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Русский язык

1.The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the central part of the Euro- Asian continent. The area is 2753000 square kilometers. Its territory stretches from West to East for 3000 km and from North to South for 1600 km. In the West, Northwest and North Kazakhstan borders on the Russian Federation. In the South and Southwest are the Republics of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the Southeast and East, there is China.
Kazakhstan consists of 14 regions, 223 districts. There are 83 cities and 204 townships. The main cities are Nur-Sultan, Aktobe, Atyrau, Taraz, Pavlodar, Karagandy and Kostanai.
The population of Kazakhstan is 15 million people. People of 120 nationalities live in the country. Kazakh is the state language but Russian is officially used on an equal basis with Kazakh.
In December 1991 a new independent country – The Republic of Kazakhstan – joined the World Community. The 16 th of December is now celebrated as an Independence Day of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary country with a presidential form of the Government. The first president of Kazakhstan is N.A.Nazarbayev. He became the first president in April 1990.
Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resourses oil, copper, zinc, gold and silver. Mining, machinery manufacture, the production of petro – chemicals and agriculture are important sectors of the economy. The people of the country grow grain, fruit, cotton, millet, corn.
The Republic of Kazakhstan has played a great role in the history and development of the Central Asia. In 1957, the first satellite was short into space from the Baikonur Space Centre, which lies in the steppeland of Kazakhstan.
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of eleven international organizations including United Nation, UNESCO, UNICEF, IMF and others.
Fill in the blanks using the active vocabulary
Kazakhstanalmost in the centre of the Eurasian .
Kazahstan is a with population is about 17 million people.
The ethno-cultural of the Kazakhs in no way restricts the national
Values and rights of other people’’s who live or come in the Republiс
The are four main vegetational - climatic zones: , ,
and .
The desert zone much of the plains and consists of three types of
Desert: , and .
There are about 50,000 lakes in Kazakhstan, which
throughout the country.
In 1991 on the 16th of December Kazakhstan its .
True False
Kazakhstan doesn`t share its border with China.
The country is rich in mineral recources.
The population of Astana is not expected to increase
Residents are happy to share hospitality with their visitors.
The official language is Kazakh.
Russian is the language of international communication.
Answer the following questions.
1.Where is Kazakhstan located?
2.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
3.What is the total area of Kazakhstan?
4.Kazakhstan is a multinational state, isn't it?
5.How many provinces are there in Kazakhstan?
What are they?
6. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?
7. How many rivers does the Republic have?
What are they?
8. What are the biggest lakes of Kazakhstan?
9. When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?
2. Ағылшын тіліндегі диалог - City​

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08.02.2022 03:36

Being by the window in the room, I look in it and I see that people in a yard with approach of fall became much less. Already nobody plays soccer and nobody shakes on new a swing benches.

Leaves on trees changed color with green on yellow, red and orange.

We have in a yard a beautiful small stone fountain. In the evenings began to include illumination at the fountain, and the fountain pours red, yellow, blue and orange splashes.
Behind the fountain - the small avenue. In the middle of the avenue there are two benches. That's great: to sit on a bench, to look up and to see multi-colored leaves!
To the left of the avenue the playground is located. Children play there only when there is no rain. When it is raining, paths turn into streams, and it is simply impossible to go on them.

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15.05.2022 18:44

*Русская версия:  (156 слов)

Моя школа находится довольно далеко от дома. Если ехать на автобусе, то нужно выходить на третьей по счёту остановке. Но мне больше нравится ходить пешком, это занимает двадцать минут.

Дорога идёт прямая, под горку. Она широкой лентой пересекает один из крупных районов нашего города. Вдоль шоссе растут деревья, иногда плотной стеной закрывают проезжую часть кустарники. Но вот что меня особенно притягивает по дороге в школу — это два пруда слева от шоссе. Они небольшие, с заросшими берегами и не очень чистой водой, но утки там живут с ранней весны до поздней осени. Они плавают, словно кораблики, кормятся мальками и хлебом, который бросают прохожие. И я всегда останавливаюсь здесь ненадолго, любуюсь уточками, у кромки берега оставляю им еду.

Мимо несутся машины, бегут прохожие, мелькают окна домов. Я иду в школу и думаю: «Это мой город, я его люблю. Когда вырасту, обязательно останусь здесь и вычищу эти пруды, укреплю берега, поставлю скамейки. Пусть эта красота сохранится для следующих поколений!» (


 My school is quite far from home. If you go by bus, you need to go third one stop. But I like to walk, it takes about twenty minutes.

The road goes straight downhill. It is a wide ribbon crosses one of the major areas of the city. Trees along the highway, sometimes a solid wall closed roadway shrubs. But here's what I was particularly attracted by the way to school - two pond to the left of the highway. They are small, with overgrown banks and not very clean water, but ducks live there from early spring to late fall. They float like boats, and feed the fry bread that is thrown passers-by. And I always stop here for a while, admiring ducks, at the edge of the shore leave them food.

Rushing past the car, fleeing pedestrians, flash windows of houses. I go to school and think: "This is my city, I love it. When I grow up, be sure to stay here and am going to clean these ponds, strengthening the shore, put the bench. Let this beauty is preserved for future generations! "

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