wax figures. e) the kasteev’s museum of art was founded in 1935. f) zhambyl zhambaev literary museum of kazakhstan was established in 1800. g) zhambyl zhambaev literary museum of kazakhstan was established in 1947. h) state museum of popular musical instruments was created in 2010. 29. верные предложения с participle ii a) the applied letter was registered at last. b) i didn’t like the shown pictures. c) you should avoid eating too much sugary food. d) why did he go on behaving this way? e) i enjoy sitting with the baby. f) i’m waiting for an answer. g) studying in ny is very prestigious. h) the doctor didn’t want to answer the asked questions. 30. верные словосочетания с предлогами a) up a walk b) in 2015 c) in sunday d) under the night e) at winter f) on holiday g) at the west h) on the menu

Показать ответ
18.05.2021 06:16

Children made a puzzle yesterday.

Children didn't make a puzzle yesterday.

Did children make a puzzle yesterday?

We were watching TV, when the lights turned off.

We were not watching TV when the lights turned off.

Were we watching TV when the lights turned off?

Liz was watering the flowers in the evening.

Liz wasn't watering the flowers in the evening.

Was Liz watering the flowers in the evening?

When I came home, mum was cooking lunch.

When I came home, mum wasn't cooking lunch.

Was mum cooking lunch when I came home?

0,0(0 оценок)
01.03.2023 08:38
1. I have been waiting for you since 2 o’clock. (Я жду тебя с 2х часов)
2. He has been working here for 15 years already. (Он работает здесь уже 15 лет)
3. She has been reading for 2 hours already. (Она читает уже 2 часа)
4. Wake up! You have been sleeping for ten hours already. (Вставай! Ты спишь уже 10 часов)
5. Yesterday the librarian gave me the book which I have been waiting for two months. I was very glad. (Вчера библиотекарь дала мне книгу, которую я ждал 2 месяца. Я был очень рад)
6. How long they have been playing tennis when it started to rain? (Как долго они играли в теннис после того, как начался дождь?)
7. When I entered the room they have been writing a test for half an hour already. (Когда я вошёл в комнату, они писали тест уже полчаса)
8. He is very tired. He has been playing football. (Он очень устал. Он играл в футбол)
9. They have been living in this town for three years when their son came back home. (Они жили в этом доме 3 года, когда их сын вернулся домой)
10. When he got up from the table, his eyes hurt and his head was going to burst. He has been reading up for the exam. (Когда он встал из-за стола, у него заболели глаза и чуть не взорвалась голова. Он готовился к экзамену)
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