3 Match 1-5 with a-h. There are three letters you do not need to use. 1 You mustn't swim here.
a Only pupils should run here.
2 You have to be a pupil to go on the trip. -
b It's never a good idea to eat and then swim!
3 You shouldn't run here.
c Pupils must have a ticket.
4 You don't have to buy a ticket.
d Be careful. It's not safe to run here.
5 You shouldn't swim after eating.
e Pupils only!
f No swimming!
g Come in! No cost!
h All pupils welcome.
даю 45
Paul and Oliver usually play sports at the sports center on holiday.
Paul sometimes watches birds in the Wales parks in August.
Paul and Oliver always have countryside walks in the Wales parks at weekends.
Oliver often rides a bike in the Wales parks in summer.
Paul sometimes rides a horse in the Wales parks on holiday.
Paul and Oliver usually fish in the Wales parks every summer.
Oliver often climbs mountains in the Wales parks in summer.
Paul and Oliver sometimes buy souvenirs in the Wales parks on holiday.