1.вставьте необходимые артиклы: restaraunts and hotels in great britain are very expensive: a)the/the/the; b)-/-/-; c)-/-/the; d)the/-/the; e)the/-/- 2.вставьте предлоги в предложении: my friend are going holiday a month: a)to/in; b)on/for; c)for/for; d)on/on; e)to/for 3.вставьте необходимые предлоги: i'm trouble.last night i took my father's car and had an accident: a)in/from; b)on/-; c)with/of; d)in/-; e)in/of. 4.вставьте артикли в предложении: he felt sick and dizzy.he had headache and sore throat: a)a/a; b)-/-; c)a/-; d)-/a; e)the/the. 5.дополните предложения: the cows are eating grass in field: a)-/-; b)a/a; c)-/the; d)a/the; e)the/a
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. c