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2. fill in the gaps with the verbs in the appropriate form. some of the verbs can be used twice: to design, to delineate, to sketch, to draw, to create, to decorate. then make up your own sentences with these verbs
1) some people believe that god … the world.

2) who … the sydney opera house?

3) it took him a few days to … the design drawing of the shopping centre.

4) this building … by a famous architect.

5) at christmas we … the living rooms with coloured paper and lights.

6) the assignment at the lesson was to … a horse in motion.

7) he decided not to draw the picture but to … that landscape.

8) that outstanding artist managed to … a real masterpiece of art.

9) we made up our mind to … the bedroom with blue paint and a gold paper.

3. match the verbs with their definitions:

1) to design a) to make a picture of something with a pen or pencil

2) to delineate b) to make a quickly-made simple drawing

3) to sketch c) to work out the structure or form of something

4) to draw d) to make more attractive by adding some ornament

5) to create e) to produce something new

6) to decorate f) to show by drawing

2. match the nouns with their definitions:

1) designer a) he is qualified to design and supervise the construction of buildings

2) interior decorator b) he plans and chooses the colours, furnishing for the inside of a room or a house

3) artist c) he makes drawings of equipment, machinery, or buildings

4) painter d) he makes plans or patterns from which things are made

5) stylist e) he produces works of art such as paintings or sculpture

6) creator f) he produces something new, originates

7) draftsman g) he acts with great attention to the particular style

8) architect h) he paints pictures

3. fill in the gaps with the following nouns: sketches, paintings, drawings, architecture, design, style, décor, decoration, creation.

1) in st. petersburg tourists always admire the classical style of … .

2) the success of this car shows the importance of good … in helping to sell product.

3) it’s very pleasant to make christmas … of your apartments.

4) it’s a good restaurant but i don’t like the … there.

5) the experts presented the paintings in the … of picasso.

6) the artist made a few … of the landscape.

7) the teacher showed us rembrandt’s … for his paintings.

8) the … of this writer produced a great impression on the public.

9) i’ve always admired monet’s early … .

4. make up your own sentences with the nouns from ex.1.


1. match the adjectives with their synonyms:

1) architectonic a) ornamental

2) creative b) fashionable, smart

3) stylish c) constructive

4) decorative d) tasteful, aesthetic
5) artistic e) imaginative, ingenious

6) decorated f) embellished

2. fill in the gaps with the following adjectives: creative, inventive, constructive, decorated, decorative, ornamental, stylish. in some of the sentences two variants are possible.

1) this … interior designer realizes interesting ideas in his design projects.

2) the … streets looked wonderfully and everybody felt new years’ day was coming.

3) they were not able to accept his … criticism towards their architectural plans.

4) the last collection of that … fashion designer left an unforgettable impression with the public.

5) the young man is considered to be a very … musician.

6) my mother is fond of … art very much.

7) his … designs for the new college building impressed the customers greatly.

8) the photograph of her grandparents in a(n) … frame stood on the dressing table.

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21.01.2023 12:39

Кра́сный Луч (с 2016 года де-юре переименован по решению Верховной рады в Хрустальный[3], укр. Хрустальний; до 1920 года — Криндачёвка) — город областного подчинения в Луганской области Украины. Де-факто с весны 2014 года город входит в непризнанную Луганскую Народную Республику, власти которой не признали переименование.

17-я шахта (бывшая шахта номер 17 бис), 1 микрорайон, 2 микрорайон, 3 микрорайон, 4 микрорайон, Комбинат (расположение комбината «Донбассантрацит»), Центр, Звезда, Победа, Верочка (расположение рудника «Вера» — шахта номер 162, ныне закрыта), Знамя Коммунизма, 4-бис, 160-я шахта (поселок шахты № 160, ныне «Миуссинская»), Машзавод, Шанхай, пос. Хрустальное, пос. Мирный, Мясокомбинат, Заречная, 2 ВЛКСМ, Новопавловка (поселок шахты Новопавловская-восточная)

Памятники Править

Мемориал Миус-Фронт

1967 — открыт мемориальный комплекс «Миус-фронт» (в районе реки Миус), посвященный, происходящим здесь сражениям в годы Великой Отечественной войны[29] и др.).

1997 — открыт памятник в честь земляков, воинов-интернационалистов ("воинов-афганцев"), принимавших участие добровольно и/или по долгу службы в вооружённом конфликте в Афганистане — Боевая машина пехоты (БМП-1), установленная на постамент в городском парке [30].

См. также, сайт "Памятные места в Красном Луче" — Мемориальные памятники, Братские могилы и другие значимые объекты, созданные в г. Красный Луч в память о Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг. [31].

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02.01.2020 11:21

1.Athletes from around the world will be competing at the Olympics.

2.He finished third in the race.

3.That was a great throw!

4.Specialising in both the discus throw and shot put, Saifi is a double Paralympic gold medal winner and three time World Champion.

5.Javelin, a very dangerous event.

6.My specialty's the broad jump

7.We went to the wrestling thing together.

8.Its objective will be to revive donor activity in that sector.

9.Look, guys, we can compete without being enemies.

10.We've decided you shouldn't represent yourselves.

11.If the date in the phone is not set, program will set it during next data update.

12.An opening ceremony is held before the start of the first game of the season.

13.Currently US$ 1 million rental subsidy paid by host country.

14.A Klingon blood oath can never be broken.

15.I hereby swear that I will never chop down another tree.

16.A little sportsmanship, if you please.

17.In exchange, migrants are obliged to respect the rules and laws of the host country.

18.Rittenhouse handed me an all-access pass to government servers.

19.This glory could be yours if you are brave enough to forge peace.

20.My invitation said it was in my honor

21.After the parade of nations the Olympic flame was lit.

22.Successful innovation is a team sport, it's a relay race.

23.Which dragon makes the best welding torch?

24.We must extinguish our evil urges.

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