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22.10.2022 10:05 •  Английский язык

1. Выберите прилагательное или наречие (оба даны в скобках), сделав предложение грамматически верным. Example: It is clear. I see it clearly.
1. Yes, your point of view is (correct, correctly).
2. Can you please spell this word (correct, correctly).
3. You know me (good, well), do you?
4. It is (good, well) to be successful.
5. It is (hot, hotly) in the room.
6. Don’t look so (cold, coldly) at me.
7. It is (easy, easily).
8. I can do it (easy, easily).
9. It is (freezing, frosty) today.
10. He always greets us (warm, warmly).

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27.12.2021 17:56

I reached Boston late that night and got out at the South Station. I knew no one in Boston except Miss Bennet. She lived in Somerville, and I immediately started out for Somerville. Miss Bennet and her family did all they could to make me comfortable and help me to get myself established' in some way. I had only six dollars and their hospitality was of utmost importance to me.

My first application for a job in Boston was made in accordance with an idea of my own. Every boy in the Western states knew the Pope Manufacturing Company, which produced bicycles. When I published my first work "History of Western College Journalism" the Pope Company had given me an advertisement, and that seemed to be a "connection" of some kind. So I decided to go to the offices of the Pope Manufacturing Company to ask for a job. I walked into the general office and said that I wanted the president of the company.

"Colonel Pope?" asked the clerk.

I answered, "Yes, Colonel Pope."

I was taken to Colonel Pope, who was then an alert energetic man of thirty-nine. I told Colonel Pope, by way of introduction, that he had once given me an advertisement for a little book I had published, that I had been a College editor and out of a job. What I wanted was work and I wanted it badly.

He said he was sorry, but they were laying of hands. I still hung on. It seemed to me that everything would be all up with me', if I had to go out of that room without a job. I asked him if there wasn't anything at all that I could do. My earnestness made him look at me sharply.

"Willing to wash windows and scrub floors?" he asked.

I told him that I was, and he turned to one of his clerks.

"Has Wilmot got anybody yet to help him in the downtown' rink?" he asked.

The clerk said he thought not.

"Very well", said Colonel Pope. "You can go to the rink and help Wilmot out for tomorrow."

The next day I went to the bicycle rink and found that what Wilmot wanted was a man to teach beginners to ride. I had never been on a bicycle in my life nor even very close to one, but in a couple of hours I had learnt to ride a bicycle myself and was teaching other people.

Next day Mr. Wilmot paid me a dollar. He didn't say anything about my coming back the next morning, but I came and went to work, very much afraid that I would be told I wasn't needed. After that Mr. Wilmot did not exactly engage me, but he forgot to discharge me, and I came back every day and went to work. At the end of the week Colonel Pope sent for me and placed me in charge of the uptown' rink.

Colonel Pope was a man who watched his workmen. I hadn't been mistaken when I felt that a young man would have a chance with him. He often used to say that "water would find its level", and he kept an eye on us. One day he called me into his office and asked me if I could edit a magazine.

"Yes, sir," I replied quickly. I remember it flashed through my mind that I could do anything I was put at '96 that if I were required to run an ocean steamer I could somehow manage to do it. I could learn to do it as I went along'. I answered as quickly as I could get the words out of my mouth, afraid that Colonel Pope would change his mind before I could get them out.

This is how I got my first job. And I have never doubted ever since that one of the reasons why I got it was that I had been "willing to wash windows and scrub floors". I had been ready for anything.


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16.04.2020 00:28
My name is My family and I live in We live in a nice flat in a modern block of flats. Our flat is on the third floor of the nine-storied building, which contains all modern facilities starting from central heating and ending with lift and rubbish chute. We have a cozy three-room flat. It consists of one bedroom for my parents, one large living-room and a study, which is also my room. Besides, there is a spacious kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. The biggest room in our flat is the living-room. It has many useful functions. For example, we can watch TV there or have family dinners. At other times we welcome guests there and they can even stay overnight. We have a large sofa in the living-room, which can be transformed into a bed. My parents’ bedroom is also quite spacious. It’s a big room with two king size beds, two bedside tables, two lamps and a wardrobe. The study is not as big as other rooms in our flat, but despite this, it’s very cozy. There isn’t much furniture in it, only the most necessary things, such as a desk, a chair, a lamp, some book shelves, my bed and a cabinet. This room used to be my father’s study, but when I grew up it became my room. We don’t keep any pets in the flat, but there is a large aquarium in the hall where we have a lot of exotic and colourful fish. I like my flat very much. I think it’s a good place to live in. We are also lucky with neighbours.

Меня зовут Мы с семьёй живём в Мы проживаем в хорошей квартире в современном жилом доме. Наша квартира на третьем этаже девятиэтажного здания, в котором есть все современные удобства, начиная с центрального отопления, и заканчивая лифтом и мусоропроводом. У нас уютная трёхкомнатная квартира. Она состоит из одной спальни для моих родителей, одной большой гостиной и рабочего кабинета, который также является моей комнатой. Помимо этого, есть просторная кухня, ванная комната и туалет. Самая большая комната в нашей квартире – это гостиная. У неё много полезных функций. Например, мы можем смотреть в ней телевизор или проводить семейные ужины. В другие времена мы принимаем там гостей, и они могут даже оставаться с ночевкой. У нас есть большой диван в гостиной, который может трансформироваться в кровать. Спальня моих родителей также довольно просторная. Это большая комната с двуспальной кроватью, двумя тумбочками, двумя ночниками и одним шкафом для одежды. Рабочий кабинет не такой большой, как другие комнаты в нашей квартире, но, несмотря на это, очень уютный. В нем нет много мебели, только самые необходимые вещи, такие как рабочий стол, стул, лампа, несколько книжных полок, моя кровать и шкаф. Эта комната раньше была рабочим кабинетом моего отца, но когда я выросла, она стала моей комнатой. Мы не держим никаких домашних животных в квартире, но в коридоре есть большой аквариум с множеством экзотичных и красочных рыб. Мне очень нравится моя квартира. Я думаю, это отличное место для проживания. С соседями нам также повезло. 

Выбирай- моя работа в 7 классе. Удачи!
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