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30.07.2020 14:56 •  Английский язык

18. поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму present и past simple.
a. my name is ann. i (to be) eighteen and study at the art college. i (to live) with my family.it
(not to be) large, my brother, my father and i.my father is a businessman. he is the manager of a
small firm. he is very serious man and he is always busy. sometimes he (to work) even at weekends.
he is very ambitious and has strong will. he is only 42 and i’m sure, he (to have) a wonderful future.
my mother is 40, but she looks much younger. to my mind she is very beautiful. she is an economist
and works in one of commercial banks. she works 5 days a week and is off on saturdays and
sundays. my mother is very energetic and talkative. she always has a lot of things to do about the
house. my parents (to be) hard-working people.
all of us like to spend our week-ends in the country. we usually (to go) to the country house to
see my grandparents. they are pensioners. i like them very much because they always try to listen to
my opinion, though they don’t always agree with what i say.
in the evenings when we all (to get) together after work and study, we like to talk about
different things or watch tv. we are really good and happy family because we respect each other.
b. as for my friend mary is one of my best ones. i don't even remember when we (to meet)
for a first time, but it (to be) many years ago. probably it was at primary school and since then we are
still good friends. now we are 18 years old and mary studies at the college.
mary is a tall and slim girl. she is about 180 cm tall and she looks like a model. her face
is pretty, round and tanned. she has an expressive glance and blue-grey eyes. her eyelashes are long
and eyebrows are very dark. mary's face is snub-nosed and she has full lips. she has shoulder-length
dark hair. mary is a sensitive girl. she is also romantic and sometimes she writes poems. mary is a
person with the great sense of humor.
c. sometimes mary and me like go shopping.many girls (to enjoy) shopping and spend the
whole day visiting shops and buying things. as there (to be) many different goods, so there are many
shops which sell this or that kind of products. here's a short guide of different kinds of shops.
department stores (to have) many different departments: haberdashery, headwear, perfumery,
stationеry, leather goods, sports goods, china and glass, fabrics, linen, readymade men's and ladies'
departments. in the ladies' clothing department you can choose dresses, skirts, blouses, coats,
underwear. in the men's clothing department one can buy suits, sweaters, cardigans, pullovers,
trousers and woolen jackets. we (to go) to the dairy shop to buy milk, cream, cheese. tinned fish,
caviar, crabs, lobsters, and different sorts of fish — carp, cod, salmon, trout, mackerel — can be
found at the fishmonger's. sugar, semolina, buckwheat, rice, coffee, spaghetti, noodles are sold at the
grocer's. at the greengrocer's we can find all sorts of vegetables and fruit. well, all this stuff you may
buy at a market place and very often it is cheaper and of better quality. there are also big
supermarkets where you can buy everything. such shops are very universal and well-stocked.
moreover, we can order goods by telephone and with the help of different catalogues and fashion
19. задайте общий вопрос к выделенным предложениям в тексте.
20. сделайте выделенные в тексте предложения отрицательными.
21. ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту
1. is ann’s father an engineer?
2. how old is ann’s father?
3. how many days a week does ann’s mother work?
4. where does ann’s family like to spend weekends?
5. how does ann’s family spend the evenings?

Показать ответ
09.10.2022 17:14
Какая, вы думаете, самая большая проблема, которая стоит перед современными подростками? Большинство Британских родителей считают, что это наркотики, но они не правы.Интересные результаты были получены из исследования ( опроса ), проведенного Get Connected ( телефонная служба поддержки для детей и подростков ). Они поговорили с 510-ю молодыми людьми, в возрасте от 15 до 19 лет, а так же с их родителями. Они (Сотрудники службы) выяснили, что родители настолько обеспокоены тем, что их дети накачаются ( употребят ) наркотиками, что им не удается увидеть, что проблемами тревожности для многих молодых людей являются отношения, особенно с друзьями. Ничто ,кажется, не может быть хуже, чем выпадение из коллектива своих лучших друзей.

Сотрудник (Оператор) из Get Connected сказал, что молодые люди полагаются на своих друзей в разговорах о своих проблемах. Если они теряют связи с друзьями, то они становятся одиноки, что может серьезно повлиять на их психологическое здоровье. Как говорится : "Друзья-те, кто держит вашу голову в порядке ( здравом уме )"
Сегодня люди меньше полагаются на большие семьи, а всё больше и больше они полагаются на друзей.
Другой опрос в США показал, что сегодня молодые люди имеют гораздо больший круг друзей, чем 20-30 лет назад. Кажется более привлекательным и комфортным иметь большую группу людей, которым ты доверяешь, чем общаться только с одним человеком , и , в случае чего-то непредвиденного, потерять и это общение.
Кстати говоря, студенты из Бристольского Университета в Англии недавно заявили, что "Парочки"- явление времен.

А насколько важны друзья для тебя?
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21.05.2022 11:45
1. My mother enjoys to museums. ( going)
2. I’d really love a pilot. (to be)
3. I hate the ironing. ( doing)
4. This is the only way this conflict. (to stop)
5. I love in the sea. ( swimming)
6. My mother made me my room. ( tidy)
7. Do you like ? ( cooking)
8. His goal is a famous scientist. (to become)
9. I prefer by train to . ( travelling, driving)
10. Would you like shopping tomorrow? (to go)
11. Would you mind the door? ( closing)
12. Friends should never selfish. ( be)
13. Who was the first man on the Moon? (to walk)
14. Sam suggested to the cinema. ( going)
15. I would hate a yard cleaner. ( being)
16. Avoid with the fridge door open while you wonder what to eat. ( standing)
17. She is too young clubbing. (to go)
18. You must hard for your exams. ( study)
19. Are you thinking of a car? ( buying)
20. She is old enough home late. (to come)
21. A pupil apologized for sorude. ( being)
22. “Shall we go by train?” “Well, I’d prefer by car.’ (to go)
23. He always has difficulty in with people. ( communicating)
24. I was glad you had arranged everything well. (to hear)
25. Do you want me you money? (to lend)
26. I can’t stand behind desk. ( being)
27. Her parents wouldn’t let her out alone. ( go)
28. I hope you everything we need. ( buy)
29. Why do you dislike here? ( living)
30. “What about a game of tennis?” “I’d rather volleyball.” ( play)
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