3 *** Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.
rainy stormy sunny foggy fey
cloudy snowy windy
Hello! Here is today's world weather in two minutes!
1 In Helsinki it's -2 °C today. It's cold and
icy, so a good day to go skating!
2 In London today the weather is 12 °C. It's grey
But you don't need your
umbrella - it isn't
3 In Ottawa it's cold (-1 °C) and very
It's a good day to make a snowman.
4 Today in San Francisco it's very
You can't see anything, so drive carefully!
5 At the moment in Kingston, Jamaica it's the
hurricane season, so it's very
Today it isn't rainy, but it's very
6 In Rio de Janiero it's beach weather! It's warm
(28 °C) and
Привет! Я хочу рассказать вам о том, что для меня значит зима. В первую очередь, для меня зима-это битвы снежками и катание на коньках. Также я очень люблю кататься на лыжах и сноуборде. Говоря о природе, я могу сказать, что все как в сказке. Снег, много снега! Я люблю гулять в парках и созерцать все, что находится вокруг меня. Неважно, что холодно! Я не боюсь этого, потому что природа этого стоит. Зима - это мое любимое время года и жаль, что она скоро закончится.
2. They have been planting young trees in the park since morning.
3. The children have decorated the fir-tree. You can see it now.
4. Our patients have been decorating the fir-tree all evening. They are still in the drawing room.
5. He has repaired tape-recorder and had just noggin to use it.
6. He has been repairing tape-recorder himself since morning and hopes to finish it soon.
7. Mary is still in the kitchen. She has been cleaning it all morning.
8. Mary has cleaned the kitchen and now it looks tidy and nice.
9. I've collected a lot of material for my paper so I am ready to write it.
10. I have been collecting some material for my paper since November and I'm only half-way through.