3. Change the following direct commands into reported commands using the verbs: tell,
order, ask, beg, advise, remind, warn, etc.
1. “Switch off the TV,” he said to her.
2. “Shut the door, Tom,” she said.
3. “Lend me your pen for a moment,” I said to Mary.
4. “Don`t watch late-night horror movies,” I warned them.
5. “Don`t believe everything you hear,” he warned me.
6. “Please fill up this form,” the secretary said.
7. “Don`t hurry,” I said.
8. “Don`t touch that switch, Mary,” I said.
9. “Open the-safe!” the raiders ordered, to the bank clerk.
10. “Please do as I say,” he begged me
Если погода будет хорошей, мы сходим в поход.
2 тип - малореальные, к настоящему или будущему. следствия should / would и инфинитив глагола без частицы to, условия – Past Simple: If Australia did not happen to be isolated from the rest of the world, it wouldn’t possess such a unique fauna.
Если бы Австралия не оказалась изолирована от остального мира, на ней не было бы такой уникальной фауны.
3 тип - невыполненные условия в следствия should / would и глагол во времени Present Perfect, условия – глагол в форме Past Perfect: If you had gone to bed in time you wouldn’t have overslept your interview. Если бы ты вовремя пошла спать, то не проспала бы собеседование.