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23.12.2022 16:22 •  Английский язык

3. Fill in the appropriate prepositions: about/of/to/with/out/for/on/at. Choose the

statements that are true for you.

1) My parents disapprove 1) going to parties and never let me stay 2)___ late with my friends. They say I must concentrate 3)___ school and think more 4)___ my future. My parents are rather conservative and old-fashioned.

2) I always quarrel 5) my parents because they don't give me enough pocket money. Also, when I have a row with my parents, I ignore their bans and sneak 6)___.

3) I get 7) really well with my mom and dad. I never make decisions myself, parents are always there to help me 8)___. I lean 9) my parents' support, and act so that they are proud 10)___ me.

4) I normally agree 11)___ my parents and often ask 12)___ their advice. I know my parents worry 13) me. Although they may seem overprotective, but I try to

listen 14)___ what they say to me and obey their rules.

5) My family are dissatisfied 15) my results. They blame me 16)___making mistakes, not thinking ahead, not acting more grown up, not working hard enough, not paying attention, not keeping agreements, not behaving responsibly. And the list goes on...

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12.04.2021 12:05
Youth and the youth movement have become an important factor in the public and political life of our state. Youth are the future of each nation, of each country. Young people have always been the first where it was most difficult, where strong arms and enthusiasm were neccessary. Nowdays democratic changes are taking place in Ukraine. Our young people have begun to take a more people interest in the home and foreign policy of Ukraine. All Organizations for schoolchildren are not based in schools, they unite young people of different towns or district.The strongest youth organization is the Students Brotherhood. It unites students from all parts of Ukraine. This organization is playing a very important role in democratic changes that are taking place nowadays. A group of members of this organization from different institutes and universities organized a hunger strike in Kyiv in October 1990 and had a great influence ever some decisions of the Ukrainian Parliament. Another youth organization is the Plast. It is like the Boy Scouts. The organization unites boys and girls from the age of fourteen for purposes of education, sports, and culture. The Plast educates its members to be faithful to God and Ukraine. This organization was formed in Lviv in 1911, but from 1930 it did not function. Now boys and girls are very active in newly formed Plast sections.The independent Ukrainian Youth League is very active in Ukraine too. Its members organize pickets, strikes, and demonstrations.There are some other organizations whose aims are to revive the Ukrainian culture and traditions, to protect nature, and to maintain free and sovereign Ukraine.
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30.07.2021 20:48

We live in a world where people are always in a hurry and don’t have enough time to eat healthy. Eating in a hurry can be harmful for the body. Buying every desired product is also risky. There are lots of products today which are genetically modified. It means that they weren’t grown in their natural environment and conditions. If we want to follow a healthy diet, we should avoid such products. Мы живем в мире, где люди всегда спешат и не имеют достаточно времени, чтобы питаться правильно. Еда в спешке может быть вредной для организма. Покупка каждого желаемого продукта также рискованна. Сегодня есть много продуктов, которые являются генетически модифицированными. Это означает, что они выросли не в естественной среде и условиях. Если мы хотим поддерживать здоровую диету, мы должны избегать таких продуктов.

Eating healthy is very important for every person. Wise people say, “Health is above wealth”. And, indeed, what can we do properly if we don’t eat. It is our natural source of energy, so it’s better to chose it carefully. For example, our body needs more vitamins and minerals but it doesn’t need much cholesterol. That’s why, it’s better to avoid using fat-containing products. We also need less sodium, which is found in salt and less sugar. I now try to eat less sweets and cakes. First of all, it can make me overweight. Secondly, it’s not good for health. Здоровое питание очень важно для каждого человека. Мудрые люди говорят: «Здоровье выше богатства». И, действительно, что мы можем делать хорошо, не покушав. Это наш естественный источник энергии, так что лучше выбирать его внимательно. Например, наше тело нуждается в большем количестве витаминов и минералов, но ему не нужно много холестерина. Вот почему, лучше избегать употребления жиросодержащих продуктов. Нам также необходимо меньше натрия, который содержится в соли и меньше сахара. С сейчас стараюсь кушать меньше сладостей и тортов. Прежде всего, это грозит мне избыточным весом. Во-вторых, это не очень хорошо для здоровья.

Eating lots of vegetables and fruit is healthy. Other healthy and nutritious products include fish, seafood, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk products, lean meat, eggs, beans, seeds and nuts. However, a lot depends on every person’s body and its needs. For example, some people are highly allergic to nuts. In this case they need to cut this product out of their daily diet. Для здоровья хорошо кушать много овощей и фруктов. К другим здоровым и питательным продуктам относится рыба, морепродукты, цельные зерна, обезжиренные или нежирные молочные продукты, постное мясо, яйца, бобовые, семена и орехи. Тем не менее, многое зависит от тела каждого человека и его потребностей. Например, у некоторых людей сильная аллергия на орехи. В этом случае они должны удалить этот продукт из своего ежедневного рациона.

Another problem is the increasing number of fast-food chains. People want to eat quickly but they don’t realize that fast-food is unhealthy. Еще одной проблемой является увеличение числа сетей быстрого питания. Люди хотят поесть быстро, но не понимают, что фаст-фуд является нездоровым.

The regime of eating is also important. It means we need to eat at certain hours during the day. For example, breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 1 pm, snack at 4 pm and dinner at 6 pm. Режим питания также важен. Это означает, что мы должны есть в определенные часы в течение дня. Например, завтрак в 8 утра, обед в 1 дня, полдник в 4 и ужин в 6 вечера.

Along with eating healthy, we should try to keep fit by doing exercise, cycling, spending less time in front of the TV and not smoking. Наряду со здоровым питанием, мы должны стараться поддерживать себя в форме, делая упражнения, катаясь на велосипеде, тратя меньше времени перед телевизором и не куря сигарет.


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