4. Complete the questo 1. How are ... ? They are salty and deep. 3. What is the ... ? The weather is hot and wet there. 2. What kind of ... ? Camels and snakes live in the deserts. 4. Why can't plants... ? It is very cold high up on them.
1. You should ask Mr. Lavrov to tell you about London. He lived there for several years and he knows the cityvery well. 2. We must discuss this matter in detail. 3. Why did you go by subway? You should have taken bus 15. 4. You should attach to the letter the latest directories for the AB 20 model. 5. Why don't you agree to these prices? You should I agree to them. Other companies sell such machines at higher prices. 6. You should buy a suit one size larger. This one is small for you. 7. Why have you come so late? You should have come earlier because the discussion you are interested in, has already begun.
Физкультура — это мой любимый предмет в школе. Это не значит, что я не люблю учиться — по математике, истории и другим предметам я успеваю неплохо. Но мне очень нравится двигаться: бегать, прыгать, лазать по канату и шведской стенке.Физкультура — это физическая культура. Она направлена на укрепление здоровья человека, на развитие его физических что очень важно. Недостаток движения может плохо сказаться на здоровье школьников: у них портится осанка, ухудшается зрение, они cтановятся физически cлабыми. На физкультуре же мы получаем возможность оздоровиться: мы бегаем, играем в мяч, прыгаем в длину. Когда на улице холодно, то уроки проводят на свежем воздухе ..во дворе школы
lived there for several years and he knows the cityvery well.
2. We must discuss this matter in detail.
3. Why did you go by subway? You should have taken bus 15.
4. You should attach to the letter the latest directories for the AB 20 model.
5. Why don't you agree to these prices? You should I agree to them. Other companies sell such machines at higher prices.
6. You should buy a suit one size larger. This one is small for you.
7. Why have you come so late? You should have come earlier because the discussion you are interested in, has already begun.