1.They usually spend their holidays in mountains.
2.Los Angles has __ ideal climate.
3.This is ___ best Mexican restaurant in the country.
4.I can't live on ___ 500 dollars a month.
5.Someone call ___ policeman!
6.Someone call police!
7.He is real American hero.
8. I don't like __ dogs, but I like my brother's dog.
9. I haven't seen him for ___ live years.
10.Kobe Bryant is basketball player.
2) Foreign students are visiting the Russia for stady, that's why they need to now this language.
3) The choosing stady the russian language shows, that person is ambition, have intelligence and perseverance.
4) public and private schools in abroad often give russian language to study like foreign. It's make it more luxary.
5) On the terrirory of "old russia" studing russian language is necessarily.
6) Children and grandchildren of immigrants who left Russia does not want to lose their national identity, so they go to learn their ancestral homeland.
7) Knowledge of russian lunguage in mixed couple, then one of partner talking in russian is necessarily.
8) A lot of people love russian literature, they want to read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy in original.
9) Russia is a very big market. Businessmans, that want to work with it should now russian language.
10) Work, business, national identity - is not an exhaustive list of the reasons why foreigners learn Russian and attached to our culture.
Работать фермером очень важно. Фермеры обычно живут загородом, на ферме. Они выращивают разные виды фруктов и овощей. Они также выращивают пшеницу и все, что растет на поле. У фереров обычно много животный таких, как: коровы, овцы, лошади, свиньи и так далее. Они также выполняют другую работу. Фермеры сажают семена, доят коров, кормят кур, водят тракторы и делают пугала, чтобы отпугивать птиц от семян. Хотя фермеры часто работают без выходных, их работа очень интересна и важна.