2 Make a website plan. Follow the steps in the project checklist. O PROJECT CHECKLIST
1 Think of an activity that you do in your
free time, or something that you're
interested in
2 Plan the contents of your website. Think
about: places in your area to do the
activity, details about it, equipment you
need and famous people who do it.
3 Write a home page for your website.
Include an introduction to the activity, a
few important dates, why it has become
popular and some links to other pages.
4 Write a short text for each page.
5 Find photos for your website plan on the
internet or in a magazine.
Change the following sentences in passive voice into active voice:
1. Text- messaging was invented by the Finnish company Nokia.
2. The first bikini was designed by two Frenchmen.
3. Light bulbs are designed specially to last only a certain number of hours.
4. The first Harry Potter book was written in a café in Edinburgh.
5. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
6. Penicillin was first made into a medicine by an Australian scientist Howard Florey.
7. Spiders were used as a cure for toothache in the 17th century.
8. Spiders were first made into a paste, and then put on the bad tooth.
9. Sherlock Holmes, a great detective was created by writer Arthur Conan Doyle.
10. Sherlock Holmes was based on a real person.
Change the following sentences in passive voice into active voice:
1. The Finnish company Nokia invented text-messaging.
2. Two Frenchmen designed the first bikini.
3. Designers make light bulbs to specially last only a certain number of hours.
4. The author wrote the first Harry Potter book in a café in Edinburgh.
5. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
6. An Australian scientist Howard Florey first made penicillin into a medicine.
7. People used spiders as a cure for toothache in the 17th century.
8. They first made spiders into paste, and then put it on the bad tooth.
9. Arthur Conan Doyle created the great detective Sherlock Holmes.
10. He based Sherlock Holmes on a real person.
1. Градины могут падать на значительные расстояния, не тая.
2. Ключ к пониманию конденсации лежит в тонком балансе между этими переменными.
3. Депрессия обычно достигает своей максимальной интенсивности через 12-24 часа после начала окклюзии.
4. Анабатические ветры возникают в результате большего нагрева сторон долины по сравнению с дном долины.
5. Небо может очень резко проясниться еще до прохождения поверхностного холодного фронта.
6. Капля радиусом 1 мм падает на 42 км перед испарением.
7. Типичные скорости ветра могут быть увеличены в тех случаях, когда инверсия температуры низкого уровня создает «эффект Вентури» при сжатии и ускорении пола.
8. Замерзание переохлажденных капель воды также может привести к образованию осколков льда.