3 Look at the statements below about the Edin each statement 1-10 is T (true) or F (false). 1 The Edinburgh Festival is an annual event. 2 The Edinburgh Festival consists of various festivals. 3 The Edinburgh Festival offers entertainment for people of all ages. 4 There are many shows to choose from during the Festival 5 200 million tourists visit Edinburgh every year
Воуво! тех-перевод, нэ?
to place - a placement , hot - heat, to force - a force, to affect - an affection, to cause - a cause, to occur(не уверена, - скорее всего то же самое или occuration), to speed - a speed, to develop - development, to fish - fishing, to hammer - hammer, to chisel - chisel, to pile- pile, precious(не заню О_0), mountainous - mountains, to hate - a hatred, hate, wise - wisdom, wide - width, to employ - employment, personal - personality, cool - coolness, cool, to indicate - indicator
Our country is Belarus. Belarus is a beautiful country. It adorns the fields , woods, groves, mounntains and hills. we have a popular places, places sush as: Belovezhskaya pusha, dreamland, Botanical Garden, park Cheluskinsev, Gorky park, the zoo, dolphinarium and so on. Now I want to tell about the Belovezhskaya pusha. This is a nature reserve where live different animals, all of them listed in the Red Book. hunt them is prohibited because these animals remained to little. I can list all the pleasures of my country infinitely, but the fact remains - I love my country.
ну как-то так, мб