13 Work in pairs and write your own quiz questions. Ask and answer the questions in groups.
Quiz A
A famous artist painted Guernica in 1937. (Who?)
2 Mozart started composing music. (When?) 3 A scientist discovered penicillin in 1928.
4 One of the world's greatest scientists lived from
1879-1955. (Which?)
5 A famous city is nicknamed The Big Apple. (Which?)
6 Guglielmo Marconi is responsible for an invention.
(What invention?)
7 This is the largest desert in
the world. (Which?)
8 This man wrote the best-
sellers The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol. (Who?)
9 This country is the oldest
surviving republic in the world. (Which?)
10 Tom Daley became Britain's youngest ever male Olympics competitor. (When?)
Quiz B
I Christopher Columbus discovered these islands in 1492, before
he discovered America. (Which?)
2 An Italian artist painted the Sistine Chapel. (Who?) 3 This song about
London was a huge hit for Lily Allen in 2006. (What?)
4 This country has the
smallest area of all European countries. (Which?)
5 This team bought
Cristiano Ronaldo for $163 million. (Which?)
6 A famous Beatle wrote the song Imagine in 1971. (Who?) 7 Laszlo Biro invented something. (What?) 8 This is the world's longest river. (Which?) 9 One of the world's most famous writers lived from 1564-1616.
10 Hong Kong became part of China again. (When?)
у паст симпела имеется свой тю би а именно увос или увёр увос в ед. ч. а увёр во мн. ч
к прилагательным в превосходной форме добавляются суффиксы и ар
и если прилагательное заканчивается на уай как фанни то тогда вместо уай пишется ай пример фанниер (funnier), хеппиер ( happier)
1. My days off are Saturday and Sunday.
2. Yes, I have a good rest.
3. Usually I go to the country for a week-end in summer.
4. I always have a good time in the country.
5. Usually I play with my dog, play volleyball or make barbecue with my dad.
6. I feel rest after the days off.
7. Usually I Return to town on Sunday evening.
1. Когда у тебя выходной, в субботу или в воскресенье? 2. Ты хорошо отдыхаешь? 3. Ты ездишь на за город (на дачу) на выходные или нет? 4. Ты всегда хорошо проводишь время за городом? 5. Чем ты занимаешься на даче? 6. Чувствуешь ли ты себя отдохнувшим после выходного дня? 7. Когда ты возвращаешься в город?