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22.01.2020 01:15 •  Английский язык

3. Iۥ ve no idea why you havenۥt been invited the party. a) at; b) to; c) in; d) for
4. I had to pay cash because I had forgotten my credit card.
a) of; b) -; c) in; d) with
5. It was very rude you to go away without saying “good – buy”
a) to; b) from; c) of; d) about
6. The patient died a heart attack.
a) from; b) because; c) by; d) of
7. I canۥt help crying when I hear this music.
a) to; b) on; c) at; d) –
8. My grandmother is going to live with us. She needs somebody to look her
a) for; b) after; c) at; d) to
9. Allow me to congratulate you your success.
a) for; b) of; c) on; d) because of
10. This book consists two parts.
a) on; b) of; c) from; d)with
11. - Are you going to buy this dress?
- It depends how much it is.
a) to; b) -; c) from ; d) on
12. If I wear eye – glasses, I will certainly be laughed …. .
a) at; b) -; c) on; d) to
13. The hall was crowded …. people who wanted to greet the famous singer.
a) with; b) by; c) for; d) of
14. …. my opinion this music is the worst I have ever listened …. .
a) In, -; b) On, to; c) By, to; d) In, to
15. It was very nice … you to do the shopping for me.
a) on; b) about; c) for; d) of
16. She apologised … me … her behaviour.
a) to, with; b) at, to; c) on, for; d) to, for
17. “Iۥm sorry being rude to you.”
a) for; b) -; c) on; d) at
18. The police believe that there is no connection the two crimes.
a) between; b) for; c) with d) among
19. “This letter is in French. Could you translate it Russian, please?”
a) in; b) on; c)onto; d) into
20. “Have you ever heard the existence of Atlantida”?
a) of; b) about; c) -; d) from
21. All the players were divided four groups as it was written in the rules of the game.
a) for; b) on; c) of; d) into
22. While studying at the university he specialized ... chemistry.
a) at; b) on; c) in; d) of
23. It is going to be wonderful holiday! Tomorrow we are leaving the Bermudas.
a) on; b) for; c) to; d) towards
24. “If you are interested computers why donۥt you apply ... Microsoft Company?”
a) at, to; b) in, for; c) at, for; d) in, to
25. Living at a hotel you have to pay your room.
a) of; b) for; c) to; d)on
26. I hope the weather will be nice next weekend.
a) -; b) in; c) on; d) at
27. When I go to the cinema, I prefer to sit ... the front row.
a) in; b) on; c)at; d) near
28. There was not a cloud the sky.
a) in; b) on; c) at; d) out of
29. Welcome our country!
a) at; b) to; c) in; d) into
30. It is better for us to stay home.
a) to; b) in; c) -; d) at
31. “Did you come here car or foot?”
a) in, on; b)in, by; c) by, by; d) by, on
32. The door must have been opened a key.
a) with; b) in; c) at; d) by
33. My salary has increased ... ten per cent.
a) with; b) in; c) on; d) by
34. We always used to have a party the end of term.
a) for; b) in; c) at; d) by
35. The city center is full automobiles in the rush hour.
a) with; b) of; c) for; d) in
36. Jane is fond music, she can listen it all day long.
a) of, -; b) with, to; c) of, to; d) with, -
37. 10:00 the train left for Moscow.
a) In; b) At; c) On; d) About
38. She is married a famous singer.
a) to; b) at; c) in; d) with
39. The conference began March, 18.
a) in; b) on; c) since; d) at
40. Glass is made sand.
a) from; b) out of; c) with; d) of
41. They were business in London.
a) with; b) for; c) on; d) in
42. “Can you explain this me ?”
a) at; b) on; c) to; d) with
43. “Why are so many women afraid insects?”
a) of; b) with; c) –
44. Human activity in recent years resulted the environment changes.
a) at; b) in; c) on
45. He got a good mark and is very proud it.
a) with; b) of; c) for
46. I was pleased seeing you again this week.
a) about; b) at; c) with
47. I hope my friends will succeed passing the exams.
a) on; b) at; c) in
48. Why is Mike late? He has missed the nine oۥclock train or something really serious has happened to him.
a) either; b) neither; c) both; d) so
49. I like the film nor the novel itۥs based on.
a) both; b) neither; c) so; d)either
50. my brother and I were upset when we heard the news
a) Both; b) And; c) Neither; d) Either
51. The tennis match was cancelled heavy rain.
a) as a result; b)although; c) due to; d) because
52. My sister went to England she could improve her English.
a) in order; b) owing; c) so that; d) although
53. Iۥ m really interested in fashion. I.
a) So do; b) Neither; c) So am; d) Neither am
54. My grandmother doesnۥt like to live in the city the traffic and pollution.
a) owing to; b) although; c) because of; d) in spite of

Показать ответ
12.12.2022 20:08
1. We a house in the centre of the town. (have)
2. My mother has sisters in New York. (no)
3. There a picture on the wall. (is)
4. I a dog when I was a child. (had)
5. there many books on the table? (are)
1. Не didn’t pass his entrance exams. - past simp
2. They won’t play tennis together. - fut simp
3. Yesterday you came home later than usual. - past simp
4. The train leaves Orenburg at 8:30. - pres simp
5. Do you attend classes regularly? - pres simp
6. Shall we stay here for a month longer? - fut simp
7. He read this book in his childhood. - past simp
8. Did she say you goodbye? - past simp
9. We do not feel comfortable here. - pres simp
10. He speaks much about nothing. pres simp
0,0(0 оценок)
24.02.2020 15:54
1. - What is in this beautiful building? - It's Pedagogical University. This new university. - I thought it was a bank. No, there are a few banks on the opposite side of the street. It is a quiet and beautiful street of old Moscow. I like it here. 2. Next to the subway there is a large shopping center "Atrium". It is close to our university. As there are many different small shops. Some are expensive, some are not. There are good shops for young people. It's nice to come in and do some shopping and have a cup of tea at a cafe. 3. On the opposite side of the street there is a bookstore. It is easy to find. On it hangs a sign. This new store. It is quite large. As there are many different books and textbooks. When you go there, it is important to know what you want to buy. There are salespeople who help to find the book. It's nice to find there something new and interesting. 4. What's in your fridge? - Oh, it's a big fridge. In it two cameras and there are a lot of different products. There are cheese, butter, milk, jam, juice. In the freezer to eat meat, fish, ice cream. It also eat fruits and vegetables.
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