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3.i had a feeling that somebody there before. was is had been has been 4nobody knew where at the moment. she is she has been have been she was 5.the new pair of trousers a bit tight on me. is are were am 6ann the article since morning. has been translating translates has translated is translating question 7 : 1 a typist is someone who letters and reports. выберите один ответ. type types are typing is typing question 8 : 1 he waiting for you the whole day yesterday. why didn't you come? выберите один ответ. was is will had question 9 : 1 hurry up, the train in a minute. выберите один ответ. will be left is leaving has left was leaving question 10 : 1 he has friends here. выберите один ответ. few a lot little mine question 11 : 1 whose map is this? it's выберите один ответ. my his me him question 12 : 1 he says that he to the tape. выберите один ответ. listen will listen will be listened would listen question 13 : 1 does your son to watch tv? выберите один ответ. liking like likes liked question 14 : 1 where are parents? выберите один ответ. hi her its them question 15 : 1 the pupil his work carelessly. выберите один ответ. have done had made made did question 16 : 1 you play tennis? выберите один ответ. must can have may question 17 : 1 peter is fond of reading. give these books to выберите один ответ. he his her him question 18 : 1 john said he never the film before. выберите один ответ. had seen has been seen saw has seen question 19 : 1 when i arrived at the party, tom home. выберите один ответ. has already gone already went have already gone had already gone question 20 : 1 i wonder when we their letter. выберите один ответ. will receive receive are receiving have received question 21 : 1 we usually drink water in hot weather. выберите один ответ. a lot of many few little question 22 : 1 you take care of your parents. выберите один ответ. are to should to ought to need to question 23 : 1 tom is telling about his work. выберите один ответ. ours our we us question 24 : 1 he school this year. выберите один ответ. has finished finished is finished was finished question 25 : 1 -pupil: i read or translate the text? –teacher: read it, please. выберите один ответ. can must needn’t mayn’t question 26 : 1 we shall the results when we finish our experiments, выберите один ответ. to discuss discuss to be discussing discussing question 27 : 1 it's easy, you can do it выберите один ответ. yours your yourself you question 28 : 1 he be in this room. выберите один ответ. has must is ought question 29 : 1 daughter is seven years old. выберите один ответ. hers his he him question 30 : 1 we did this homework . выберите один ответ. myself themselves itself ourselves question 31 : 1 he knows english well. he translate this article. выберите один ответ. has is able will have can question 32 : 1 we wanted to know if they to the party выберите один ответ. have come would come came come question 33 : 1 you be happy if you won this prize? выберите один ответ. will are would were question 34 : 1 can you come on monday evening? — sorry, i'd love to but volleyball. выберите один ответ. have played was playing am playing played question 35 : 1 let him eat выберите один ответ. small little few a little question 36 : 1 what wonderful weather it is today! выберите один ответ. an a the --- question 37 : 1 she saved money and she wants to put in the bank. выберите один ответ. their them it they question 38 : 1 what are you doing? - i reading a book. выберите один ответ. do am shall was question 39 : 1 the clothes are absolutely wet. i should dry выберите один ответ. their it them theirs question 40 : 1 her flat is on the ground floor, is on the second floor. выберите один ответ. my i me mine

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17.05.2021 23:23
На русском
Бель девушка из французского городка, дочка изобретателя Мориса. Самая красивая девушка в городе. Очень любит читать книги, чем сильно выделяется из всех. За это качество многие жители также считают её странной. Белль умная, смелая и самостоятельная, отчаянно желающая вырваться из скучной атмосферы родного города. Иногда в шутку её называют "Мисс Всезнайка". из-за страсти к книгам. Очень любит своего отца, из-за него согласилась остаться в замке Чудовища вместо него. Порой она любит покомандовать. мне она нравится из-за своего характера!
на английском 
Belle the girl from the French town, the daughter of the inventor Maurice. The most beautiful girl in town. Loves to read books, what stands out from all. For this quality, many people also consider it strange. Belle is intelligent, courageous and independent, desperately wanting to escape from the boring atmosphere of his native city. Sometimes jokingly called her "Miss Know-it-all". because passion for books. Loves his father, he agreed to stay in the Beast's castle instead. Sometimes she likes to sail it. I like it because of its nature!
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26.07.2021 07:13
Nowadays, many people forget that such courtesy,especially the youth of today.I remember my grandmother who was very religious and polite.When I was (-) as a teenager I always stay (s) at my grandma's.So you come to her,and she gives you something good,yummy feed.Remember how I always asked (but) when we sat over a Cup of hot tea in the winter,when the window was raging snowstorm,sit and talk heart to heart with his grandmother.And we talked about it:
-You remember your young years...-he started the conversation the old lady.-at that time it was not so as now...and the other village people and others.In our times the youth has always been polite.
-Grandma!What is "politeness"?
-Well,-she sighed,-Politeness is a human characteristic which characterizes the personality good manners, good deeds and education.Under the politeness is usually described as the ability to communicate respectfully with people, a willingness to find a compromise and listen to opposing points of view.So that was my wonderful day at my grandmother's.
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