1. Составьте собственные предложения с ними. background - основание
bank holiday - большой праздник
bishop - епископ
coats of arms - герб
church festival - церковный праздник
daffodil - нарцисс
everyday speech - обыденная речь
knighthood - рыцарское достоинство
monk - монах
nobleman - дворянин
patron saint - святой-покровитель
pin - прикалывать булавкой
purity - чистота
rampant - стоящий на задних лапах
shamrock - трилистник
thistle - чертополох
unicorn – единорог
2. Yes, its the longest book I have ever read.
3. Yes, its the best opera I have ever heard.
4. Yes its the most difficult article I have translated.
5. Yes, its the funniest film I have ever seen.
6. Yes, Uncle Jack its the kindest man I have ever known.
7. Yes, its the most exciting trip I have ever had.
8. Yes, its the most expensivest record I have ever bought.
9. Yes, Mary is the tallest girl I have ever met.
10. Yes, its the hardest test I have ever done.