1. When … George Washington born? * A) have
B) was
C) were
D) did
E) has been
2. They decided to go … a dangerous journey. *
A) to
B) on
C) into
D) onto
E) is
3. “I … for my future exams at 6 p.m. next Sunday” *
A) is prepare
B) will be prepare
C) will preparing
D) be prepare
E) will be preparing
4. … you busy now? I … you later *
A) Will, be calling
B) Are, will calling
C) Do, will calling
D) Are, will be calling
E) Do, will be calling
5. Ann (not/see) her new car yet *
A) have not seen
B) did not see
C) has not seen
D) does not see
E) did not saw
6. Какое предложение написано с использованием Past Simple? *
A) I write letters to my grandma every month.
B) I will write a letter to my grandma tomorrow.
C) I am writing a letter to my grandma now.
D) We are drinking a juice
E) I wrote a letter to my grandma 2 days ago.
7. Alice is still sleepy. She …. for more than three hours *
A) has been sleeping
B) are sleeping
C) sleeps
D) have been sleeping
E) sleep
8. She … a book for several years before it was published *
A) is wrote
B) was writing
C) had been writing
D) had written
E) wrote
9. Frank is not … clever as Jim. *
A) then
B) than
C) is
D) in
E) as
10. Tom Cruise is … than Ben Stiller. *
A) famous
B) the most famous
C) most famous
D) more famous
E) good
11. It was the funniest film of all time … to the critics. *
A) about
B) according
C) accordance
D) accorded
E) for
12. He … reading the book yesterday afternoon. *
A) starts
B) started
C) has started
D) is start
E) were starts
13. Last night, I … a great film from the video shop. *
A) hires
B) have hired
C) hired
D) hire
E) have hires
14. Can you turn … the radio, please? *
A) in
B) of
C) for
D) is
E) on
15. I don’t want … a film *
A) to watch
B) watched
C) watching
D) watchs
E) am watching
I was glad to get your lette last week. You wrote about yourself, and I want to tell you about me.
I'm (имяфамилия). (имя) is my first name and (фамилия) is my surename. I'm (возраст). I live in (место жительства) and also study here.
I'm tall, I have got fair hair and blue eyes. I like wearing jeans and t-shirts. I prefer to rock music, but sumetimes i listen to classical music. My hobbies are sports and reading. I play hocky.
My family is not large but very friendly. I have got a father and mother. I also have grand parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.
When they are not busy we spend time together. We go to the cinema, theatre or cafe.
I will look forward to meeting your.
Truly yours,
Lito - to wspaniały czas, jeśli sontse daruє svoє naydovshe ciepła rotsі i korotkі nochi zachwyci svoїm proholodnim podihom że Syayvo Zirok w Visoko nebі.
Cudi nie patrzeć - kiwać svoїmi Barvy podmuch rozmaїttya naturalnego shatіv. Tu i miasto, i pole, th Sadi tyazhіyut do zemlі owoce th kvіtami.
Ostry zapach trawy na stepie, gęsto nalivayutsya ogrody płodów, że Ryasno spіyut jagody lіsovіy guschі. M'yaky kilim zelenі scho go vkrita prostyagaєtsya ziemi aż po horyzont.I skórne rany sontse, rozpochinayuchi dni kidaє svoї Pershi promenі na Tsey kilim, vkrity nіchnoyu rosy, jaka pochinaє tremtіti th vigravati Emerald vіdtіnkami, prikovuyuchi sobie Poglyad vsogo mieszka dnia ... Więc idź vstupaє prawami svoї i Lito shte razy vigraє svoєyu krasoyu ,
Wieczory przy gayah lunayut dzvіnkі pisni ptashinih horіv i pomіzh Stepovaya ziół czyni jego dzvіnku melodіyu tsvіrkuni. M'yako llєtsya s-pomіzh grube klon vіttya solov'їna pіsnya powszechnie rozlivaєtsya na polach, liniowa do kozhnoї sіlskoї hati, nesuchi w sobі Zatyshok Wieczorów ciepłe lіtnogo ...
A jeśli specyfikacje Vzhe charakter znemagaє OD, raj na ziemi prorivayutsya burze th doschami, nesuchi prirodі swoją siłę zhittєdaynu. Radіє wody kupaєtsya ziemi rosah ja, ja wszystko Navkolo ozhivaє, rozkvіtaє s nowym życie. I Radіyut osób zhadanіy proholodі od Ryasnyi Zliv, yakі zroshuyut kraj, który ponosi Novi Bhagat vrozhay.
Prekrasnі lіtnі dnі, teplі th bezturbotnі, nache samі Sen nie chce vtrachati, Cz s pożegnanie godzin naganyaє je smutok. Pragne Skóra, mieszkańcy takі dnі sider Dovga th nіkoli nie zakіnchuvalis - mieszkańcy śmierdzą gładko pereyshli w Wieczności.
Tak było Tak tsya Chudova przejść. Mіnliva nie yaskrava podobny do Inshi, I Mauger skórzane vіdshukati w nіy dla siebie schos dla scho її Varto polyubiti.
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