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the lost world" “but what do you make of this? ” cried professor summerlee, triumphantly pointing to what looked like the huge print of a five-fingered human hand appearing among the three-toed marks. “wealden! ” cried professor challenger, in ecstasy. “i’ve seen them in wealden in england. it is a creature walking upright upon three-toed feet, and occasionally putting one of its five-fingered forepaws down on the ground. not a bird, my dear roxton – not a bird.” “a beast? ” “no; a reptile – a dinosaur. nothing else could have left such a track.” his words died away into a whisper, and we all stood in motionless amazement. following the tracks, we left the swamp and passed through some bushes and trees. beyond was an open clearing, where there were five of the most extraordinary creatures that i have ever seen. crouching down among the bushes, we observed them at our leisure. there were, as i say, five of them, two adults and three young ones. they were enormous. even the babies were as big as elephants, while the two adults were bigger than any creatures i have ever seen. they had slate-coloured skin which had scales like a lizard’s and glittered when the sun shone upon it. all five were sitting up, balancing themselves upon their broad, powerful tails and their huge three-toed back feet, while they pulled down branches with their small fivefingered front feet. i do not know if i can describe them to you better other than by saying that they looked like monstrous kangaroos, twenty feet in length, and with skin like crocodiles. i do not know how long we stayed gazing at this marvellous sight. a strong wind blew towards us but we were well concealed, so there was no chance of discovery. from time to time the little ones played round their parents in clumsy games, the great beasts hopping into the air and falling with dull thuds upon the earth. the strength of the parents seemed to be limitless, for one of them, having some difficulty in reaching a bunch of leaves which grew upon a large tree, put his forelegs round the trunk and tore it down as if it were a sapling. this showed not only the strength of its muscles, but also the weakness of its brain, for the whole tree came crashing down on top of it. it yelped loudly, showing that despite its size there was a limit to what it could endure. the incident caused him to move off, followed by its partner and their three enormous infants. we saw the shimmering grey gleam of their skin between the tree trunks and their heads moving up and down high above the tree tops. then they vanished from our sight. i looked at my comrades. lord john was staring intently in the direction the creatures had disappeared. the two professors were in silent ecstasy. in their excitement, they had grabbed each other by the hand and stood like two little children in the presence of a wonderful sight. challenger’s cheeks displayed a broad smile, and summerlee’s ironic face softened in amazement. “my god” he cried at last. “what will they say in england about this? ” “my dear summerlee, i will tell you with great confidence exactly what they will say,” said challenger. “they will say that you are a liar and a scientific fake, exactly as you and others said of me.” “and if we have photographs? ” “faked, summerlee, faked, they’ll say! ” “and if we have specimens? ” “ah, there we may have them! the newspapers may praise us yet. august 28th – the day we saw five live iguanodons in a clearing of the amazon rainforest. put it down in your diary, my young friend, and send it to your paper.”

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24.06.2021 07:57

Summer holidays are the longest and the funniest vacations in the year. We’re always looking forward to the summer vacations. And when they come, we put our school backpacks aside and completely forget about boring school life. It’s time to have fun and take a rest!

This summer the weather was great! It was neither too hot nor cold. At the beginning of June (early in June), I decided immediately to enroll in the swimming pool, because I am fond of swimming. Dad insisted that in addition I should sign up for karate hobby group. He believes that every man should be able to stand up for himself. I also think so, therefore I gladly accepted the offer. My sister enjoys dancing, and we enrolled her in the dance-club.

The whole June and half of July I was engaged in the hobby circle, walked and ran about the street with friends. From time to time I did the homework that teachers assigned for summer vacations. At the end of July we went to the sea with my parents. We sunbathed, made tours and talked with strangers there.

In August, they bought me a summer camp voucher for 10 days. Camp is the most amusing place where I happened to stay. Every day we were doing something interesting and fascinating. We walked down the hills, went hiking, did rock climbing. From time to time we learned to draw, play the guitar and the synthesizer. But what I liked the most - gatherings around the campfire. We sang songs, told horror stories to one another and heated ourselves at the fire there.


Летние каникулы – самые длинные и веселые каникулы в году. Мы всегда с нетерпением ждем начала летних каникул. И когда они наступают, мы оставляем свои рюкзаки в стороне и напрочь забываем о школьных нудных буднях. Время веселиться и отдыхать!

Погода этим летом было замечательная! Не было ни слишком жарко, ни холодно. В начале июня я решил сразу записаться в бассейн, потому что я обожаю плавать. Папа настоял, чтобы я записался еще и на кружок карате. Он считает, что каждый парень должен уметь постоять за себя. Я тоже также считаю, поэтому с радостью принял такое предложение. Сестра моя любит танцевать, и мы ее записали ее на танцы.

Целый июнь и пол-июля я занимался в кружке, гулял и бегал на улице с друзьями. Время от времени я делал уроки, которые нам задавали учителя на летние каникулы. А конце июля мы отправились на море вместе с родителями. Там мы загорали, совершали экскурсии и общались с незнакомыми людьми.

В августе мне приобрели путевку в лагерь на 10 дней. Лагерь – это самое веселое место, где мне удалось побывать. Каждый день мы были заняты чем-то интересным и увлекательным. Мы спускались с гор, совершали пешие прогулки, занимались скалолазанием. Время от времени мы учились рисовать, играть на гитаре и на синтезаторе. Но что мне понравилось больше всего – посиделки у костра. Там мы пели песни, рассказывали ужастики друг другу и просто грелись у костра.

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06.10.2021 01:21

В Английском языке существуют местоимения , которые указывают на некоторое количество того или иного .Я выделяю следующие из них: some,any,much,many,a few,a little , a lot of.

Теперь о каждом по порядку и более подробно

SOME и ANY указывают на небольшое количество вещества и могут иметь Русский перевод “немного” или “несколько. Употребляются они как с исчисляемыми , так и с неисчисляемыми существительными в единственном и множественном числе.

SOME употребляем в утвердительных предложениях

I’ve got some questions to youGive me some juice , please

И в запросах

Won’t you have some cake?Can I have some more tea?

ANY употребляем в вопросительных и в отрицательных предложениях

Have you got any spare time?I didn’t see any brand new film last week

MUCH или “много” употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными ( с теми ,которые не можем посчитать)

Much work/time/attention

MANY или “много” употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными ( которые можно посчитать)

Many problems/questions/tasks/tests/windows

A FEW или “несколько” употребляем с исчисляемыми существительными

A few problems/questions/tasks/tests/windows

A LITTLE или “ несколько “с неисчисляемыми существительными

There is a little time left

Хочу указать так же некоторые эквиваленты much/many.Это:

A LOT OF ,LOTS OF , PLENTY OF (их мы употребляем как с исчисляемыми ,так и с неисчисляемыми), A GOOD DEAL OF , A GREAT DEAL OF ( употребляем только с неисчисляемыми)

We’ve got plenty of time leftLots of friends will be able to come to the rescue / I thinkHe pays a great deal of attention to his process of studying
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