1. Which course is the man interested in?
a) English
b) Mandarin
c) Japanese
2. What kind of course is the man looking for?
a) Daytime
b) Evenings
c) Weekends
3. How long does the man want to study?
a) 12 weeks
b) 6 months
c) 8 months
4. What proficiency level is the student?
a) Beginner
b) Intermediate
c) Advanced
5. When does the man want to start the course?
a) March
b) June
c) September
Привет, я Брюс Уэйн, но люди называют меня Бэтмен.
Я всегда встаю в 6 утра, одеваюсь и иду на пробежку. Затем я делаю сто отжиманий, медитирую и принимаю душ. В 8 часов я завтракаю и еду в офис своей компании, где работаю до обеда.
Я обедаю в половине первого. После обеда я иду к Альфреду, и мы обсуждаем новые гаджеты и оружие. Затем я занимаюсь йогой и тренируюсь в тренажерном зале.
В шесть я ужинаю. Потом смотрю новости, слушаю полицейское радио и иду бороться с преступниками. Я редко ложусь спать рано.
Объяснение: Надеюсь ...
Hi Jo,
How are things? I've got some great news! Keira and I will definitely visit our
grandparents in July. We will
certainly stay for three weeks, and maybe longer if we can. Will you be
there in July? I hope so! My dad
definitely won't come with us because he's working, but Mum won't have to work all of July and so maybe she can join us later.
The other news is that I might have a party for my birthday. Dad has said yes but Mum hasn't decided yet. It's OK, I think she will probably agree soon! If I do have one, can you come? You can stay the weekend.
Please say yes! It won't certainly be
the same without you!