1 What fruit and vegetables do you regularly eat? Do you think they are healthy?
2 What time do you go to bed at night? Do you have
a routine for going to bed?
3 Teenagers don't have time to exercise every day.
Do you agree? Why?/Why not?
4 Do you relax regularly? How?
5 Have you ever stopped doing something
unhealthy? Why? Was it difficult?
6 "We need several hours of contact with other
people every day in order to stay healthy. Do you
agree? Why?/Why not?
нужно написать лист
My Hobby
My hobby is reading books. At the moment my favourite book, or rather, books are "Warriors". It is a series of novels written by four authors — Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland and Victoria Holmes, who collectively use the pseudonym Erin Hunter.
The series is very big. I have already read the original six books known as "Warriors: The Prophecies Begin".
The series is about feral cats (о бездомных котах). There are several warrior cat clans which are depicted in great detail. We learn a lot about the clans' culture and history. There is a lot of fighting and some epic battles, which makes the books exciting. Generally, the themes of the books are quite deep and serious, for example, there are such themes as being an outsider, loyalty, relationships and death.
I like the plot of the books and I enjoy reading them because I love cats. I also like that the characters of the series can be a mix of good and evil.
Могу ли я пойти на поезд-призрак
Да. Если ты хочешь.
Возьмите Салли с вами.
Могу ли я иметь некоторые конфеты зубную нить?
Можем ли мы пойти на неплательщиков снова папа?
Папа! Я голоден.
Могу ли я иметь еще один гамбургер
Bens тетя Кейт собирается на отдых во Франции.
Готовы ли вы, тетя Кэт?
Да. У меня есть мой случай.
У меня есть свой паспорт.
Я получил свой билет.
Что случилось, папа?
Его автомобиль.
Я не могу запустить его.
Становится поздно.
Я могу позвонить на такси.
1) Кто имя тети Бен?
2) Где она собирается ее праздник?
3) В какое время оставить ее поезд?
4) Что случилось с машиной?
5) Кто делает Eddy телефон?
1) Pope
2) In France
3) She has ceased to start up
Извени на 3 и 5 вопрос я не ответила.
Не поняла