2. переведите текст на язык. how are crimes classified? crimes may be classified in various ways. one type of classification is given below. as you read the following list, however, keep in mind that human beings are the ultimate victims in all crimes: 1. crimes against a person (murder, assault and battery, kidnapping, rape), 2. crimes against property (larceny, robbery, hijacking loaded trucks, embezzlement, receiving stolen property), 3. crimes against the government and the administration of justice (treason, tax evasion, bribery, counterfeiting, perjury), 4. crimes against public peace and order (rioting, carrying weapons, drunk and disorderly conduct, illegal speeding), 5. crimes against buildings (burglary, arson, criminal trespass), 6. crimes against consumers (fraudulent sale of wild cat securities), or 7. crimes against decency (bigamy, obscenity, prostitution, sexual harassment). crimes are classified in terms of their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. a felony is a crime of a serious nature. it exists when the act: murder, kidnapping, arson, rape, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, larceny (also called theft) of large sums, and perjury are examples of felonies. a person who lies when under oath commits perjury. a misdemeanor is a crime of a less serious nature. it is usually punishable 1) by confinement in a jail for less than one year, 2) by fine, or 3) by both confinement and fine. crimes such as drunkenness in public, driving an automobile at an illegal speed, shoplifting, and larceny of small sums are usually misdemeanors. a lesser misdemeanor is known as an infraction. parking overtime on metered parking, failing to clear snow from sidewalks, and littering are examples of infractions. 3. ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1) who are the ultimate victims in all crimes? 2) how are crimes classified? 3) how is a misdemeanor punished?
1) Кто являются главными жертвами во всех преступлений?2) Как классифицируются преступления?3) Как проступок наказывается?
3)This usually indicates 1) imprisonment for a term of less than one year, 2) to a fine