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Русский язык

1) Tony … optimistic. He always … on the bright side of life

a) was, looked b) was, looks c) was, has looked

2) Bob … shy. He … comfortable meeting and talking to people.

a) is, don’t feel b) is, doesn’t feel c) is, doesn’t feels

3) I … never … team sports.

a) have … like b) have … liked c) have … likes

4) Program instructions … … in a particular computer language.

a) are write b) is written c) are written

5) She is … hiring new employees.

a) absent from b) in charge of c) in favour of

6) The doctor ... ... the boxer several minutes.

a) brought round b) brought up c) brought about

7) She joined the company … 35.

a) in the age of b) at the age of c) at the age off

8) What is the Active Voice of the sentence «E-mail messages were sent by the students during the COVID -19 pandemic».

a) The students sent e-mail messages during the COVID -19 pandemic b) The students send e-mail messages during the COVID -19 pandemic c) The students will send e-mail messages during the COVID -19 pandemic

9) That sea coast … … several years ago.

a) has been explored b) is explored c) was explored

10) Prices are expected to … soon

a) go up b) go after c) go off

11) The kitchen … with all the latest gadgets.

a) is equips b) is equipping c) is equipped

12) The wearing of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic … … varying recommendations from different public health agencies and governments.

a) had received b) has received c) is received

13) We need to concentrate … this problem.

a) on b) in c) at

14) They … copies of the newsletter.

a) gave up b) gave away c) gave out

15) What is the Passive Voice of the sentence «Workers were loading and unloading the ships as they came into port».

a) The ships were loaded and unloaded by workers as they came into port. b) The ships were being loaded and unloaded by workers as they came into port. c) The ships are being loaded and unloaded by workers as they came into port.

16) Our educator said us we … … the test for thirty minutes the day before.

a) would write b) had written c) had been writing

17) Most families from the third world countries (=poor countries) live in … .

a) homelessness b) poverty c) pollution

18) What is «drought»?

a) a long period of time during which there is very little or no rain b) a shaking of the ground c) a large amount of water covering an area of land that is usually dry

19) What is the Passive Voice of the sentence «My colleagues and I were helping injured people».

a) Injured people were helping by my colleagues and me b) Injured people were being helped with my colleagues and me c) Injured people were being helped by my colleagues and me

20) The director told the journalist that his small company … about four books a year.

a) publishes b) published c) had published

21) … the beginning of movie we could hear the shrill voice of the actress

a) at b) in c) on

22) He … for his keys for a half hour before he found them.

a) was looking b) had been looking c) had looked

23) She was offered a … of $50,000 a year.

a) salary b) money c) cash

24) What is «overtime»?

a) working or involving fewer hours than is considered normal or standard b) working the full number of hours considered normal or standard c) time spent working at your job that is in addition to your normal working hours

25) He … since his parents died.

a) has been cooking b) has cooked c) was cooking

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15.11.2020 12:14
Russia is the largest country in the world. it borders 18 other countries. moscow is the capital of russia. this city plays a significant role in the country’s life. saint petersburg is the second largest city. people of different nationalities live on the territory of russia. russian is the state language. however, there are a lot of people speaking various dialects. approximately half of the territory of the country is covered with forests. its flora and fauna are quite diverse. russia is agricultural and industrial country. russia has a developed economy with enormous natural resources, particularly natural gas and oil. russia is one of the leading countries in the space industry. russia is the country with great cultural heritage. there are historic and cultural monuments nearly in every city and town. россия является самой крупной страной в мире. она граничит с 18 другими странами. москва – столица россии. этот город играет значимую роль в жизни страны. санкт-петербург является вторым крупнейшим городом. на территории россии проживают различные национальности. является государственным языком. кроме того, есть много людей, которые говорят на различных диалектах. примерно половина территории страны покрыта лесами. животный и растительный миры достаточно разнообразны. россия является аграрно-индустриальной страной. в россии развитая с богатыми природными ресурсами, страна особенно богата природным газом и нефтью. россия является одной из ведущих стран в космической промышленности. россия – страна с богатым культурным наследием. и культурные памятники есть практически в каждом городе.
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20.10.2022 00:54
Hi, Emily,
School  life in Russia is very interesting. Children go to primary school at the age of 7. School is also compulsory in our country. School is not only lessons and homework but also best friends, clubs and excursions. At the end of each term my class visits some famous places in Rusia. I go to secondary school and my school day begins at 8 o`clock. Usually we have six lessons. Each lesson is 45 minutes and after it we have a break. We wear a uniform at school-dark skirts and blue blouses for girls and dark trousers and blue shirts for boys. The lessons end at two o`clock. Then we go home or to a club. There are a lot of school clubs and they are free. Sending you some pictures of my school.
Bye- bye,
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