1 They along the beach, enjoying the afternoon sun.
2 I saw Frank down the street trying to catch the
3 As we were practising the techniques, on my
partner's foot
4 myself to the gym even though I was feeling sick.
5 The students had to through barrels on all fours as
part of the exercise.
6 After being punched in the stomach, he
7 Terry on the ice and sprained his ankle.
8 Kylie up and down the corridor as she waited for
the results of the competition.
9 After spraining his ankle, he had to around on one
leg for a week
10 They around the courtyard all day as part of their
Лето - чудесная, звонкоголосая пора. Летний день начинается рано. Пробуждается заря в золотой парче, в голубой выси тают прозрачные тучки. Легкий туман покидает поля и леса. Легко дышит лес, в воздухе пахнет гречей и медом. Вот защелкал соловей, радуясь новому, блистательному летнему дню. На его чудесное пение откликнулись другие лесные пташки. Беспечно болтают малиновки, корольки, певчие дрозды.
Внимая звукам дивных певцов, приободрился летний лес. Меж берез игриво порхают бабочки. Ветер ласково подгоняет их. Отражаются в зеркале вод деревья и травы, кусты и цветы. Летние цветы, как правило, напоены особым ароматом. Летом жизнь льется волшебной волной. За душистой травой трещит кузнечик. Шумный перепел бьет за прудом, купаясь в золотой ржи. В голубой выси летает, кружится смелый ястреб. Он поет свободе вечную песню. По извилистой долине, тихо журча, струится речка. Играет задорно и плещет в реке рой рыбок. В глуши болот пронизывающе и звонко поет неугомонная мошкара. Час от часу прибывает зной, Чуткий камыш наклонился к реке. Давно стряхнули влагу ветви деревьев. От жары их только тень. А солнце продолжает лить на землю свои золотые потоки, Летом нужно обязательно самому побывать на природе, чтобы будничные невзгоды и мирские заботы перестали волновать, чтобы понять всю прелесть яркой, летней гармонии, увидеть прелесть роскошных цветов, трав, послушать пение птиц. Задание 2. Сформулируйте по прочитанному тексту 2 вопроса высокого порядка.
Approximately 82 percent of parents globally think that their teen children are dressing inappropriately for their age, one- third of parents have said that they find it difficult finding appropriate fashionable clothing for their kids. As a parent, you need to help your kids when it comes to choosing the kind of clothes they are interested in wearing.
Long ago the only option you had for shopping for clothes was to go to the physical shops and malls. Nowadays, there is a far much better option for shopping for clothes for your teenage kids. You can opt to shop online for the clothing of both your children and yourself. Various websites offer teenage clothes for teens, an example of such a site is TeenzShop. There are various benefits for shopping online as compared to shopping in a physical shop. In this article, we discuss some of the top reasons to shop online.
Convenience. Unlike shopping in a physical shop, shopping online is convenient. The reason behind this is because while shopping online, you don’t need to get all dressed up and drive to your favorite store. You can easily find the clothing that you are interested in, purchase the clothing from an online website while still in your pajamas. Buying things online is also convenient because you will not need to wait for the stores to open. If you are a person who is always busy, then online shopping can come in handy because while you shop online, you will not hurt or affect your schedule.
Fewer TrapsPhysical stores tend to lure someone to purchase more clothing than they had planned to buy. This is because, most physical stores business people will use posters, colors, sales messages, or even product placement to attract and lure you to buy additional items. If you are shopping with your kids, they may get tempted to buy more clothing, and as a parent, you may be at a disadvantage.