3. Match the idioms to their definitions. 1) a silver surfer
a) ready to use
2) blow a fuse
b) to react to a situation with fear and confusion
3) get/have our wires crossed c) a person aged over 50 who uses the Internet
4) not rocket science
d) to get angry/to lose your temper
5) on the same wavelength e) to think similarly or to have the same ideas and opinions
6) re-invent the wheel
f) something is easy to understand or do
7) up and running
g) to waste time doing something that has already been done correctly
8) hit the panic button h) to misunderstand someone
ex 1
ex 2
1)My mum studyed chemistry at Oxford University(моя мама изучала химию в Оксвордском Университете)
2)Our clock stopped at exactly half past seven(наши часы остановились ровно на пол двенадцатого)
8)They crossed Antractica on foot(они пересекли Антрактику пешком)
7)My uncle marryed a woman from New Zealand(мой дядя женился на женщине из Новой Зеландии)
6)My great-grandfather invented a new kind of bicycle(мой прадед изобрел новый вид велосипедов)
4)We watched the Cup Final on TW in my hotel room(мы смотрели финал кубка на телевизоре в моей комнате в отеле)
3)That comment nearly started a flight!
5)They sailed from Dublin to New-Yourk(Они перелыли из Дублина в Нью-Йорк
2. 1) Our environment is in danger.
2) Plants and factories cause the pollution of the nature.
3) Every year people cut down more trees, build more roads and use more land for farming.
4) Rainforests are the lungs of our planet.
5) We can recycle most kinds of paper, glass, metal and plastic.
4. 1) Our environment is in danger because people often do things which pollute land and water greatly.
2) The "Red Book" is a book where all endangered plants and amimals are written in.
3) People can stop cutting down rainforests, stop nuclear weapon tests and recycle wastes.
3. The title of the text -
Let's take care of our environment.