1. You shouldn't put your elbows on the table. 2. You should sit up straight.
3. You should put your dirty knife and fork on the plate.
4. You shouldn't eat with your fingers.
5. You shouldn't lick your fingers.
6. You shouldn't lick your kniformou
ральным законом
Топливная система автомобиля — это система питания двигателя топливом. Главная функция топливной системы заключается в питании двигателя топливом. Кроме того, топливная система отвечает за хранение и очистку топлива.
Рассмотрим устройство топливной системы двигателя. Элементами топливной системы автомобиля являются бак, топливоприводы, насос, устройства смесеобразования, инжекторы, фильтры.
Бак. В нём хранится бензин либо дизель. Для забора топлива бак оснащается насосом.
Насос. Устройство, непосредственно осуществляющее подачу топлива к карбюратору или форсункам (в зависимости от того, какой тип двигателя на авто установлен — карбюраторный или со впрыском
1 Have you got over that terrible cough you had last time I saw you?
2 He touched one of the sculptures in the exhibition, and the guard saw him and told him off him .
3 Her car ran out of petrol and she had to hitchhike to a petrol station.
4 Her husband left her when the children were babies and she brought them up herself.
5 I know you don't want to talk to Jenny but it's really important to do it today. You can't put it off any longer.
6 Jimmy's giving me a lift. He's picking me up tomorrow morning at eleven.
7 My little sister often shows off when we have visitors. She usually wants to get more attention.
8 Our car broke down on the motorway and we had to call a garage to get it fixed.
9 Our plane took off an hour late so we landed in Rome an hour later than we'd expected.
10 Please put out your cigarette. Can't you see the 'no ~making' sign?