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1. these essay last year. * 1 a. were published b. be published c. was being published d. was published 2. i’m looking for a book ukrainian cuisine. * 1 a. on b. in c. of d. at 3. i’m sorry, i didn’t want to cause any inconveniences. * 1 a. terribly b. terriber c. terrible d. the most terrible 4. the more expensive the diamond quality it has. * 1 a. best b. the better c. the best d. better 5. that be true! * 1 a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t d. oughtn’t to 6. the tasks get complicated. * 1 a. more and more b. most and most c. most and more d. more and more 7. forgive so much of your time. * 1 a. my taking up b. taking up c. me take up d. being taken up 8. mother told max to bed * 1 a. went b. to go c. would go d. had gone 9. their quarrelling was heard the building. * 1 a. among b. with c. all over d. onto 10.but for her parents she this film. * 1 a. had watched b. would have watched c. would watch d. watched 11. i am sorry your pencil. * 1 a. to be breaking b. to break c. to have broken d. to have been broken 12. each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about. * 1 a. not seeing b. not seen c. not having seen d. not being seen 13. the instructions are clear, you use the camera underwater. * 1 a. shouldn’t b. don’t have to c. must not d. haven’t to 14. please, remember the door when you go out. * 1 a. closing b. having closed c. your closing d. to close i want to say that everything i did was to save you. * 1 a. latter b. lastly c. the lastly d. last 16. we asked thomas where * 1 a. did he live b. he lives c. he lived d. had he lived 17. if he his medical studies, he would be a doctor now. * 0 a. have finished b. had finished c. finished d. finish 18. just as wall street in new york is in centre of commerce and finance so city of london is centre for money matters. * 1 a. the, -, -, -, - b. -, - , the, the, the c. the, -, a, the, the d. -, -, an, -, the 19. he is said all his money to his only child. * 1 a. to have been left b. to leave c. to left d. to have left 20. our meal, we went out. * 1 a. finished b. finishing c. having finished d. having been finished 21. these towels by the maid tomorrow. * 1 a. will wash b. will be washing c. will be washed d. will being washed 22. these are very long * 1 a. storys b. stories c. storyes d. storis 23. information available at the front desk. * 1 a. is b. are c. has d. have 24. second world war ended in 1945 * 1 a. – b. an c. the d. a 25. some plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs much more sunlight than * 1 a. the others b. the others ones c. the others one d. other’s ones 26. it became quite clear that something wrong * 1 a. has gone b. went c. goes d. go 27. i see that he has lost pencil, perhaps you can lend him ? * 1 a. his, your b. her, you c. his, yours d. hers, your 28.after he the poem he’ll learn it by heart. * 1 a. has read b. had read c. has been reading d. read 29. we shall start at six o’clock if it raining by that time. * 1 a. will have stopped b. has stopped c. stops d. will stop 30. hardly raining when a rainbow appeared in the sky. * 1 a. did it stop b. had stopped c. has it stopped d. had it been stopping 31. my brother so much since our last meeting that i hardly recognized him. * 1 a. changed b. was changed c. had changed d. has been changed 32. by next august i my exams and i’ll be ready for a holiday. * 1 a. shall finish b. shall be finishing c. shall finish d. shall have finished 33. all special tasks to perform. * 1 a. has b. have c. is d. are 34. the secretary the report two days ago. * 1 a. typed b. was typing c. has typed d. types 35. he read a newspaper and then to bed. * 1 a. went b. were going c. will go d. goes 36. they didn’t have to go there by plane, they? * 1 a. did they b. weren’t c. didn’t d. did 37. i saw him yesterday. i thought he england last year. * 1 a. left b. had left c. is leaving d. will leave 38. sunday was day of the year. * 1 a. the cold b. colder c. cold d. the coldest 39. i can’t hear you. can you speak * 1 a. louder b. loud c. loudest d. much louder 40. the tourists a bus this morning. * 1 a. take b. took c. have taken d. taking

Показать ответ
05.10.2020 22:55
1. a. were published
2. a. on
3. a. terribly
4. b. the better
5. a. can’t
6. a. more and more d. more and more
7. a. my taking up
8. b. to go
9. c. all over
10. c. would watch
11. c. to have broken
12. c. not having seen
13. c. must not
14. d. to close
15.b. lastly
16. c. he lived
17. b. had finished
18. b. -, - , the, the, the
19. d. to have left
20. c. having finished
21. c. will be washed
22. b. stories
23. a. is
24. c. the
25. a. the others
26. b. went
27. c. his, yours
28. a. has read
29. We shall start at six o’clock if it raining by that time. *

a. will have stopped
b. has stopped
c. stops
d. will stop
30. b. had it stopped
31. c. had changed
32. d. shall have finished
33. b. have
34. a. typed
35. a. went
36. d. did
37. a. left
38. d. the coldest
39. a. louder
40. b. took
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