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05.07.2021 16:54 •  Английский язык

131. Everyday we are losing 137 species because people …….. forests.
132. Burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal causes….….
133. …….. damages lakes, rivers, trees, the soil and even buildings.
134. Read the newspaper online to save trees from being ……..
135. Volunteers …….. run workshops in villages across the island of Sumatra.
136. When the pollution mixes with rain it …….. acid rain.
137. If you donate money, you …….. a free T-shirt.
138. If I have time, I …….. to the clean-up day.
139. If global temperature doesn’t decrease, the ice caps ……..
140. He …….. his room till Sunday.
141. If the company recycled their paper and card, they …….. the environment.
142. If you …….. fluorescent light bulbs, you would save energy.
143. He …….. his vacation in China.
144. If you have a shower instead of a bath, you …….. water.
145. We …….. plant trees in the park this afternoon. Do you want to come?
146. Anna goes to bed early if she …….. the following day.
147. If you boil water, it …….. stream.
148. If he had enough free time, he …….. a gym.
149. You get water if you …….. hydrogen and oxygen.
150. She is …….. of all.
151. These earrings are …….. ones in the shop.
152. The art gallery is ……..than the museum.
153. This restaurant is ……..of all.
154. These trousers are……..big for me.
155. I don’t have……..money for a dog.
156. He is the boy………has an older brother.
157. She is the woman……..husband works in the museum.
158. My dad’s brother is my……..
159. Ann is married to Bob. She is his……..
160. My uncle’s son is my……..
161. These jeans are……..special offer.
162. She usually pays……..cash.
163. He spends his money……..books.
164. Is this item…….sale?
165. Do you have…….. free time to help me?
166. She is …….. girl in the class.
167. A crocodile is……..than a water snake.
168. He felt……..yesterday than the day before.
169. Safari parks are…….. places of all to keep animals.
170. The bakery is……..to my house than the butcher’s
171. I made the cake…….. is on the table.
172. The man ……..lives here is Thai.
173. This is the boy……..father wants to play tennis.
174. We are going to the shop……..sells souvenirs.
175. Ten cookery programs……..shown on TV every day.
176. The laptop……..bought by me yesterday.
177. Usually cakes…….. eaten by my brother.
178. The film……..watched by my family yesterday evening.
179. ……..the essay written by his sister two days ago?
180. She wrote the music……..
181. I looked at ……..in the mirror.
182. You like films,…….?
183. They are tired,…….?
184. He didn’t visit the doctor,…….?
185. We went to a party and……..had a great time.
186. I don’t know……..about music.
187. The theatre was full. There were……..empty seats.
188. Do you know what’s……..TV tonight?
189. There is a good film on ……..the Odeon.
190. The series is based……..a novel.
191. The film J. Edgar stars Leonardo DiCaprio……..the lead role.
192. The film has……..great music.
193. The post-box……..every week.
194. The letters……..into the different towns.
195. This coat……..four years ago
196. These stories……..by Chekhov.
197. Not…….liked this film.
198. The book was read by my mother,…….?

Показать ответ
22.02.2021 18:14

a) Who live in hostels with excellent facilities?

Where do sudents live with excellent facilities?

What do students do in hostels with excellent facilities?

With what facilities do students live in hostels?

How do students live in hostels?

Students live in hostels with excellent facilities, don't they?

b) A team of designes created a new engine, didn't they?

Who created a new engine?

What did a team of designes do?

What did a team of designes create?

What engine a team of designes did create?

A team of whom did create a new engine?

c) Who carry out scientific research to get a PhD?

What do graduates do to get a PhD?

What kind of research do graduates carry out to get a PhD?

What for do graduares carry out scientific research?

Graduates carry out scientific research to get a PhD, don't they?

d) The department of foreing languages will cooperate with the military, won't they?

Who will cooperate with the military?

What will the department of foreign langiages do with the military?

With whom will the department of foreign languages cooperate?

What department will cooperate with the military?

e) The university has bought a new helicopter for its aircraft fleet, hasn't it?

Who has bought a new helicopter for its aircraft fleet?

What has the university bought for its aircraft fleet?

What for has the university bought a new helicopter?

What helicopter has the unversity bought for its aircraft fleet?

What has the university done?

f) There are many sport facilities on the campus, aren't there?

What is there on the campus?

What facilities are there on the campus?

Where are sport facilities?

How much sport facilities are there on the campus?

g) Catering facility is important for students of full-time tuition, isn't it?

What is important for students of full-time tuition?

What facility is important for the students of full-time tuition?

For whom is the catering facility important?

For which students is the catering facility important?

What is catering facility for students of full-time tuition?

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22.02.2021 18:14

Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Firstly, sport helps people to become strong and to develop physically. Secondly, it makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. Also sport keeps your mind healthy. Sport helps people to keep in good health. We all need to exercise. Regular exercises give you more energy. Exercises make you feel and look better. The best exercises are: walking, jogging or swimming. Among the sports popular in our country are football, basketball, swimming, volley-ball,  tennis, gymnastics. A person can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste.


Спорт, наверное, так же стар, как само человечество. Во всем мире люди разного возраста очень любят спорт и игры. Во-первых, спорт людям стать сильнее и развиваться физически. Во-вторых, это делает их более организованными и дисциплинированными в повседневной деятельности. Кроме того, спорт поддерживает здоровье вашего ума. Спорт людям сохранять хорошее здоровье. Всем нам нужно заниматься спортом. Регулярные упражнения дают больше энергии. Упражнения улучшают самочувствие и улучшают внешний вид. Лучшие упражнения: ходьба, бег трусцой или плавание. Среди популярных в нашей стране видов спорта - футбол, баскетбол, плавание, волейбол, теннис, гимнастика. Человек может выбрать спорт и игры на любое время года, на любой вкус.

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