3 Match the comments with a form of communication from the box in Exercise 1. 1 Hi, this is Susan. Sorry, I can't talk at the moment. Please leave me a message after the beep! phone call 2 Please find attached the form. You need to complete it and send it back to me. 3 Hi Grandma, can you see me OK? I can hear you but there's no video. Can you turn your webcam on? 4 @RM_Players celebrate in the street. We won the league again! #victory 5 OK Tanya, CU on Fri at 7:30 @ the cinema. Txt me if u get lost! 6 Barbara has added 17 new photos to her album Life in Leeds.
Короче первое Phone call
Второе email
Третье skype
Четвёртое social media post
Пятое text message
Шестое blog post
ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ВЗЯТА С САЙТА https://referatikz.com/7-class/anglijskij-jazyk-ben-goldstein-7-klass-2017/u84-ex3-p17/